Aug 7Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

Liberalism run amok. Same happens in the US - the libs state skin color isn’t a key factor in describing an individual. Unless of course it’s white men / women for Kamala - then it’s a 👌…. Liberalism is a mental disorder.

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Aug 7Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

But if these unspecified malcontents come to your farm, the RCMP alert provides crucial life saving advice “Do not answer your door”

The “Two armed and extremely dangerous” fugitives will probably think no one is home and possibly leave? 😂😂😂

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Or break in?

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Aug 7Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

Nah... The ways this entire thing reads screams of a fictional narrative they're using to rouse up fear and make people agitated. Smells of an Op.

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Aug 7Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

That alert was not helpful in that it described roads and a secondary highway that nobody recognises right off. I had to look on a map for a while before I realised it was nowhere near me. If it was called off, I did not hear.

Shelter in Place? What the hell is that. An order? And when to stop?

This is another abuse of the system and we wonder if this is just more of the official plan to keep everyone worried about everything all the time. After all it worked so well during the 2020/21 flu season.

On the other hand, the previous night we got a hail alarm, and it was helpful except the storms were 100 miles away -- according to the alarm -- after I once again figured out where they were talking about.

Thing is, we did have some hail, but in Calgary. 150 miles from the area mentioned. Was there an hail alert in Calgary?

Up here fifty miles northeast we had crops flattened here and there and got a badly needed 8/10th of an inch of water, not ice.

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We got a hail storm warning in Calgary at 7:57pm.

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Description through omission has become very common lately. You can infer what the suspects look like from what is conspicuously left out.

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It could be they practiced hiding during the fake intruder alerts too much. They believe it's "normal" to order people to hide in their homes from a possible threat because of growing up in public schools. Children do give up asking questions and do as they are instructed.

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Here is what to do!


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Might have to check on those dead neighbors though... just saying

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Check this one:


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We are only moments away from this on our doorsteps if polistitutes are not removed from our offices.

Bliss parades won't be addressing any of this.

And no one here wants to hear the answer. OK to be fair, most do not.

And if you have to ask. You are waaay too far behind. Catsup.

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Third person you to clarify.

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Identity politics is going to result in injuries and deaths.

And no one will be held to account when it does.

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Never felt so unsafe and have so little faith in the RCMP as I do now. Talk about paying for useless help.

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My spouse called me asking if I got the alert,,, which I DIDN'T,, that was strange because I usually am the one telling him these things.

I totally agree with what your saying,,, how do we know whom we're hiding from?? Maybe they even know ppl in the area and are still there holed up and there friends may not even be aware of what they did... it was a very confusing alert, one I had to look up for myself to see what they said.

With no accurate info,, I don't agree with them sending that alert out.

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RCMP Alberta




#Update: Your Alberta RCMP is diligently working to ensure all Albertans feel safe. We have dedicated ample resources and partnered with other agencies to continue to search for the suspects. Your safety is our top priority. Updates will be made as information becomes available.

Do you feel safe?

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Removed (Banned)Aug 7
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Do you have to spam every comment thread?

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While I typically do not like to limit the conversations, I 100% agree with you. I don't see every reply but believe this person to spam their way into the hard work that others have provided.

BANNED...because, if they want to expand their community, they can do so by their own efforts.

Thanks for the comment.

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Aptly explained, thanks

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He does this all over the place, promoting his own stuff that has nothing to do with the post.

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