Bill Gates in 2020: “You don’t have a choice…for the world at large normalcy only returns when we’ve largely vaccinated the entire global population.”

Bill Gates in 2023: “The current vaccinations are not infection blocking, they are not broad, so when new variants come up you lose protection, and they have very short duration.”

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Okay let me get this straight ... They are bragging about a CFR going from 0.9 to 0.84 AFTER shooting 86% of the people up 2-3 times? A 0.06% improvement ... OMFG. ROTFLMAO

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Exactly, right?

Even if it was the vaccine that did this and in Alberta, this is clearly not the case...how can they rationalize the damages done by the vaccines with this as their metrics for success?

Natural Immunity, unimpeded, would have done a better job...as in, if we did absolutely nothing, we would have seen a better result.

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And even that data is to me suspect. Any little small thing they can point to, to keep the narrative going is to my mind .... poison.

If "covid" even exists as a thing other than the spike, it amounts to nothing more than a well marketed flu, and I even wonder about that sometimes.

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Yes, this! Pathetic

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More cases mean more deaths? How stupid do they think we are?.OR they are really stupid and have no idea about stats.

I have not gotten a reply in the past 1.5 years. Even Danielle's office doesn't except that they received and will give her my information.

I think Danielle is pretty busy fighting off the dogs.

If people are writing letters they should also ask for the vaxx status on all Hospitalizations, ICU and deaths since June 15 2022.

Ask vaxx status be put back up.

FYI a Lady announced on Holding MLAs accountable thar a Doctor had insisted covid19 be put on a death certificate when the person didn't die from covid19. Seems he was getting $10,000 for that diagnosis. She said the Premier was getting this information, seems she knew a lot but wasn't going to tell publicly.

On The Whistle Stop discussion a few months back there was a young fellow that posted about his friend who worked at a Rocky Mountain House gas plant. Took the shot then was diagnosed with myocarditis. He was offered full pay for as long as he couldn't work, a hush if you don't tell anyone or go to the media.

So much still wrong with AHS out Doctors and Nurses, a lot of unethical shit still going on.

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Hard to believe that the people in power cannot hire people smart enough to do statistics and data analysis. I certainly do not posess this skill, but there are many that do. Thanks Sheldon for your thorough analysis of the numbers and context. I am bewildered that we have not reached herd immunity yet ?? Surely enough people have contracted CV or been "vaccinated" such that the Health Authorites can acknowledge endemic status and we can carry on as "normal".

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I think you misinterpret, Alicia. They are not stupid. What they hope, is that WE are. (Sheldon, I do hope you reply to this buffoon. Please post if you do, and also if you get a reply. And, thank you.)

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The reason I dove into this was to formulate a reply to the Alberta Conservative MP spreading these false claims. I cannot get on board voting for a party who would send this to a constituent despite all evidence being to the contrary.

Much as I realize the harms that will come under NDP Rule in the province, UCP either have to get on board admitting that the vaccines are dangerous and are killing people or they'll continue to lose guys like me, who will completely shatter their base.

We need action on this...and after 2 years of watching the vaccines fail, are still not getting it.

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I agree completely that the truth needs outing but I doubt there is a snowball's chance in hell you'll get it- at least not before the election. Given Danielle's hard line C19 views before she was elected vs her seeming acquiescence now, I can only suspect a significant enough number of her caucus and MPs are resisting exposure of the truth either because they themselves don't want to know it/ are in denial, or because their constituency is in Edmonton or Calgary which is still breaking hard for the Dippers. If she wins decisively, there has to be a hard push for this.

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Trudeau is already attacking CPC and Pierre Poilievre on vaccines in hopes that the same strategy in the last federal election will work in the next as well as the NDP have clung onto this to make Smith out to be a lunatic hardliner.

If they wait too long, we will lose to this same narrative again under the continued division of compliance vs logic.

I honestly have no idea why they are waiting...Mainstream would have to cover the COVID and Vaccine Rebellion...in this, there'd be a lot more universal support by people knowing that they've been lied to and punished for the last 3 years.

IMO, Conservatives are taking a large risk in not exposing...they've already lost once to keeping silent and complicit.

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A facetious statement....no misinterpretation.

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This is all sketchy to me. All the government’s information seems to just be bull shit. They must think we are all morons and believe the msm narrative.

Good job mate on sorting out the “miss” information

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If you cannot speak the Truth you are wasting your time. There is and was NO Pandemic. What it.....was? A MAJIK TRICK to get a foreign substance into you to shorten your life on earth. For Profit.

But hey, be careful, you might step on their feelings on the way to your grave.

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It's all BS in my books as Covid 19 has never been isolated. There for doesn't exist.

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So how many of you wonder why are new Premier isn't investigating the huge spike in deaths of Albertans from "unknown"? How many of you wonder why our Premier dolled up a $100.00/month cash bonus for everyone 18 and under for household incomes under $180K or less and all you have to do is create an Alberta digital ID to collect it? Anyone wonder why our Premier isn't firing the Alberta college of Physicians? How about why she reknacked on dropping covid fines against Albertans or she isn't demanding our illegally fired health care professionals be returned to work immediately to solve the Provinces health care crisis? Just wondering myself.

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Hey Sheldon just a side note I did my own research and if you follow the bread crumbs of who really calls the shots and runs this website it take you to https://global-change-data-lab.org/ another surprise not for profit organization backed by the WHO, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation...Now it all makes sense:



Global Change Data Lab is supported by donations from several thousand readers of the web publication Our World in Data, as well as grants from the Quadrature Climate Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. In the past we have also received support from the World Health Organization, the Department of Health and Social Care in the United Kingdom, and many other generous individuals and organizations that have made contributions to our work.

You find our accounts and a full description of how we are funded in our Annual Report; and you can read the list of donors and supporters on Our World in Data’s Funding Page.

Donations from readers and users of our products are essential to our work, providing us with the stability and independence we need. If you want to support our work, you can donate directly using any of the available options here (or you can send us an email to donate@ourworldindata.org)."

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Put this MLA on notice. The ignorance of this response is unbelievable.

Its crazy to think that people are not smart enough to understand that:

1. Case counts are not accurate. He cant seriously believe that less than 4M people tested positive for Covid in the last 2 years.

2. .90 to 0.84 is not statistically significant in this case.

3. If you have 80% of the population vaccinated and death rates continue to increase that means the vaccines do not work. IT CAN'T BE BOTH.

What was the CFR in 2020?

Its disheartening to still hear (in 2023) these irrational responses from the public and our representatives. Its even more disheartening when people refer to the news and stats like this when they are completely at odds with their own personal experience.

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