Every year as we close out of summer we see a fairly regular cycle of Influenza that is starts around the end of October and can run through to July. Seasonal reports can be downloaded and reviewed from the Government of Alberta Website, with information stretching back to 2010/2011. Nobody is particularly surprised by information on Flu Season as we get a regular reminder to get our Flu Shots every year around the same time:
While last year seemingly was a shorter season for influenza, it seems a lot more dramatic for the period for the active duration, so it made me wonder what this may look like into the up and coming season and started looking into the bigger picture following mass and mandated COVID vaccinations and the information provided by additional government sources.
Why the Canadian Provincial and Federal Vaxports will do absolutely nothing.
CDC Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting Data at current reports 717,338 adverse events from the COVID vaccinations in the United States, including 13,911 Deaths, 56,912 Hospitalizations, 14,327 Life Threatening Conditions, and 18,098 Permanent Disabilities:
What is important to understand about these adverse reactions is that these are all consequences of immune responses.
Immune response
The immune response is how your body recognizes and defends itself against bacteria, viruses, and substances that appear foreign and harmful.
There is a delicate balance of energy requirements for our immune systems that is as unique to each individual as Basal Metabolic Rate.
Basal metabolic rateÂ
Even when resting, your body burns calories by performing basic functions to sustain life, such as:
nutrient processing
cell production
Basal metabolic rate is the number of calories your body needs to accomplish its most basic (basal) life-sustaining functions.
We may all understand this under the idea of metabolic rate or metabolism by how many calories we need to consume per day as well as if we’ve added a few extra pounds try to come to terms with a Calorie In - Calorie Out idea around specific diets. If you are more active and eat less calories, you lose weight. If you are consuming more calories than you burn per day, you gain weight.
Your immune system works much the same. If you have a chronic condition, your immune system is already being taxed, meaning that it is spending more energy than would be without a having a chronic condition. Thing is, while weight loss can be a goal of a calorie deficiency, consequences of a deficient immune system are the results we seen in the VAERS data, up-to and including permanent disabilities and death.
This is already evidenced by severity of conditions ranging from Non-Severe to Deceased information provided by Alberta Health Services, COVID specific:
The severity of your condition increases with each additional comorbidity. Those that suffered from 3 or more comorbidities were the highest at risk and the Government of Canada identifies Dementia or Alzheimers as the #1 highest risk group and a conversation that Jason Grootman - Mayo Clinic Certified Wellness Coach - invited me into:
(This is only the beginning of my reply but was content that I felt worthy of sharing - I will be addressing dementia in following posts - if you haven’t already added Jason Grootman to your LinkedIn Network, I’d recommend the follow, he shares a lot of great information on LI)
Moving right along…
If you have any of the above listed conditions, your immune system is already being taxed; If you have multiple conditions, you are at a higher risk; If you introduce a foreign toxin to your body, you are adding in additional immune responses to an already taxed immune system; If you add in a virus such as COVID or Influenza, things could start getting a lot more serious.
How Much More Serious?
The most current report from Public Health England starts to give an idea of what this looks like. Published September 3, 2021 their report gives shows that though cases between vaccinated and unvaccinated are only about half - 113k-219k, Death rate within 28 days of positive specimen date puts those that have been vaccinated at 2x that of unvaccinated - 1091-536.
This already seems alarming because there is 4x the mortality rate associated with case count if you’ve been vaccinated, as in, if you have been vaccinated and catch COVID, you are 4x more likely to die than if you weren’t vaccinated.
Coming into respiratory virus season - Flu Season - with none of the high risk associated comorobidities, adding in an injection that already commands an immune response, increases your risk factor from suffering from the worst effects from both influenza and COVID.
With one or more of the high risk associated comorobidities, adding in an injection that already commands an immune response, increases your risk factor from suffering from the worst effects from both influenza and COVID.
Adding in a second jab, increases your immune response again, and will again increase your risk factor from suffering from the worst effects from both influenza and COVID.
In Israel and with booster injections already surpassing 30% of the population at a 3rd injection with the inevitability of a 4th, this will again increase your risk factor from suffering from the worst effects from both influenza and COVID.
(if you have been vaccinated against COVID and catch COVID, you are 4x more likely to die than if you weren’t)
These are statistics before we see the impact of single injections, in Canada, during the same seasonal trend. We have never really been through this situation, vaccinations only started rolling out in Canada when Influenza from 2020 was already over:
With both case count and COVID deaths already on the rise in Canada, what are we looking at over the next few months?