Previous Post - Too Many Stupid Conversations - COVID
There have been several articles published and several studies completed that seemingly indicate natural immunity from prior infection is more robust than the COVID vaccines and Kids may get better immunity from catching virus naturally when compared to vaccine.
These are seemingly very important conversations that we should be having and interestingly enough, I am not going to have this conversation just yet either, but don’t worry, I will get to it.
The natural immunity that I wanted to start off with is the natural immunity that allowed the majority of the population to survive before vaccines were even introduced.
Drilling down data from Alberta Health Services - so that I can extract all cases prior to vaccination - First Case reported - March 6th to the last on December 31st - there were 103,265 cases, 1,534 deaths and 101,731 recoveries - with an even distribution on all age ranges for mortality and including both sexes, shows a 98.5% chance of survival. Given that we knew very little of this virus in the early days, this is actually a pretty scary number. If stretched over the population of Alberta in 2020 we’d be looking at 4,417,006 deaths, provincial deaths averaged out over the last 20 years - 22,976 which would give us 192 years worth of mortality spread by a respiratory virus in an undetermined time of spread.
Thing is, not everybody in Alberta, Canada, North America nor the rest of the planet is at risk.
COVID tends towards those classified as High Risk Groups. These groups have been specifically identified with Chronic Conditions and Obesity. This isn’t news. We knew this in February of 2020, CDC published it on their website, by March of 2020 AHS published this information on theirs…and things have remained the exact same since.
I could break these groups down and will in future posts, but I figured I’d give the short version [roll eyes here], to start off with, summed up in a pretty picture:
What is also important to note is when the Highest Risk time of year is and how unsurprising it is as it completely overlays Flu Season - Respiratory Virus Season:
Having a weak immune system coming into fall, with a naturally occurring respiratory virus season is a lot more dangerous. Strain on an already taxed immune system is a recipe for mortality and the very essence of death from COVID.
Weak Immune System=BAD
It’s really not that surprising that at least somebody hypothesized that having a stronger immune system would be a really great idea - published online April 22, 2020.
The powerful immune system against powerful COVID-19:
The hypothesis
Considering the pivotal role of ATP in cellular function, c-ATP depletion can lead to cellular dysfunction [6]. Immune cells are not an exception. In this article, c-ATP is the index of cellular energy.
Evaluation of the hypothesis
Here, we show how c-ATP repletion can counteract with defensive mechanisms of COVID-19 and promote the immune system to the enhancement pathway.
Replete ATP and the pandemic is over?
What is this ATP, you speak of? And where do we get us some of this ATP? Amazon? eBay? Pharmacy? Grocery Store?
What is ATP and what does it do?
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) is the primary energy carrier in all living organisms on earth. Microorganisms capture and store energy metabolized from food and light sources in the form of ATP.
ATP is a wormhole unto itself and a science lesson that I am not qualified to teach, but essentially it’s the batteries of your immunity. When the scientists from the previous study suggested that we need to consume more energy for our immune system, it starts to make more sense.
More Energy=Stronger Immune System=Survive COVID and Flu Season.
As you drill into ATP and immunity you may start to wonder why some people have ample amounts of ATP and a strong immunity, while others suffer from the worst consequences of Respiratory Viruses.
Chronic inflammation and disease deplete the energy to your immune system which requires regular replenishment. People with Multiple Conditions require a lot more energy or they suffer from the worst possible consequences.
So, how do you go about eating a big bag ‘o’ ATP?
We already do…a lot of us, anyways.
You see for western based diets, Standard American or Canadian Food Guide, we are regular consumers of a few products that feed our immune system - over and above the nutrients gained from consuming non-processed foods.
Specifically a combination of Amino Acids that are predominantly found in Animal Based Proteins - L-arginine, glycine, and L-methionine and their metabolite in the body - Creatine, also found in MEAT!
Yes, Creatine.
That odorless, tasteless powder, that you can’t remember why you used to take it, stuff.
Creatine is the number-one supplement for improving performance in the gym.
Studies show that it can increase muscle mass, strength and exercise performance
Increase muscle mass, as in, Creatine is stored inside of your muscles in form of Creatine Phosphate.
Creatine phosphate is formed from creatine and is used in skeletal muscle and the nervous system with ADP to produce ATP
When you wanted to be more trim and muscular, you ate more meat and less processed crap - not all of you, don’t worry, I will eventually get to the vegan version of this.
Eat meat, do exercise, gain muscles, store creatine and have a healthy immune system because Creatine re-energizes ATP to help power your immune system.
This might seem like bullshit or too simple to be the solution, but if you remember that most people who don’t suffer from multiple conditions survive COVID, it might make a little more sense. This goes a lot deeper, by way of condition but to give an idea of how important feeding the immune system goes, try to imagine being immune to Cancer after treatment and recovery.
The following study was done in mouse studies, but this study was only completed in October of 2019 - a few months before COVID came on the scene - March 2020.
Creatine powers T cells' fight against cancer
Give that quick read and when you are mid way down, you will come to this:
Four out of five mice that received this combination therapy were found to have completely eradicated their colon cancer tumors and remained tumor-free for over three months. Furthermore, when they were given a second round of tumor cells, all these "cancer survivor" mice were protected from tumor recurrence and remained tumor-free for an additional six months.
Cancer treatment + Creatine was able cure cancer and offer immunity when a second round of tumor cells in all of the “cancer survivor mice” was introduced.
That’s pretty big news. Think of the immune system after “COVID survivors” made it past their first encounter with COVID and we see:
Natural Immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity. Individuals who were both previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 and given a single dose of the vaccine gained additional protection against the Delta variant.
I’m not saying go out now and buy a big tub of creatine and start taking it. What I am saying is that those that suffer from the worst outcomes during respiratory virus season do so due to a weakened immune system, most others will survive simply doing what they are already doing to improve their immune system, Regular Low Inflammation Diet, Exercise and Proper Sleep. To improve your immune system you need to reduce existing inflammation inside of your body so that your natural processes are able to maintain enough immunity to keep you safe from any infection or increase the fuel that powers your immune system.
We’re 19 Months into a Global Pandemic, where most people survive with no intervention, some not even knowing they were infected. Policies and measures enacted by our governments include restricting movement, closing down gyms and sports, endorsing meal deliveries while allowing alcohol and tobacco products to be sold. While we should all agree that we have the ability to make decisions for ourselves and our families and that these decisions may include things that can tax our immune system, restricting freedoms that will lead to a weakened immune system are generally terrible ideas.
Understanding your current risks is of a great benefit and there are ways without drilling in to all of the statistics and charts. A simple Algorithm was shared by Oxford University for the specifics of risk and COVID - COVID RISK CALCULATOR
That might be a good place to start and then maybe keep an eye out for additional information that seems relevant to your overall health. I will be drilling out conditions, obesity vs age and why even the healthy can have an overtaxed immune system in following posts. Subscribe below if you are interested in more information - because some of my content - albeit predominantly Government Based Statistical Data - doesn’t conform to community standards on other social media platforms.