It’s crazy how many people just go about there days not even pay attention to anything political

It’s seriously mind blowing

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I used to be one of those people, was too busy working, running a house, raising a family, etc. to pay much attention. Did my civic duty every election and well wasn't that enough? Then the scamdemic happened - that moment, when I realized that everything I thought I knew about government and politics was a complete bullshit LIE! All this to say, I'm paying attention and taking action now.

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When I ask people why, they always say I am one person what can Indo?

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Income tax is extortion. Everytime money changes hands the government gets a cut. Tax upon tax. Our governments are ROGUE.

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They just did a survey across Canada, one in three people, a lot younger are leaving BC. They can’t afford to live there, they can’t afford rent, four to five stuffed in two bedroom apartments. Toronto has more unemployed people than live in Quebec. We may not have a Canada worth living in by the time Trudeau’s gone. Then you get a moron like Sohi. who goes to Paris to learn about homelessness. Just a nice holiday, with like minded woke to waste taxpayers money

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You had me until the "c" word...

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Yeah, using this sort of language is like a death wish or saying, "Don't take me seriously".

It probably cuts the potential readership in half.

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socialists always run out of other peoples money, and when they get tossed out, they ride off into the sunset with their saddle bags full of money, and to add insult to injury, with indexed pensions.

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Truly depressing. What's even more depressing is that people don't realize how taxed we really are in this country? Sitting on some of the world's largest mineral deposits and natural resources, our federal government continues to impoverish the middle class.

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Every tax affects the risk/reward ratio in business decisions because as taxes increase costs go up and rewards go down.

Small taxes have little effect, but at some point the chances of a reward get down to where no one wants to risk and although they know the boat is sinking figure they might as well enjoy the 'free' handouts instead of working.

Also, beyond a core complement that are essential and beneficial, government workers are non-productive.

Many are involved in sham work and others, especially in regulatory work are actually drags on production.

A society can support only so many.

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Every tax affects the risk/reward ratio in business decisions because as taxes increase costs go up and rewards go down.

Small taxes have little effect, but at some point the chances of a reward get down to where no one wants to risk and although they know the boat is sinking figure they might as well enjoy the 'free' handouts instead of working.

Also, beyond a core complement that are essential and beneficial, government workers are non-productive.

Many are involved in sham work and others, especially in regulatory work are actually drags on production.

A society can support only so many.

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The capital gains tax is a tax on inflation in many cases. If you iinvested $100 in 2000 and sold that investement at break-even in purchasing power, you would get $166 back. That $66 is considered a gain for tax purposes , but you are merely getting your original investment back without any profit. Since the investment was made with after-tax savings, you are being taxed again on your own after-tax dollars.

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Take your power back. Stop paying income tax. This is an illegitimate government. And fuck all the lieticians and bureau rats. Quit supporting them.

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Where in BC are you buying gas for 1.33L

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