Sitemap - 2021 - Yakk Stack

Israel Looking to End COVID with Massive Omicron Spread - Pox Party Herd Immunity

Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday's

How are the Vaccine Passports Working Out?

About 700 COVID Deaths Were Added to Alberta's Counts for 2020 and 2021

How Bad is your Performance if You’d Rather Look at Feces Instead of Your Own Quarterly Report?

Here Is Why Nobody Gives a Fuck About COVID-OMICRON!

5-11 Year Old Adverse Events

I've Taken My Third Shot Today

10 Fully Vaccinated People Die From COVID Every Day in Canada

How Long is Dose 2 Protection?

Vaccine Driven Outbreaks


LinkedIn Prison

New Proposed Pfizer Secret Sauce for 5-12 Age Group?

Vaccines Ain't Got Nothing on This Variant!

5-11 is NOT a Safe Age for Blood Clots and Myocarditis

Is This Why The Numbers Were Padded?

Why did Alberta Retroactively Add 50+% of COVID Deaths to Pre-Vax Roll-out Numbers?

A Couple of GREAT DAYS for Alberta

A Terrible Milestone in Israel, Today.

Amazing Things Happening

Israel: Myocarditis Risk Update.

It's Time to Audit AHS:

"Take 2 of these and call me in the morning" - Says Israeli Study

More COVID Deaths Following Vaccinations

20% of COVID Deaths are in the Vaccinated

Over the Weekend in Israel

"Anti-Vaxxers" would have a much different meaning and conversations surrounding...

How Many Fully Vaxxed are Walking Around with Waning Immunity?

Lock Her UP!

Are You Bothered by being called an Anti-Vaxxer?

Israel - COVID and Excess Deaths

Hospitals are Made for Sick People

Forecasting COVID Timelines

I've been duped...

Vaccine Passports, 120 Days &

I refuse to disclose any details of my medical history.

Natural Immunity

Too Many Stupid Conversations - COVID

Super-spreader Stampede 2021

Did the Lockdowns and Mask Mandates Save Lives?

We Need to Protect the Vaccinated?

The Winter of our Discontent?

Vaccine Hesitancy: 20's

Meat, Your Immune System?

Vaccine Hesitancy - Hidden in the Stats

I Consent?

Taxing your Immune System right now may be a Terrible Idea - Summary

Taxing your Immune System right now may be a Terrible Idea

Medical Extortion?

Did Australia Stop COVID?

COVID Vaccines and 163 other medications I won't take for you.

Why the Canadian Provincial and Federal Vaxports will do absolutely nothing.

Checking in on the Israeli Stats.

I really wanted Vaccinations to be the way out from COVID.

What are the risks associated to COVID vaccine induced myocarditis?

Kids are 13x more likely to suffer from the vaccine than die from COVID.

Get the Vax

The Israeli Data

They continue to lie because...

Trust the Science!

Your Immune System is Not Political

What, fresh new hell, is this?