A lot of those in our community loop me into their emails with their MPs, MLAs and other elected officials…and also forward me any replies that they get. In this, I get to have an idea what these people are telling others who are concerned with the COVID response, Vaccine Failures and a peak at how they rationalize not standing out about the jabs.
Last night, I’d received one of these replies from an Alberta MP…
The reply went as follows:
The Omicron variant is more contagious than previous variants, causing total cases of COVID-19 to increase. As well, the lifting of provincial and federal restrictions has increased transmission of the virus. Many more Canadians contracted the virus in 2022 for these reasons, and consequently, there were more deaths. The case fatality rate (number of deaths divided by number of total cases) dropped significantly in 2022. The case fatality rate provides the best measure because it accounts for variables such as fewer restrictions and increased transmission.
In 2021, there were 1.62 million reported cases and 14,501 confirmed deaths. This accounts for a 0.90% case fatality rate.
In 2022, there were 2.25 million reported cases and 18,900 confirmed deaths. This accounts for a 0.84% fatality rate.
The proportion of Canadians dying from COVID-19 illness has decreased despite there being more total deaths. Case fatality rates, among other measures, help to inform policy responses that measure the net-benefits of vaccine rollout. The data I consulted can be found here.
If you click on the link provided, it leads you to Our World in Data…ya know…instead of the Provincial Dashboard or the Health Canada Epidemiology Update…
Despite there being MORE COVID Deaths, there were actually less COVID Deaths than could have been because of a lowered Fatality rate…by a variance of .06%, from 2021 to 2022…according to the data used.
However…what this fails to take into consideration is that throughout 2021, Alpha and Delta - the More Lethal Variants were predominant…and in 2022, Omicron the least lethal variant with weakening strains was predominant:
But, the reply does seem on target using Case Count from Our World in Data…more Cases in 2022, resulted in more Deaths…and I still don’t see how anybody can say that this proves that the vaccines are safe and effective. Reduced Mortality from weakening and subsequent strains has always been the assumption. Even if all variants were equal, a reduction of .06% in Case Fatality, really isn’t that impressive.
We were told that vaccines would stop the transmission of COVID and End the Pandemic…that shifted to less severity…but they never stated that less severity would still mean more people dying from COVID in the years that followed.
Because who’d take them?
But here’s the shocking revelation that I found by only using Alberta Provincial Data.
To get Case Rates, I had to compare the first reporting’s from each year, 2021, 2022 and 2023 from the provincial dashboard. For actual deaths, I downloaded the raw data and sorted it out.
In doing this, for only the second time this year, I found out that the Province retroactively added an additional 27 deaths to the 2022 totals…which is a lot less than the close to 500 they added to 2020…but still a bit of a failure as far as I am concerned.
Anyways…in adding these New Deaths, redoing the chart, it shows that 38.1% of the Total COVID Mortality for these 3 years - 2075, happened last year. MORE DEATHS…but this is because of MORE CASES, right?
The cases data for Alberta, extracted from the Severe Outcomes Tab on the Alberta COVID Dashboard, showed that there were about 50k less cases in 2022 than in 2021, meaning that there was not only an increase in deaths, but a fairly substantial increase in Case Fatality Rate.
There was an INCREASE in Case Fatality Rate by 37%!
And this is not only shocking, but quite frankly, rather alarming!
Because as natural immunity should be protecting people and because those at highest risk are 5 deep in their vaccinations…the rate of mortality is increasing as the lethality of COVID is decreasing.
I mean…it’s terrible that the #1 leading cause of Death in 2021 was Unknown…which will most likely trend into 2022…
But that with a rate of increase on vaccines, deaths from the virus they are supposed to protect you from is apparently making weaker strains more virulent.
Now…we all know that these jabs are neither safe, nor effective…but you now have proof by way of Alberta Provincial Data.
So…when you come across those screechy pricks who say, there was more death because there was more cases to prove that the vaccines work…you can show them this.
The Jabs increased Mortality from COVID by 37% using Data Provided by the Province of Alberta and Alberta Health Services.
Bill Gates in 2020: “You don’t have a choice…for the world at large normalcy only returns when we’ve largely vaccinated the entire global population.”
Bill Gates in 2023: “The current vaccinations are not infection blocking, they are not broad, so when new variants come up you lose protection, and they have very short duration.”
Okay let me get this straight ... They are bragging about a CFR going from 0.9 to 0.84 AFTER shooting 86% of the people up 2-3 times? A 0.06% improvement ... OMFG. ROTFLMAO