What neither of you are "recognizing" is that the B.A.R. has been set up to protect the "regime" of de facto governance to ensure that situation stays as the "ruling" authority at all costs. You are not reading our own history. You are "sticking" to or rather, I'll say, "clinging" to the biggest lie in this land mass we call "Canada". You must go back and read our history from the beginning and please, not the "google" variety of history. Go back to the first French settler's and the first Husdon's Bay Charter The "BNA Act" and look at who they were, the Catholic Church and the British and French Monarchies. Thank you for your work on this in helping to expose to the "people" the depth of the fraud being perpetrated on all of us under the "guise" of a made up word like demon- ocracy.
Massive fraud. Exactly. In Britain they lied in 2020 about the amount of pcr tests done. Not enough time in a day to do that many and eye witnesses went to pcr testing sites and no.one there. Video footage done. Google earth surveillance would pick up no one there showing a large fraud. Demand video of empty testing sites throughout Canada.
Patty Hadju was in Toronto Airport in 2020 no mask sitting there. Food and drink all done. Get FOI of Patty Hadju in 2020 specifically for air travel safety as she said it wasn't about health when the airline industry wanted to help make it safe. Scam by all. Do a time line of the hypocrites . From no mask politicians to them traveling to attack on hydroxichoroquine and ivermectin to the layoffs of 97 registered nurses in Newmarket Ontario in Sept 2020 but a deadly pandemic with must shut down restaurants and stores in Toronto then patio but don't need nurses even after massive amounts of money given to hospitals. A study done in 2020 in a Toronto ICU showing no spread in the covid room into the air. Miniscule fragments. This debunks the need for social distancing and lockdowns. Search to find the study and FOI the government for this. They would have gotten it.
DARPA did MRNA trials in Feb 2019 so therefore US Military involved. Sam Cooper Twitter and The Bureau for massive corruption and espionage foe the covid vaccine to be made with China called CanSino and China had SEC filing showing graphene oxide and Pfizer whistle-blower Melissa MacAtee says the vaccines came pre mixed from China. Pfizer employees can't say no graphene oxide in these vaccines as third party ingredients involved. The 2 expelled Chinese scientists from Winnipeg Lab 4 has to be highlighted in court as well because these scientists stole bioweapons research and it was covered up by Theresa Tam. This bio weapon research to the Chinese communist party. Speak to Sam Cooper. Great minds get together to attack them in court for cover up of an experimental vaccine that has killed and harmed. The same communist party Trudeau paid money for a covid vaccine.
Get Glorianne to get in touch with Brook Jackson Twitter Melissa MacAtee and Sam Cooper.
Gloriana should inquire at the ICC at the Hague as Israeli citizens filed a complaint there for being made guinea pigs and Israel made the green pass for segregation based on vaccine status. A real nazi practice in modern times. Reuters tried to downplay this complaint. Israelis were calling for help. If the appeal loses off to the International Criminal Court. We have lots of precedents like the first polio vaccine in 1955 where it was harming so a court case found the manufacturer liable because they called it safe. People were fired and held accountable All the best on this amazing lawsuit. Really go after Christine Elliott in Court. It is rumored she wanted the unvaccinated criminalized and put in quarantine camps. Really go hard there as something made her quit rather quickly. Bill Blair needs subpoena who was Public Safety Minister. That guy has no clue regarding human rights. He lost for the G200 in 2010 in Toronto as Metro Toronto Police Chief. Complete chaos. Charter violations. Inept incompetent.
The UN acknowledges that the most dangerous to people is crooked cops government judges and lawyers and they are the ones who aid organized crime and cause massive corruption. This angle needs highlighting over and over again.
What neither of you are "recognizing" is that the B.A.R. has been set up to protect the "regime" of de facto governance to ensure that situation stays as the "ruling" authority at all costs. You are not reading our own history. You are "sticking" to or rather, I'll say, "clinging" to the biggest lie in this land mass we call "Canada". You must go back and read our history from the beginning and please, not the "google" variety of history. Go back to the first French settler's and the first Husdon's Bay Charter The "BNA Act" and look at who they were, the Catholic Church and the British and French Monarchies. Thank you for your work on this in helping to expose to the "people" the depth of the fraud being perpetrated on all of us under the "guise" of a made up word like demon- ocracy.
Massive fraud. Exactly. In Britain they lied in 2020 about the amount of pcr tests done. Not enough time in a day to do that many and eye witnesses went to pcr testing sites and no.one there. Video footage done. Google earth surveillance would pick up no one there showing a large fraud. Demand video of empty testing sites throughout Canada.
Did you contact Michelle Brille Edward's a whistle blower at Health Canada in the late 90s.
Patty Hadju was in Toronto Airport in 2020 no mask sitting there. Food and drink all done. Get FOI of Patty Hadju in 2020 specifically for air travel safety as she said it wasn't about health when the airline industry wanted to help make it safe. Scam by all. Do a time line of the hypocrites . From no mask politicians to them traveling to attack on hydroxichoroquine and ivermectin to the layoffs of 97 registered nurses in Newmarket Ontario in Sept 2020 but a deadly pandemic with must shut down restaurants and stores in Toronto then patio but don't need nurses even after massive amounts of money given to hospitals. A study done in 2020 in a Toronto ICU showing no spread in the covid room into the air. Miniscule fragments. This debunks the need for social distancing and lockdowns. Search to find the study and FOI the government for this. They would have gotten it.
DARPA did MRNA trials in Feb 2019 so therefore US Military involved. Sam Cooper Twitter and The Bureau for massive corruption and espionage foe the covid vaccine to be made with China called CanSino and China had SEC filing showing graphene oxide and Pfizer whistle-blower Melissa MacAtee says the vaccines came pre mixed from China. Pfizer employees can't say no graphene oxide in these vaccines as third party ingredients involved. The 2 expelled Chinese scientists from Winnipeg Lab 4 has to be highlighted in court as well because these scientists stole bioweapons research and it was covered up by Theresa Tam. This bio weapon research to the Chinese communist party. Speak to Sam Cooper. Great minds get together to attack them in court for cover up of an experimental vaccine that has killed and harmed. The same communist party Trudeau paid money for a covid vaccine.
Get Glorianne to get in touch with Brook Jackson Twitter Melissa MacAtee and Sam Cooper.
Gloriana should inquire at the ICC at the Hague as Israeli citizens filed a complaint there for being made guinea pigs and Israel made the green pass for segregation based on vaccine status. A real nazi practice in modern times. Reuters tried to downplay this complaint. Israelis were calling for help. If the appeal loses off to the International Criminal Court. We have lots of precedents like the first polio vaccine in 1955 where it was harming so a court case found the manufacturer liable because they called it safe. People were fired and held accountable All the best on this amazing lawsuit. Really go after Christine Elliott in Court. It is rumored she wanted the unvaccinated criminalized and put in quarantine camps. Really go hard there as something made her quit rather quickly. Bill Blair needs subpoena who was Public Safety Minister. That guy has no clue regarding human rights. He lost for the G200 in 2010 in Toronto as Metro Toronto Police Chief. Complete chaos. Charter violations. Inept incompetent.
The UN acknowledges that the most dangerous to people is crooked cops government judges and lawyers and they are the ones who aid organized crime and cause massive corruption. This angle needs highlighting over and over again.