The Water Alarmism Ramps up in Calgary...
These are the most egregious people you will ever meet!
It’s hard to believe that, as technologically advanced as we are and at the unprecedented rate of growth, in Calgary…that the city can be completely crippled by a single water main break.
Now…don’t get me wrong, this is a large pipe that busted and as per, one and done, Mayor Jyoti [soon to be gone]dek, this pipe actually only impacts 60% of the city…not the entire city and every business/residence out to Airdrie:
100% of the city and businesses/households are being punished…because of a water main break that impacts 60% of the city.
This works out to be about 560k people - that don’t know if they’re actually going to lose/run out of water - being punished.
Recall for a moment, the CONVID SCAM!
100% of people were being punished, due to the metabolic conditions of the absolute minority. Survival rate of CONVID, in people without consumption related diseases was 100% perfect, as in, no healthy individuals have ever died from it.
Yet…you were:
Locked down;
Forced to close your business or not go to work;
Left without toilet paper - I still don’t understand why there was such a run on TP…
Lost your ability to socialize;
Followed arrows on floors;
Seen your children/grandchildren taken out of schools, outdoor playgrounds, sports, camps…
And then, when the solution came, after a mere “2 weeks of flattening the curve”, which lasted the better part of the year…if you didn’t take the jabs that never worked for a virus that was never a threat…you were forced into the same and worse treatment.
100% of the population was impacted through CONVID…just like 100% of the population of Calgary and some surrounding areas are being impacted…by something that doesn’t actually have any effect on 40% of them.
To make matters worse…and just like they did during the “Social Bubble” and “No Social Contact” periods, the city of Calgary has put up these signs so that you can rat out your neighbors for being selfish and not trying to save others:
These signs were put out yesterday…following the Main Line Break that happened on Wednesday. Meaning that, in less than 24 hours, the city was able to have them printed, assembled, delivered to the City and then, distributed throughout communities.
Do you actually believe that the city could be this efficient at anything?
If they were, they’d have FIXED THE PROBLEM, instead of MAKING SIGNS!
Because…these signs weren’t created for the water main break…they were made and delivered long before this, when in March, Calgary was already issuing THREATS about water shortages and water restrictions due to drought.
They trusted “The Science”…that told them that because we used more water than was available - due to ARSON - that this year would most likely be the same.
It’s rained and snowed into June…where Fort McMurray seen snow up to and including YESTERDAY!
There is no Drought…but they need you to be alarmed. They want you in panic mode.
And despite the fact that EVERYBODY in CALGARY knows that there is a water restriction…Legacy Media felt it prudent to…instead of talking about the actual situation, offer up Climate Fear Porn.
It worked so well for pushing fear during CONVID…worked so well to get people into the Jabs…that they’re rolling out the same alarmism, over an issue that is 100% due to the City Councilors taking on Legacy Projects and spending our taxes wildly out of control.
Instead of doing the basic job of what government was intended to do…maintain essential services and infrastructure…the last 2 mayors of Calgary have ignored the failure in basic services, watched as these have declined…all while hitting you harder in your back hipster on property taxes and your water bill.
The most disgusting thing about this…
These same 2 assholes - Naheed Nenshi and Jyoti Gondek, are seemingly championing their failures through social media.
“Thank you for your leadership”, says failed and 2nd most unpopular Mayor of Calgary, next to Jyoti.
What have these clowns actually done to address this situation?
How do bike lanes, pride parades, blanket rezoning, address these issues?
How does a “Greenline” LRT, that has already cost millions of dollars, account for the crumbling and pothole filled streets, rampant and unchecked crime rate, waterless summer, actually balance out?
It doesn’t.
And this isn’t even talking about the $5 Million that city council just spent to come up with a new slogan for Calgary.
Doesn’t account for the $2.25 million for this piece of shit:
Nor when nensh spent a $ half a mill on roadside trash:
This waste of taxpayer money, while watching our city collapse, is 100% on these 2 clowns.
And yet…while they still collect a paycheck…made of YOUR hard earned dollars, nensh by pension, gondek by paycheque…legacy media by subsidies…you get punished for absolutely Nothing that You’ve Done Wrong.
These are the most egregious assholes you will ever meet.
I'm thinking this is a prearranged else fo corrupt mayors and councilmen/women manipulate the public?? Just fix the famed pipe and get on with it. Gondek is so full of shit about everything..nobody believes her. matter what. I do think this was intentional. Wh9 and how did the water main break? Construction? Then what constructi9n company caused it? Make them fix it!
I just don't one word out of any body's ...intentional I say
My God.
So much has changed over the last 50 years where we used to do things to get them done quickly for benefiting the people directly affected. Now we do things as a result of creating illogical issues solely to get people elected and others booted, each in turn screwing the existing systems up so badly when they’re in office to make the other political Parties think twice about inheriting. Already Gondek is blaming the Province over lack of municipal funding or some such nonsense. Will surely fool the brain dead Liberal and NDP weirdos voting strictly partisan rather than having any ability to exercise that area between their ears.