
This ought to piss you off...

And every single Premier should be standing up to this!

“You get more back than you receive”, was never a slogan that anybody believed, because it’s patently false and has been spoken to several times by the PBO, including up to where he openly stated that he and his report stating exactly this, were under GAG Order…and the Libs, supported by the NDP refused to listen to *almost every single Provincial Premier who stood up to this, and began to screw almost all Canadians Harder, April 1st, 2024…the exact same day all MPs got a pay hike.

*Almost…because, with support already swirling the drain, Trudeau decided that he needed to try and lock in some more seats in Eastern Canada and offered them the sweet deal of No Additional Taxes on their home heating…while shackling Canadian Taxpayers with additional debt to have those who qualified for a “Free Heat Pump”, under their own specific criteria, for Maritimers.

When Trudeau did this…Big Balls Sask Premier - Scott Moe, basically told Trudeau and the coalition to kick rocks.

“We either all get the same deal, or we won’t collect the bullshit tax on home heating”…I paraphrase, but imagine that his backroom chatter was a lot more in tune with this, than his public statement.

And now…since the feds see no issue in seizing bank accounts…are sicking Revy Can on the Provincial Bank Accounts of Sask.

While I don’t know what implications this may have…I can imagine that it will be pretty serious. Taking accounts away from Truckers and their supporters in February of 2022, still has lasting impacts on some of these families who couldn’t cover off their monthly expenses, be them mortgage or vehicle payments, costing late fees if not cancellations on loans an CC debt…literally putting some families out in the streets, without shelter, a vehicle or even insurance to operate.

This is after having tried to shame them all through their company names and have them doxed, businesses negatively reported on Yelp and Google, driving their ratings into ashes…while having individuals fired from their place of employment.

The most disgusting time in Canada and a stain on our history…

That’s now being repeated on a much larger scale.

How many are employed by the Province of Sask…and if they have their Bank Accounts Seized, how many people and families will this impact?

How many outstanding provincial debts will this same approach hammer into proverbial ashes?

And what’s amazing about this is…despite sinking Canadians into generational debt…hammering us with higher carbon taxes - which impacts the cost of almost every consumable that we purchase, including our own travel and home heating/cooling expenses…to buy votes from the down trodden…

The Liberals still managed to lose a byelection in a 3 decade stronghold Toronto-area riding- St. Paul’s - to a Conservative.

The Liberal Caucus has tried to call emergency meetings with Dipstick Trudeau…most likely to get him to step down, but he’s not interested in hearing them out, anymore than he was in sitting down to a conversation with the Truckers.

And now…in a bid that will surely lose him more support both provincially and federally…he’s going to try and do this same thing again?

Has he lost his ever-loving mind?

And if he hasn’t…Every Single Canadian should be…and should be shouting to their Premier to Back Scott and Saskatchewan on their bid to be treated equally.

This needs to go VIRAL!

And though there is some slippage in the Legacy Media, where they struggle to hide the incompetence of the Liberal Minority Government, who keeps doling out more cash to keep them afloat…most folk won’t hear about this.


Do your thang!

If you can send this video and post to EVERYBODY, so that this raises awareness…it would be greatly appreciated.

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