
Livestream with Gloriane Blais - Recorded

If you couldn't make the stream tonight.

An amazing conversation with Gloriane Blais this evening…lots to unpack in the conversation but a worthwhile watch.

When you consider that she’s been victim of the ultimate cancel culture - losing her license to practice law, after a 20+ year career, losing her firm and had to sell her home just to continue down this path…

If you have any questions and aren’t on X, please feel free to ask them in comments, I’ll make sure that they get to Gloriane and get answered.


If you have the ability to help Gloriane continue on in her journey, her 2 requests…

Help keep up public pressure, because we will see no Legacy Media Support on this, show up on Monday, April 7th, 2025 - Quebec City Courthouse.

Documents - Complete file →Link

And for donations:

Easy, automatic transfers EVERY MONTH a small (or larger) donation, via http://buymeacoffee.com/gloriane Don't forget to click

on "Make this monthly". Other transfer options are : GiveSendGo http://givesendgo.com/gloriane Interarc gloriane.blais@protonmail.com Answer: Debout For the children's future


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