Also who believes that ALL retailers and affected businesses will diligently remove these "exempted" GST items from their POS systems for 2 months? How ridiculous. Do people realize that even if they spent $1,000 in these 2 months on these newly exempted GST items they would only "save" a grand total of $50! whoopie-Dee-Do Not too mention this GST holiday and the $250 is all increasing the debt and causing us to pay more and more INTEREST on that debt! The interest on that temporary "savings" is more than outweighed by the interest we will pay on it! Money doesn't grow on trees people! I'm so aggravated that the general public thinks they are getting free money from Tru-Dum!
Excellent post. Pissing in our eye (giving us a GST/HST "break") and telling us it's raining (our own money)..this embarrassment needed to go years ago. Still unsure how people could have voted for him in 2019.
"In her final report to the Minister of Justice, Arif Virani, delivered at a National Gathering in Gatineau, Quebec, on 29 October 2024, Kimberly Murray falsely claimed that children are not only 'missing', but that they were deliberately 'disappeared', leading Murray to recommend prosecution in the International Criminal Court (ICC) on the ground that this constitutes an ongoing crime against humanity. Murray did not name the individuals she wants to see prosecuted by the ICC. However since only living persons can be prosecuted under the Rome Statute, it is clear that the current Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, and the current Minister of Justice, Arif Virani, would be targets for prosecution, as would any living past or current Senator, Member of Parliament, or Bishop or other official in the Catholic Church, including Pope Francis."
I dunno about Poilievre accusing Trudeau of dividing is using the vax policy. I don't remember him speaking out against it. There were a few, (Roman something, the black lady, I think maybe Brian/Bryan Jean..but I don't recall Pierre being one of them.
They all voted for mandates and celebrated all the public health measures. No one spoke up when JT called people who chose not to get the Covid injections racists, misogynists and wondered whether the rest of Canadians should tolerate "these people." The only group that spoke up and gave us hope was the trucking convoy and they weren't politicians. Look what the courts are doing to people who protested peacefully. Any politician speaking up about this? About the UN2030 goals? Our country is being run by globalists, not our elected politicians.
Also who believes that ALL retailers and affected businesses will diligently remove these "exempted" GST items from their POS systems for 2 months? How ridiculous. Do people realize that even if they spent $1,000 in these 2 months on these newly exempted GST items they would only "save" a grand total of $50! whoopie-Dee-Do Not too mention this GST holiday and the $250 is all increasing the debt and causing us to pay more and more INTEREST on that debt! The interest on that temporary "savings" is more than outweighed by the interest we will pay on it! Money doesn't grow on trees people! I'm so aggravated that the general public thinks they are getting free money from Tru-Dum!
@Dana 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯
Excellent post. Pissing in our eye (giving us a GST/HST "break") and telling us it's raining (our own money)..this embarrassment needed to go years ago. Still unsure how people could have voted for him in 2019.
If one goes back to the early 1900s and into the 1920s and does some digging you will find pattern's.
And currently all 338 are complicit. Because they have dollar signs for pupils over scroupels, dignity and honour.
Justin Trudeau Caught Dancing At Taylor Swift's Concert While Rioters Rock Canada's Montreal
...go watch....this will anger you.....
Also, THIS disgrace...... WASTING our tax dollars and LYING...poisoning all of our minds..... especially the young.... THIS needs to stop.....
Is Kimberly Murray responsible for the false claim that there are thousands of missing Indian residential school children?
"In her final report to the Minister of Justice, Arif Virani, delivered at a National Gathering in Gatineau, Quebec, on 29 October 2024, Kimberly Murray falsely claimed that children are not only 'missing', but that they were deliberately 'disappeared', leading Murray to recommend prosecution in the International Criminal Court (ICC) on the ground that this constitutes an ongoing crime against humanity. Murray did not name the individuals she wants to see prosecuted by the ICC. However since only living persons can be prosecuted under the Rome Statute, it is clear that the current Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, and the current Minister of Justice, Arif Virani, would be targets for prosecution, as would any living past or current Senator, Member of Parliament, or Bishop or other official in the Catholic Church, including Pope Francis."
GoFundMe to raise $25M to pay 25 Liberal/NDP MPs $1M each to force an election.
Right…… l see an absolute caucus revolt within the liberal party…… somebody’s gonna walk the gangplank
Another fantastic article.
I dunno about Poilievre accusing Trudeau of dividing is using the vax policy. I don't remember him speaking out against it. There were a few, (Roman something, the black lady, I think maybe Brian/Bryan Jean..but I don't recall Pierre being one of them.
They all voted for mandates and celebrated all the public health measures. No one spoke up when JT called people who chose not to get the Covid injections racists, misogynists and wondered whether the rest of Canadians should tolerate "these people." The only group that spoke up and gave us hope was the trucking convoy and they weren't politicians. Look what the courts are doing to people who protested peacefully. Any politician speaking up about this? About the UN2030 goals? Our country is being run by globalists, not our elected politicians.