I'm thinking this is a prearranged situation..how else fo corrupt mayors and councilmen/women manipulate the public?? Just fix the famed pipe and get on with it. Gondek is so full of shit about everything..nobody believes her. ..no matter what. I do think this was intentional. Wh9 and how did the water main break? Construction? Then what constructi9n company caused it? Make them fix it!

I just don't one word out of any body's ...intentional I say

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My God.

So much has changed over the last 50 years where we used to do things to get them done quickly for benefiting the people directly affected. Now we do things as a result of creating illogical issues solely to get people elected and others booted, each in turn screwing the existing systems up so badly when they’re in office to make the other political Parties think twice about inheriting. Already Gondek is blaming the Province over lack of municipal funding or some such nonsense. Will surely fool the brain dead Liberal and NDP weirdos voting strictly partisan rather than having any ability to exercise that area between their ears.

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I happened to be sitting in the Foothills Emergency a few years ago with my Octogenarian neighbour Lucy, waiting the obligatory 3 hours as posted. Along came Nenshi with entourage, likely his muzzer who was sick and breezed right in past the Triage doors while the rest of the Untermensch waited. Must not have been serious as we watched said entourage breeze back out in the space under an hour.

Wouldn’t give two hoots for either Gondek or Nenshi.

Speaking again about Nenshi, it was on his watch that Calgary spent $500k each on the “art” at 64th Ave NE (the “Big O”) and at Canada Olympic Park (“Indian Burial Ground”), the latter my Neighbour and I took great derision at every time we went to McDonalds up on the hill.

I think Druh Farrell had something to do with those pieces of “art”, being a notable graduate of Alberta College or Art and one time Stampede Parade Queen, one having nothing to do with the other but worth mentioning due to her high horse opinion of self. That was about all she had, because after they moved Montgomery into her Councillor jurisdiction, could never get any useful work out of her. Montgomery - abandoned and left to languish, while she maintained the City area higher profile. I’m also mentioning her because she had the audacity to run as an NDP candidate a few years ago, campaigning in Montgomery where I chased her entourage away with my broom.

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I'd like to see the preventative maintenance budget and prior inspection records? How much of their capital replacement budget was blown on the useless solar farm installed at the treatment plant?

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Yeah? Peanuts compared to not competitively allowing the GreenLine being bid to local Engineering firms, instead going exclusively (single source) to SNC Lavalin or whatever they call themselves now.

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Because federal intrusion of course and this should be the smoking gun for UN interference. That lavalin outfit has no business out west. Project failure by design.

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100%, my thoughts exactly. And those repairs do not take this long in the real world. From a past drainage inspector in YEG here.

Now get ready for down line breaks. You know how that goes.

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It’s a paradigm of the times. After 30+ years of brainwashing K-12, how can you intervene on people’s beliefs? I’m not saying to be funny, it’s a serious question that we need to collectively find answers to - if we seriously want to change the perspective. Otherwise, we are only preaching to the roughly 20% choir of enlightened. In other words, it’s just an exercise in vanity. “We’re so smart and the others are so (use expletive or adjective here) stupid.”

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They won’t stop until they control every aspect of our lives. Soon they will control how much asswipe we can use to wipe our asses. Corrupt evil tyrants.

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I’d be damn tempted to put a lawn sprinkler on & walk out buck naked to have a good wash.

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This is the sickest, stupidest thing I've ever heard and could only happen under the watch of a global socialist named Gonek

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You know what is so strange is ..# 1 Sundre town has had their Main Street blocked off and under construction for weeks because of updating water pipes..

#2 Lac La Biche same.. and Main street blocked off as well. ( I happened to be visiting here to see, maybe other towns might be having the same issue in Alberta?)

# 3 Edmonton’s Mayor Amarjeet Sohi was a JT appointed federal cabinet minister 2015- 2019 and IN CHARGE of Canada’s infrastructure and communities. Coincidence?

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All of these leftists who don't understand where stuffs come from let their infrastructure go to shit for flags and crosswalks and shitty art. All by design once again.

And sorry not sorry, bureaucracy will not fix this.

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One of your best, Sheldon- and that's saying something! I simply cannot believe that Calgarians would vote for Nenshi again. His misplaced priorities started Calgary's decline and Jyoti has just escalated it. I pray this is a wake call for you all- don't let them do this to you AGAIN!

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Or whatever her name is. I have to be more worried about what I've got up here in Edmonton that starts with an S

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I'm with you. We'll get him out. Do a foip on him signing onto the global mayor's UN initiative. The more the merrier.

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It would be a shame if something was to happen to those signs......

...also, this......

The War on Your Food is a War on YOU. Plus: Some VERY GOOD NEWS on A(H5N1)

The old adage, you are what you eat, truly informs on the effects of poisoning your fruits and vegetables, making you afraid of meat and dairy. Don't worry. No pineapples will test positive https://popularrationalism.substack.com/p/the-war-on-your-food-is-a-war-on

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Better get Mocha to look into this stuff! Sounds like the corruption he’s uncovering in Regina!

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Couldn't agree with you more. If they were doing their jobs they would have fixed these pipes a long time ago. I'm sure the employees knew what was going on but couldn't move forward until they were hiven the ok and that would havd been under Neecheat.

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Sure looks like the 'crews are working hard" to repair it: 3 people visible in the drone photo, I assume one of them operating the drone to take the photo; not one of them within 50' of the pipe.... wow, that's some feverish pace for City Works crews, probably time and a half or double time shit.

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Sure glad I don't live in Calgary. Thankfully I live in Edmonton, where we have a Mayor who operates on a much more sensible budget and doesn't waste money on things like bike lanes and pride parades, and ...

The above was sarcasm....

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Had lunch with a friend down at Timmy Ho’s at Home Road and TransCanada a few hours ago. Looks like they’re still plugging away with the TransCanada closed between Home Road and the Shouldice Bridge. Week-end work at double overtime, who wants to complete the work quickly, raise your hand. Bueller? Bueller?

Meanwhile, traffic is being diverted through Bowness Road at a snail’s pace. Another City marvel of narrowing the 2-lane road to provide “quality” living in Calgary regardless of what people wanted. It’s almost like they were anticipating less people in future. Likely being tied in with the WEF and Eugenicist mandates. Those remaining “will own nothing and be happy”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zUjsEaKbkM

So many are tied in. Have a look at Canadian Pols and Corporations: https://www.beyondthenarrative.ca/canadian-federal-politician-members-of-the-world-economic-forum/

Easy pickings to manipulate the public when so many are in leadership positions to dictate which way is up. At the same time, who is independent enough to be like the little boy, crying out “The King is naked!”

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