Knowing the business of water and sewer,, sounds like they are LIEING THROUGH THEIR TEETH,,, once the ground is open,,, it'll take at least 2-3 months to replace that much MAIN water main pipe.. just be aware that projects that big, have never been finished when they ,( the pencil pushers) think they know something. They've never spent a day out in the ditch. NEVER TRUST A WHITE HAT IN CLEAN CLOTHES ON THE JOB SITE!!! With 20 years in the field, plus my spouse still a superintendent with water and sewer,, just saying, don't trust the clean pencil pushers
Great article Sheldon. The rapid pace of them fucking us over means most can’t possibly keep up. Your insight is spot on and I think you would make a fantastic city councillor. We can’t be allowed to forget.
A city in our country is a corporation. It is run by jews and mostly public fool system (grads), some with a little more indoctrination at a college or university. I graduated with distinction from two of the latter but those institutions are not for everyone nor should anyone not having attended a university feel badly for not having done so. We are all different with different DNA and upbringing. Some of us are not so lucky in the brains department but have good, strong muscles and a will to be good and kind and to recognize a leader who will guide those under him into righteousness. That is the sort of leadership we need but don't have it. I AM in my 73rd year here and have recently come out of adolescence. Most politicians are much younger than I. The creatures who won a popularity contest, those pond scum who think they are so important because they are politicians (poly ticks: poly is many and ticks are blood sucking vermin) are generally not that bright, easily persuaded by the international clique of parasites to sell their soul and so help the chicken swinging fraternity turn our once proud first world nation into a third world shit hole.
A city has a contractual obligation to the citizens who live within its borders. Water is a primary responsibility as is waste and sewage. We formed cities in order to take care of these matters so we can continue to progress our wobbly way toward Paradise. People believed in the jewish scam called Democracy and put their Xs in little boxes on little pieces of paper trusting all was kopesetic. (I saw the scam when I was about 25 and never therefore take responsibility for the fuck ups of those, cough, cough V.I.Ps)
At this point let me just interject a little quote from the entity's OS, the Talmud. 'The law for the jew is he must lie, cheat, steal and even kill goyim.'
So, let's continue. A city has a contractual obligation regarding water and Calgary city council and the CITY MANAGER are in default of the contract and hence everyone affected by this sorry example of what happens under DEMON ocracy (sic) you end up with lying, scheming thieves responsible for murder on a massive scale; to wit the governmental involvements regarding Draconian measures over a fake pandemic for example. The fact so many bought the BS and lined up like sheep in a chute to take the jew jabs shows you all very clearly how well the public fool system did its job and what was left for brains were cooked at the colleges and universities. To think that even professors lined up and presented an arm to receive an injection of ingredients so vile, so disgusting so even worse than Monster or Red Bull, about which they never inquired shows us all very clearly, it doesn't matter how many certificates one has, and I have piles of those things, only a few are framed; my Queen's Scout Certificate I got from Roland Michiner, that is in a frame; I was 14 then. But, I digressed. Getting back to the contractual default of the City of Calgary Incorporated, I suggest all Calgarians affected SUE the arse off the entity responsible for your water issues. Here in Red Deer there will come repercussions over another water issue, forced medication with the scrapings of fertilizer plant chimneys. Another criminal city council. Red Deer was the first city in Alberta to be so poisoned by the entity which is most certainly in charge here judging from the monstrous, obscene erection manifesting in the middle of the city; ie: a new multi storied court house for the jewish shysters and their minions to suck shekels under false pretences, Admiralty and Noahide law which is not the law of our land. I have been in those arenas a bunch of times and beat some serious stuff and even wrote a handbook about that in how to do it yourself in court. One case could have netted me 60 days in the slammer. No thank you. A Handbook for the Righteous or How to Beat the Unrighteous at Their own Game. My many readers call it, The Red Pill.
Gosh darn, I keep digressing. Back to the issue in question. Citizens of Calgary organize and perhaps move to incarcerate those responsible for their crime, the mismanagement of fundamental infrastructure. It is time to hold the contest winners to account. What say ye?
Hail Victory and FtJ.
And, do not let them use your own money to pay you off.
In some places the entity has already banned water barrels and are contemplating taxing the rain you receive from God. Remember, the entity in charge of everything is a soulless demonic alien chicken swinging, wall humping society of tunnel rats whose religious leaders even admit they are here to DESTROY. They have done a good job of it so far. Recent count on another topic pertaining to those whose religious leaders circumcise 8 day old boys and suck the blood off the little compromised penis; over THIRTY MILLION and counting premature deaths because of the covidocaust. Over thirty million human beings DEAD thanks to the cocksuckers who need to be removed off the planet making this globe the 1031st place to kick the minions of Satan and Sons of the Devil back to where they came from, beyond the Kuiper belt. Hail Victory and FtJ.
Sheldon - spot on. Our (insert choice word here) Mayor and the majority imbecilic council couldn't organize a....... Well, I won't post it. Thank you for running in the next election. We need someone like yourself running in my ward (no, not me) and all other wards. This city, and country are off the rails
Knowing the business of water and sewer,, sounds like they are LIEING THROUGH THEIR TEETH,,, once the ground is open,,, it'll take at least 2-3 months to replace that much MAIN water main pipe.. just be aware that projects that big, have never been finished when they ,( the pencil pushers) think they know something. They've never spent a day out in the ditch. NEVER TRUST A WHITE HAT IN CLEAN CLOTHES ON THE JOB SITE!!! With 20 years in the field, plus my spouse still a superintendent with water and sewer,, just saying, don't trust the clean pencil pushers
Great article Sheldon. The rapid pace of them fucking us over means most can’t possibly keep up. Your insight is spot on and I think you would make a fantastic city councillor. We can’t be allowed to forget.
A city in our country is a corporation. It is run by jews and mostly public fool system (grads), some with a little more indoctrination at a college or university. I graduated with distinction from two of the latter but those institutions are not for everyone nor should anyone not having attended a university feel badly for not having done so. We are all different with different DNA and upbringing. Some of us are not so lucky in the brains department but have good, strong muscles and a will to be good and kind and to recognize a leader who will guide those under him into righteousness. That is the sort of leadership we need but don't have it. I AM in my 73rd year here and have recently come out of adolescence. Most politicians are much younger than I. The creatures who won a popularity contest, those pond scum who think they are so important because they are politicians (poly ticks: poly is many and ticks are blood sucking vermin) are generally not that bright, easily persuaded by the international clique of parasites to sell their soul and so help the chicken swinging fraternity turn our once proud first world nation into a third world shit hole.
A city has a contractual obligation to the citizens who live within its borders. Water is a primary responsibility as is waste and sewage. We formed cities in order to take care of these matters so we can continue to progress our wobbly way toward Paradise. People believed in the jewish scam called Democracy and put their Xs in little boxes on little pieces of paper trusting all was kopesetic. (I saw the scam when I was about 25 and never therefore take responsibility for the fuck ups of those, cough, cough V.I.Ps)
At this point let me just interject a little quote from the entity's OS, the Talmud. 'The law for the jew is he must lie, cheat, steal and even kill goyim.'
So, let's continue. A city has a contractual obligation regarding water and Calgary city council and the CITY MANAGER are in default of the contract and hence everyone affected by this sorry example of what happens under DEMON ocracy (sic) you end up with lying, scheming thieves responsible for murder on a massive scale; to wit the governmental involvements regarding Draconian measures over a fake pandemic for example. The fact so many bought the BS and lined up like sheep in a chute to take the jew jabs shows you all very clearly how well the public fool system did its job and what was left for brains were cooked at the colleges and universities. To think that even professors lined up and presented an arm to receive an injection of ingredients so vile, so disgusting so even worse than Monster or Red Bull, about which they never inquired shows us all very clearly, it doesn't matter how many certificates one has, and I have piles of those things, only a few are framed; my Queen's Scout Certificate I got from Roland Michiner, that is in a frame; I was 14 then. But, I digressed. Getting back to the contractual default of the City of Calgary Incorporated, I suggest all Calgarians affected SUE the arse off the entity responsible for your water issues. Here in Red Deer there will come repercussions over another water issue, forced medication with the scrapings of fertilizer plant chimneys. Another criminal city council. Red Deer was the first city in Alberta to be so poisoned by the entity which is most certainly in charge here judging from the monstrous, obscene erection manifesting in the middle of the city; ie: a new multi storied court house for the jewish shysters and their minions to suck shekels under false pretences, Admiralty and Noahide law which is not the law of our land. I have been in those arenas a bunch of times and beat some serious stuff and even wrote a handbook about that in how to do it yourself in court. One case could have netted me 60 days in the slammer. No thank you. A Handbook for the Righteous or How to Beat the Unrighteous at Their own Game. My many readers call it, The Red Pill.
Gosh darn, I keep digressing. Back to the issue in question. Citizens of Calgary organize and perhaps move to incarcerate those responsible for their crime, the mismanagement of fundamental infrastructure. It is time to hold the contest winners to account. What say ye?
Hail Victory and FtJ.
And, do not let them use your own money to pay you off.
Where can we get thus booklet you wrote? I think we need to be well versed in law and our rights.
This handbook is only available directly from me. I have sold over 800. The price is $100. No tax. Cash only.
The international clique of parasites has infected every government on Earth. That is why everything is turning into S...
Get some water barrels hooked up to your eaves WEF .... if water is seen as an urgent problem....
So here we are.
Good thing a few of our rain barrels got filled with the recent rain. Guess I’ll save using them for when they shut down Bearspaw 😵💫
In some places the entity has already banned water barrels and are contemplating taxing the rain you receive from God. Remember, the entity in charge of everything is a soulless demonic alien chicken swinging, wall humping society of tunnel rats whose religious leaders even admit they are here to DESTROY. They have done a good job of it so far. Recent count on another topic pertaining to those whose religious leaders circumcise 8 day old boys and suck the blood off the little compromised penis; over THIRTY MILLION and counting premature deaths because of the covidocaust. Over thirty million human beings DEAD thanks to the cocksuckers who need to be removed off the planet making this globe the 1031st place to kick the minions of Satan and Sons of the Devil back to where they came from, beyond the Kuiper belt. Hail Victory and FtJ.
Are you thinking a fire is headed your way?
Another great read! Wish you were running in Ward 2!
Sheldon - spot on. Our (insert choice word here) Mayor and the majority imbecilic council couldn't organize a....... Well, I won't post it. Thank you for running in the next election. We need someone like yourself running in my ward (no, not me) and all other wards. This city, and country are off the rails
If there had been 1/6 the amount of immigration I'm betting a lot of these issues could have been deferred or been irrelevant.
Yet regardless of the consequences we keep packing people in.
So now, everybody s freaking out about a water shortage. Not surprising.
One day we will fight over water, not oil.