Ramping up the fear production in hopes of…welp…I don’t know.
They obviously believe that somebody is buying their bullshit…but I have no idea how.
You’d have to think that at some point, given the hundreds of millions paid to consultants and independent polling, that these clowns would actually catch on to the fact that people have predominantly come into the acceptance that the climate has always changed, will continue to change forever, and that the rest of the planet isn’t onboard with this…yet, here we are:
Mark Holland is trying to scare children…who absolutely do not watch proceedings in the House of Commons…into believing that taking a road trip with their parents for summer holidays will set the planet on fire.
And, he throws in “no bathroom breaks”, for what reason?
Because he’s a complete lunatic…that’s why.
He’s not even the worst…though, I’m not terribly sure how to effectively rank these morons. What metrics can even be used for this?
Check out this lefty breaking down on her breakdown, claiming to be hysterical about not being hysterical.
“I hope you’ll forgive me if I get emotional”…
“Climate Emergencies are not “Gender Neutral”…
“Degradation of Ecosystems disproportionally impacts women and girls”…
“[something, something, something], my womb”…
Seriously. What are they putting into the climate punch bowl for these people to be this completely unhinged about an issue that doesn’t even exist past the point that it’s always existed?
I thought they’d already finished scraping the bottom of the Climate Change Scam with Green Party, Elizabeth May, started talking about “Environmental Racism”, and even introducing a bill into the house:
But nope…
On with the hysteria.
At some point, these people are going to have to look back on the lunacy that they tried to ram down peoples throats…hopefully a time for reflection.
And then…when they’re all fired for being this unhinged…where do they even go?
According to CBC over 100,000 Canadians have moved to the US to escape our madness. Pardon the pun but I think they might just have trumped us with yesterday's ruling. It's sad days when Nicaragua looks better than Canada and the US.
Well said Yak