propaganda put forward by ‘trusted media’ worked for Hitler too.

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Send this to every Albertan - If Rachel wins the economy will be destroyed!


- Shame on you Rachel



Rachel, your toxic Covid-19 “vaccines have killed ~10,000 Albertans to 1May2023 and vaxx-injured hundreds of thousands more. My calculations have been independently verified by Rancourt et al (Feb2023). I warned you and you ignored my warning. You knew because I told you in writing before the toxic injections were released.

Your partner in these killings, Jason Kenney, is gone - why are you still here?

ADDENDUM – An important point about the uber-corrupt NDP:

The NDP provincially and federally are the same party. This is clearly stated and in their constitution, so a vote for the Alberta NDP is a vote Justin and Jagmeet’s Liberal/NDP coalition, the very people who locked us down, destroyed our human rights, poisoned our families with their mandatory, toxic, ineffective Covid-19 “vaccines” and vaxx-killed ~115,000 Canadians to 1May2023 - more than the 105,000 Canadians we lost in World War 1 and World War 2!

Rachel reports to Jagmeet who reports to Justin who reports to Fascist Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum – Traitors!

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Yikes! Thanks for part two. Fascinating information about British Columbia. I moved here in 1978 from Quebec. Now it feels like I jumped from the frying pan into the fire. This is one messed up province.

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“WHEREAS the United Nations Secretary-General recognizes disinformation as an “existential risk to humanity.”” Geezus this is absolute nuts.

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Of course I agree.

This next view won't be popular.

That big V word is and will only be the way out of this.

Sorry, no free passes. Save that fast space rock.

Remember what's at the base of the tree of liberty.

It ain't water.

It sucks

Look what we are up against. Tech and rigged elections with corrupt power hungry confused Marxists at the door.

Say we get our blue vote.

Holy fuckin shit the aftermath that will ensue.

Get fuckin ready.

I do apologize. I see no clean escape but pure mottel. Did I get that right?

I've long lost hope in the pen saving our asses.

I do give thanks to yours Sheldon.

I also digress.

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True, true and true.

They are evil beyond words!!

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You always bring the fire, Sheldon. Thank you once again!

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Fucking unreal, isn’t it? These globalist puppets aren’t even trying to hide the treason anymore.

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an easy way to point to the obvious departure from 'liberal democracy' to whatever it is they call what they do now is simply the demonization of the traditional minority viewpoint. If everyone isn't onboard with their current buffoonery, then you're a misinformationalist, a homophode, a racist, a 'enter-some-stupid-noun here'... censorship, name-calling and weaponizing minority ideas are all part of build back better, i guess...

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NB: the plural of "whereas" is "whereases." But other than that, great piece of writing! These commies need to be stopped and soon.

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