According to CBC over 100,000 Canadians have moved to the US to escape our madness. Pardon the pun but I think they might just have trumped us with yesterday's ruling. It's sad days when Nicaragua looks better than Canada and the US.
Sadly, I disagree. Pierre is an opportunist. His wife made ga-millions on the covid tests. Pierre was 120% for all lock downs, travel restrictions, covid testing and bleating on and on about getting vaccines out into the arms of all Canadians. Unfortunately those bits and pieces of truth, video and media seems to have fallen off the map of history. This man is no different. he will do nothing for us but pretend to and then fall into the same line of the WEF, BBB, WHO etc. he is a rat disguised as a saint.
I certainly did not say or imply I thought Pierre was a Saint! Nor did I say it was going to be sunshine and rainbows with him in power! My point was on how corrupt this big shit show has become! Sorry if I misled you, lol!
And I think I was referring to the comment about Pierre possibly having charges laid against him. It was me who was not clear. Likely not going to happen cause I am 100% sure they clap each other on the back, shake hands and do deals when no one is listening......This nefarious group of politicians are all in cahoots. I see it as no other way since there are so many tools in Pierre pocket as leader of the opposition and yet he uses none.
Koolaid?? Think it's more like heavy pharmacuticals,excessive alcohol and plenty of street drugs . Mostly pharmacuticals and alcohol though....theses people all consume plenty of both ..and huge amounts of brain damage from excessive usage of both. ...
Sad thing is it’s being brainwashed into kids heads, our AB governments talking about net zero, carbon capture, tv has ads all the time, eat enough cake you get fat. Our kids are believing this bs
Like I said earlier in a reply, Danielle is not doing anything for's all show. She and her husband already have their escape route planned and paid for. It's the average 'hard working tax payer that will be stuck with everything that is taking place. We will have to deal with martial law, lockdowns, digital ID etc.....those who have the dough already have their bunkers ready.
Do you have a link to show they have a spot in Costa Rica! Or is this more like “ I heard it from a friend “, who “ heard it from a friend “ kind of thing? Our Mb Premiere that retired half way through his second term, in the middle of C19, went to Costa Rica! He had that place for 5-10 years prior to becoming Premier of Mb! But I’m sure he knew then already what they had planned for his future!
It might be lee but my daughter and I returned from a. month in Crica. We stayed with friends who have moved and retired there at the beginning and end of our trip. They are still jumping through hoops as 'foreigners' and said it has been discussed and talked about at different meetings with lawyers Etc. Apparently it's the place 'they' are going'. But it could be what you suggested it is.
If Alberta didn't have to do the massive wealth transfers to other provinces even Que/Ont (cause with the highest populations, they need tax money from Alb/BC to cover all the freebies and handouts they give out). Alberta would look like Dubai. I don't trust Danielle either, rumour is her and her husband have already picked out their retirement spot in Costa Rica. Funny eh, how CR just said they would not follow the WHO......but Danielle has done zero for health in Alberta. The Alb H still rules and is demanding making etc etc already. Where are her true cahonese.
Career Politicians are in it for the perks not policy or beliefs OR for 'the good of the public'
only for the 'public Purse' Why else would anyone spend a million and more campaigning for a job that pays (Premier AB $65,244.00) ? The Pension Plan is Key with PERKS iff'in you follow the program many perks will follow you. Ms. Smith has been groomed by the old guard of Wild Rose Days and her Father. If rumour is true? Perhaps Costa Rica will implode as well?
Tide is turning....half my neighbourhood is packing up and leaving. Even the normies have succumbed to sticker shock. Here we GO !! Woo Hoo !! Just lov'in it.
Well I can think of a perfect place for the lunatics - it's supposed to be nice & hot there too, fit right in with their "earth is burning" propaganda! But even HELL might be too good for these insane beings!
According to CBC over 100,000 Canadians have moved to the US to escape our madness. Pardon the pun but I think they might just have trumped us with yesterday's ruling. It's sad days when Nicaragua looks better than Canada and the US.
Well said Yak
I'll tell you what's in the Kool-Aid, Aspartame!
Just wait, eventually Poilievre will have charges laid against him
For anti-carbon tax rhetoric speech, lol! Probably only next June closer to election time tho! In the meantime enjoy the WEF-Aid!
Sadly, I disagree. Pierre is an opportunist. His wife made ga-millions on the covid tests. Pierre was 120% for all lock downs, travel restrictions, covid testing and bleating on and on about getting vaccines out into the arms of all Canadians. Unfortunately those bits and pieces of truth, video and media seems to have fallen off the map of history. This man is no different. he will do nothing for us but pretend to and then fall into the same line of the WEF, BBB, WHO etc. he is a rat disguised as a saint.
I certainly did not say or imply I thought Pierre was a Saint! Nor did I say it was going to be sunshine and rainbows with him in power! My point was on how corrupt this big shit show has become! Sorry if I misled you, lol!
And I think I was referring to the comment about Pierre possibly having charges laid against him. It was me who was not clear. Likely not going to happen cause I am 100% sure they clap each other on the back, shake hands and do deals when no one is listening......This nefarious group of politicians are all in cahoots. I see it as no other way since there are so many tools in Pierre pocket as leader of the opposition and yet he uses none.
This is what marxism looks like in the 2020s.
Koolaid?? Think it's more like heavy pharmacuticals,excessive alcohol and plenty of street drugs . Mostly pharmacuticals and alcohol though....theses people all consume plenty of both ..and huge amounts of brain damage from excessive usage of both. ...
What the hell is climate racism? Doesn't anybody think we have way too many "isms"?
Sad thing is it’s being brainwashed into kids heads, our AB governments talking about net zero, carbon capture, tv has ads all the time, eat enough cake you get fat. Our kids are believing this bs
Like I said earlier in a reply, Danielle is not doing anything for's all show. She and her husband already have their escape route planned and paid for. It's the average 'hard working tax payer that will be stuck with everything that is taking place. We will have to deal with martial law, lockdowns, digital ID etc.....those who have the dough already have their bunkers ready.
Do you have a link to show they have a spot in Costa Rica! Or is this more like “ I heard it from a friend “, who “ heard it from a friend “ kind of thing? Our Mb Premiere that retired half way through his second term, in the middle of C19, went to Costa Rica! He had that place for 5-10 years prior to becoming Premier of Mb! But I’m sure he knew then already what they had planned for his future!
It might be lee but my daughter and I returned from a. month in Crica. We stayed with friends who have moved and retired there at the beginning and end of our trip. They are still jumping through hoops as 'foreigners' and said it has been discussed and talked about at different meetings with lawyers Etc. Apparently it's the place 'they' are going'. But it could be what you suggested it is.
Holy. Fuck.
I'm speechless.
Wow... That woman is a lunatic, her children are going to have deep traumatic childhoods. Fuxk sakes.
Ain't that the truth....I can't imagine how anyone can be of sound mind and think this, let alone actually speak it out loud at a hearing. NUTTER
Where's the money? Ask your MP where the Rich Country Resource money is? They kinda go DUMB.
If Alberta didn't have to do the massive wealth transfers to other provinces even Que/Ont (cause with the highest populations, they need tax money from Alb/BC to cover all the freebies and handouts they give out). Alberta would look like Dubai. I don't trust Danielle either, rumour is her and her husband have already picked out their retirement spot in Costa Rica. Funny eh, how CR just said they would not follow the WHO......but Danielle has done zero for health in Alberta. The Alb H still rules and is demanding making etc etc already. Where are her true cahonese.
Career Politicians are in it for the perks not policy or beliefs OR for 'the good of the public'
only for the 'public Purse' Why else would anyone spend a million and more campaigning for a job that pays (Premier AB $65,244.00) ? The Pension Plan is Key with PERKS iff'in you follow the program many perks will follow you. Ms. Smith has been groomed by the old guard of Wild Rose Days and her Father. If rumour is true? Perhaps Costa Rica will implode as well?
Tide is turning....half my neighbourhood is packing up and leaving. Even the normies have succumbed to sticker shock. Here we GO !! Woo Hoo !! Just lov'in it.
Well I can think of a perfect place for the lunatics - it's supposed to be nice & hot there too, fit right in with their "earth is burning" propaganda! But even HELL might be too good for these insane beings!
Are you speaking of Salt Spring Island?
Lol, no wasn't thinking about Salt Spring Island but now I'm curious am I missing something? I was damning them to Hell's eternal fire.
this is the deep municipal global state. in canada
Join the Ukraine Army?
It's all hype according to the UN,WHO,WEF Canadian Government agenda. Don't buy into it!
OMG! Seriously? Has it really plummeted to this degree? What is wrong with her?