When my father came to Canada from Europe in the 50s he was given nothing except an opportunity at a better life. No financial supports whatsoever. No free or govt subsidized housing. No free food. No spending money. NOTHING! It was either sink or swim. Fast forward to today, people flooding in not from Europe, but third world shitholes that hate the West and all that Whites embody, represent and have accomplished, are given everything by the taxpayers they hate with extreme passion. They're openly hostile to our way of life, have zero interest in assimilating and only want to recreate the third world shitholes they left behind. They're here to rape and pillage -- literally. This is what happens when you welcome in invaders that don't share the same moral code, and it's taking place across the entire West, mass murder by knife in Germany, Australia, France and UK in the last few weeks alone.

Now, ask why politicians are doing this to our once safe and prosperous countries. Why are they intentionally destroying them, because make no mistake, they're knowingly destroying them. Flooding Canada with millions of hostile invaders in just a few short years is recipe for disaster. You don't have to have an advanced degree to know how such moves would negatively impact our quality of life, housing, employment opportunities, access to education, cost of living, access to healthcare, infrastructure, and how crime across all categories has increased exponentially.

Our forefathers are rolling in their graves. Every White Canadian needs to ask themselves: Am I going to sit back and let it happen?

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On other chocolate colored related stories; who here in Alberta qualifies for a Halal Mortgage?

Too soon?

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When my great-grandfather came to Canada, he lived in a house made of dirt for two years of prairie weather. Idiot - why didn't he just open a candy shop?

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Same with my German from Russia grandparents when they came to SK

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I was sad and happy to read this, Happy to hear that someone achieved a dream because I love chocolate but Very Sad because of the people who are still struggling to keep their business afloat. Canadians who worked hard to keep their business afloat during Covid, taking loans from the same Government and because they couldn’t recover enough to pay the loans back lost everything. Now they can’t afford to keep their homes and feed their children, visiting food banks because there are not enough jobs and everything is overpriced. Are these fortunate people with 2 chocolate shops hiring Canadians? Something is wrong in this country. It is not that immigrants are able to get a step up, it’s that Canadian’s aren’t.

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You have to remember born Canadians, are not entitled. This is the new norm. And gasp if you are white.

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If we had real MSM in Canada, they'd be all over this. Alas...

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Aug 29Edited

Indeed. Media is without a doubt the mouthpiece of the State, the Ministry of Propaganda. If control was taken back by honest Canadians with a conscience, the deprogramming of those brainwashed would only require weeks. The control they have over the populace is very fragile which is why they're so desperate to censor the Truth.

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Completely outrageous. As an electrical worker in the operations department, I had to go to work everyday during the CONVID years to keep the lights on for Albertans. I also was fortunate, but still, had to pay for CONVID rapid tests out of my own pocket at local pharmacies to be able to continue to go to work. This makes me want to vomit. And there's JT, virtue signaling about ffs.

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Times have changed. When people immigrated to Canada after WWII (World War 2, not 11), newcomers were given work contracts for 2-3 years to work off their debt to Canada for bringing them over. Plus, if they were astute, which most of them were, they accumulated enough money to plunk down on a lot to build their own houses, generally in less populated areas of the Country where they were originally sent. The idea was to add sustainable wealth provided by the Newcomers’ labour in developing Canada’s resources.

There were no social programs at the time. It was sink or swim and a great tribute to the Newcomers who survived. Naturally, having survived a War, they were not about to let Canada’s climate stop them. Think about it, they learned to be self sufficient because there was no extended family that came with them to help out. Even more tribute to their wills to survive while raising families who learned first hand what a good work ethic was.

But it was Canada that let them down as well as it’s indigenous population that had in turn immigrated there before.

Comparing Canada with the US, the original newcomers that flourished in spite of Britain’s trade embargo and hostile “Indians” (mistakingly named thinking the earliest of Explorers had reached India in spite of not encountering the hoped for spice trade), went on to follow Adam Smith’s model of self sufficiency and true wealth production. The term “American know-how” became legendary and helped to exceed the wealth of Europe in the century after by creating new money.

Canada lost its potential to develop its resources at a crucial time, to build its economic wealth turning them into finished goods and adding to a manufacturing base. Instead, Canada became satisfied to provide its valuable resources to other countries that made them into finished goods to sell back.

Instead, Canada having maintained being the “Hewers of wood, drawers of water” now chooses to give away its wage earners’ tax dollars to new immigrants under Woke principles to realize zero economic gains and provide photo opportunities to flaky Pols who should never have been selected by Committees in charge of picking political candidates in the first place.

The whole system based on the British Parliamentary one, continues to propagate itself, ultimately to extinction and sell-out to other countries who do realize Canada’s wealth. They just don’t and won’t care about the people here suffering through it all as it slides the slippery slope into oblivion, regardless of which Political Puppet is embraced as the new leader.

“Here is the new Boss

Same as the old Boss”

- The Who, “Won’t Get Fooled Again”

But apparently, Canadians do.

Thanks, Sheldon.

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Good historical review. Too bad Canada is so Socialist, to the point of giving everything away to newcomers, rather than giving support to their Vets and those who built the country through contribution.

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Your hard earned dollars hard at work in replacing you!

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Not loans. Grants. Nice.

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Yup my mom married a guy from ns after my Calgary-dad died. She brought home a box of these chocolates when I visited in 2022 and he has his story of rebuilding his Syrian business in ns when they became citizens. First thing I thought was dayum, that could have been a Canuck business that opened in that spot...

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The chocolate was really good btw 🫣

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Omg infuriating

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