Sep 22Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

He's there to sign the Pact for the Future. He is a traitor, pure and simple.

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Sep 23Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

Our futures have already been decided for us by the elite UN class. I believe too many of us were awoken over the last four years which scared the shit out of the elite class and the 2030 agenda was fast tracked to 2025. Our dimwit leader is there to sign Canada up to participate in the UN pact for the future, but he is nothing but a puppet clown frontman for his masters who have already sealed the deal. Said leader will come back to Canada next week making grandiose claims that Canadians are unequivocally leading the world into the future and that WE are global leaders. It will be nauseating. I believe this ratification is the reason the Bank of Canada suddenly “dropped” their plans for CBDC. I also believe this is why all the distractions lately, including the latest Diddy crisis. They need the people to be occupied with trivial crap that they have no control over, while the UN implements the worldwide slavery treaty effectively taking away every humans sovereign rights in the name of future digital world. Trudouche is salivating that he can be the one completing his father’s quest to destroy Canada with the added bonus of volunteering us for a future of slavery. We will be nothing more than a QR code soon.

I am not prepared to be a QR code. It’s going to get ugly when folks find out that we’ve all been sold out. But the vast majority of sheep will be happy to keep a good social credit score so they can get Taylor Swift tickets or see a hockey game…

There’s no voting our way out of this madness.

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Sep 22Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

He's never done an honest days work with his hands. That image is misleading.

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Sep 22Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

Thank you for taking the unstomachable job of wading through the lies and gaslighting that heir Trudeau continues to spew - breathiness, in play. We can only hope this vapid PM goes by way of the dodo bird, soon.

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Sep 22Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

It is disturbing what he is signing Canadians up for? Enough is enough. Canadians need leadership that listens to Canadians and does not follow Agenda 2030.

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Sep 23Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

Traitor through and through. It’s disgusting and turns my stomach to hear his name….never mind seeing his face.

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Sep 23Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

Fuuckk..whay did you make we watch that. I cringed through the whole. This vacuous idiot was in full display with his word salad and bowing to the globalists. What an embarrassment. HIS policies led us to this point..and we ARE on the brink here. God help us.

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Sep 23Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

Well done Sheldon, thank you for the excellent summary! Like many, just can't stomach listening to that asshole.

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Sep 23Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

This is why he wants to take away our free speech.... Bill C293...... so we can't talk about his puppeteering for the WF/UN/globalists....... he has sold out his already darkened soul...... and he doesn't care because he is auditioning for a job for the One World Gov't..... his bosses pass out talking points to all WEF leaders....it's all the same..... don't get mad.... get even...... the Day Tapes already tried to warn us.....it is now available to all to listen, learn, and execute a plan..... if not, it's now our fault for pretending not to know what they are wanting to do to us.......

"A set of audio tapes titled ‘The New Order of Barbarians’ established the existence, scope and direction of a conspiracy which was revealed by an insider, Dr. Richard Day, in 1969.

Dr. Day spoke at The Pittsburgh Paediatric Society in March 1969. Dr. Lawrence Dunegan attended that meeting and in 1988 blew the whistle about the plans that were in place in 1969 to form a new system of government, altering all of society to implement this new system. All of society has been redirected according to these plans.

“Everything is in place and nobody can stop us now … Some of you will think I’m talking about Communism. Well, what I’m talking about is much bigger than Communism!” Dr. Day said. "


P.S. Now...go back and re-watch the speech but only watch the signer....her face and body language tell a different story.....it's as if she is mocking him..... it's actually really funny.....

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Sep 23Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

His intention is to destroy Canada so it can be handed over to Klaus Schwab. Trudeau figures that when he’s completed Schwab’s mission, Schwab will hand him a job in the global community.

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Sep 22Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

Is it possible for a Conservative government under Pierre Poilievre to withdraw us from this UN Pact?

"While it’s theoretically possible for a future Conservative government led by Pierre Poilievre to withdraw from the UN’s ‘Pact for the Future,’ such a decision would likely involve significant political and diplomatic considerations. International agreements like this one often require a formal process for withdrawal, which can include notifying other signatories and adhering to specific timelines and conditions.

Additionally, withdrawing from an international pact could have broader implications for Canada’s international relations and its commitments to global issues like sustainable development and peacekeeping." (Bing Copilot)

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Sep 23·edited Sep 23Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

Text like that really burns me up. I'm not knocking you or your comment. Yours is a fair question. I am merely raging against the left. The entirety of that quote is left-wing babble (and I know it's AI or whatever but there's still an actual person behind it somewhere).

1. "Theoretically possible" is redundant. The phrase is designed to give the narrator the illusion of superior intelligence. Is it possible or not? What does "theoretically" have to do with anything? Of course it's possible. What would make it impossible for a sovereign nation (which Canada still is) to act in its own best interest?

2. "A decision would **LIKELY** involve blah blah blah". So the narrator has no idea what's actually involved. Again, the language tells you there is an illusion of expertise and superior understanding. With zero understanding of Agenda 2030 or whatever these people are talking about, I could tell you that there would be "significant political and diplomatic considerations" - but I could also remind you of that time when Donald Trump said that the US was finished with the WHO after the WHO's covid failure and all the caterwauling that followed. Until Sleepy Joe showed up, the US really was finished with it.

3. "Formal process"? "Notifying other signatories"? "Adhering to specific timelines"?? Are these people for real? You need all those things to buy a used car so who cares about any of that?

4. "Withdrawing **COULD** have broader implications". Well, duh. Meaningless statement.

Like I said at the start, left wing babble.

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Dear Bing,


Love Freeq

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Sep 23Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

Well said Sheldon. Such BS coming from someone creating all of the chaos!

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Sep 23Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

Brilliant summary.

And you saved me a barf bag not having to

listen to that narcissidtic cretin.

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Sep 23Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

Trudeau’s constant repetition of globalist fake narratives is intentional and along with other colluding governments, they are working to control the Overton window, socializing and normalizing radical ideas to garner support and acceptance for harmful policies like mass migration and elimination of fossil fuels. Globalist ideology, and specifically political collectivism and global government, is clearly advancing and it is undeniable at this point that this is the endgame. What Trudeau is ultimately attempting to achieve is more threatening than any one of his ridiculous gas lighting narratives. Trudeau is advancing a new world order without people actually understanding the endgame.

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Derek Lamb. You summed him up perfectly. I remember him saying he wanted Canada to achieve the staus of a post national state. That is definitely one of his goals and is frightening on many levels.

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Sep 23Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

Well expressed, Sheldon. This malevolent Muppet is following his orders, in parallel with those seen across the West, to destroy Canada. Like many Marxists before, word inversion & open lying (feel good platitudes for the weak minded & envious acolytes) are central to their methods.

Your work is appreciated. It's a long struggle. Let's keep at it.

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Sep 23Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

Not to mention the billions sent to Ukraine in support of a NATO/US proxy war against Russia while decimating our military.

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