Sad but true! Canadians don't want to see their family's hard work given away and their children living in tent cities. They would prefer their elderly are given a living pension plan vs offered MAIDS.

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Every western nation is collapsing under hyper immigration, this is the work of Klaus’s globalists, and by the way supported by Poilievre. Communism works best when everyone is poor and dependant on the government. Canadians are so afraid of being called racists they defend what is actually destroying the middle class and their country. Is Canada better off now at 40 million than it was at 30 million? The solution apparently is we just need more people. Western nations have become puppets of the WEF where the world is run on rules based on marxism demanding conformance to a central ideology.

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Our unemployment rate is 8.1 wow glad we brought in so many people for all those jobs. We have been hoodwinked

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Jobs 'they' don't work, save a unicorn or two

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But there's this N.African quote:

-The tree to the 🪓 : you hurt me -The 🪓: the handle is from you.

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If You Are The Last One Left

Remember To Unplug The Theme Park.


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today my elderly fairly frail neighbour said shes terrified of going to the hospital , incase they kill her and say she just died. What has this government done to the generation thats shaped this country and stayed strong thru tough times. Now they are scared to get killed, not by a thief although good god lets of those the RCMP can never find, but in our hospitals

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And her spirit on this issue is dead on spot

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So sad, I too am afraid to go to a hospital.

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Full on agree Sheldon. It is going to come to a head more quickly than many realize.

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Perhaps these are false pretences for a hidden agenda?

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Believe nothing from GOVCAN all institutions now infiltrated.

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The thing their missing is the estimate of arsonist , more,less, a whole bunch because we know they will be out in full force , blaming climate change and enjoying those fat envelopes full of cash

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Good point regarding the increase in immigration while blaming Canadians for global warming!

Pretty hard to argue that point..

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2012 75782 Canadians left Canada, 2022 136,342 left mostly, well educated, better incomes and you can bet in those two years the numbers only grew. And these are not Tim’s workers but well educated and on the higher income train. They are moving all over but the US at this moment is their number one spot, especially Florida. No income tax in Florida, much more progressive government, far less restrictions than Canada during the scamdemic. And while the first remarks will be, but we have free healthcare have no clue how much their taxes go towards our free healthcare that’s a complete disaster right now. Haha to think some called As it’s the female DeSantis, I can hardly stop laughing over that

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The arsonist will have to find time to burn down trees with burning down churches. They might have to hire new staff to keep up. St Anne’s in Toronto and Anglican Church, you know just a Christian church, full of the group of seven beautiful art work, burned to the ground, fully engulfed before and rescue vehicles arrived. And I don’t know about you but they haven’t investigated yet, but they declared it’s not arson. Holy hell amongst all of Fords amazing talents and Chows they are also investigators as well. No wonder Doug’s doing so well. What a farce and msm coverage , a church burnt that had nice architecture, that was their concern, not that another Christian church. Now had this been a mosque , omg Trudeau would have been angry, then weeping clutching his pink panties. How much more has to happen to wake folks up. I truly have never seen such deadbeats as Canadians. Some countries citizens get out by the millions, get beat downs and still go out the next day. I can only conclude Canadians don’t give a crap about Canada, so maybe the ones of us that do, should just standby and let it burn to the ground. When it gets on their doorstep don’t expect us to come save you

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Trump's Secret, US Army Vaccine Delivery, Pfizer Contract


Why would the US Army purchase and supply Covid vaccines for a "WHO Medical emergency", if it were not a "WHO US Army, Military Operation," instead,for $1,950,097,500.00

What was the sum paid, translated into words, as my educational ability does not stretch that far - but the US Army apparently, supplied the World, as well as "just America".

You will find Operation Warp Speed mentioned in that contract, in the 3rd paragraph down

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It is impossible to reason with spiritually dead skin suits.



And this message is grounded af.

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