I still vividly remember Turdeau in Calgary during the campaign:

Justin Trudeau: "If you don't want to get vaccinated, that’s your choice, but don’t think you can get on a train or plane beside vaccinated people and put them at risk"

Audience: "Cheers and applause"

Me: "Uh, you just admitted your vaccines don't work"


The fact that they were only 500 votes away from holding the riding shows that almost half the people can still be fooled and will still cheer any stupid statement he makes.

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Check out this Albertan's excellent research.


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Yes, be afraid people. The left ( NDP & Libs) got 19000 + votes to the CPC's 15555. If they ever unite their parties officially, we are in trouble. I fear that might be precisely what they're up to.

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My fear is that if the CPC wins a minority gov't, the Libs and NDP (if they win enough seats) can turn around and form government and we're right back to where we are now...FUKT

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Trudeau won't step down. His huge ego won't let him. Even when the stats show otherwise. He thinks he's done right by canadians. But in actual fact. Him and freeland completely destroyed Canada. They are both being paid handsomely by soros which we all know. But trudeau is like soros. A complete waste of human flesh.

He should put his ego onto his empty pants and walk away. Right off any coast in Canada. We have three big coast lines. One would serve him well. Wished he would. Take all his immigrants with him

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as you noted he won the last election by pitting vaccinated (or those believing in the holy grail of vaccines) versus the unvaccinated. They are experts in dividing people, so count on them using a divide and conquer strategy again. Just a note on the genetic injections which are referred to as vaccines. The genetic modification of humans has not yet been show (because nobody has actually tested yet), but has been shown in vitro for both mRNA and plasmid DNA contamination in the injections. Buckhkoltz is working on this as we speak.

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The Libs/NDP are pushing their "socialist" programs hard and unfortunately too many don't see where it all leads! The Conservative win in TO was a shocker, but again I say Why are the Libs not concerned about their poll numbers? At least that's what they portray, perhaps just putting on a brave face for their tribe OR they know something we haven't guessed at yet. I will never believe that Trudeau won the last election legitimately, no f'ng way!

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Maybe Sam Cooper can shed some light on why we should all be concerned Sheldon.


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Canadian parliament deeply infiltrated by CCP.

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