I’m going to jump around on the remainder of the 24 Official Party Policies, laid out for the 2023 Liberal National Convention…because even though the Libs have set these out in their order of priority, there are some that just need more attention.
Combatting Disinformation in Canada
Sponsor: Liberal Party of Canada (British Columbia)
WHEREAS the United Nations Secretary-General recognizes disinformation as an “existential risk to humanity.”
WHEREAS online information sources are the source of most disinformation aimed at and/or available to Canadians.
WHEREAS those who produce misinformation seek to undermine trust in people and institutions, including mainstream media and governments.
WHEREAS one recent poll found 44% Canadians believe much of the information from news organizations is false and 71% believe official government accounts of events are untrustworthy.
WHEREAS the demand for information 24/7 has increased the need for programming contemporaneously with the loss of advertising revenue to on-line platforms.
WHEREAS to reduce costs, mainstream media no longer employs as many reporters with extensive knowledge of particular subject areas, and fills content with opinion programming rather than news, and
WHEREAS the result has devalued mainstream media as a source of news and information.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Liberal Party of Canada:
Request the Government provide additional public funds to support advertisement-free news and information reporting by Canadian media through an arm’s-length non-partisan mechanism.
Request the Government explore options to hold on-line information services accountable for the veracity of material published on their platforms and to limit publication only to material whose sources can be traced.
Each of the previously covered points also came with several Whereas’s, which is why I request that you not only read through the original document to verify what I am saying, but also so that you can gain a full scope of the complete lunacy and terror inside of this document.
This one, I wanted to cover entirely, starting off from - the Sponsor being the Liberal Party of British Columbia.
While we work under the premise that BC is an NDP Province, it’s actually a mixed bag of nuts. Their MPs number in the following:
Conservatives: 14
NDP: 12
Liberal: 15
Green: 1
It’s only because that loud mouthed prick Jagmeet, Leader of the Federal NDP Party, is an MP out of BC that we really look to the province as being NDP…but when comes down to it, there are:
More Liberals.
The NDP is the same party as the Liberals.
Elizabeth May, Green Party, is a complete lunatic that always falls in line with the NDP and Liberal Members of BC.
There are conservative pockets in the province.
However…even with this being said, and though Legislation in BC is handled on a Provincial Level through their Members of Legislative Assembly, BC was the first province to threaten their medical staff to maintain a Gag Order under threat of being fired, losing their license and facing several thousands of dollars worth of fines…by disagreeing with the Health Care Narrative.
This all came out because of COVID and because they have ZERO Tolerance for anybody who objects to what they want you to know…they still haven’t brought back their Unvaccinated Healthcare and Frontline Workers.
Those heads are kept on posts as a reminder to anybody else who’d step out of line:
So…to see a policy the same, sponsored in the Socialist Manifesto of the Federal Liberal Party, coming from BC…really ought not be that shocking.
WHEREAS the United Nations Secretary-General recognizes disinformation as an “existential risk to humanity.”
Existential risk to Humanity?
Fuck right off with that…and then keep fucking off with it.
The only existential risk that has ever existed on this planet are large fucking rocks that hit this boulder we live on, really hard that are travelling really fast.
Everything else is bullshit!
And anybody who uses the word with any other context other than the rock thing, is a liar.
WHEREAS online information sources are the source of most disinformation aimed at and/or available to Canadians.
This…is arguably correct and incorrect at the same time. What we have come to learn is that Government information spread throughout Legacy Media is the largest source of Disinformation over the last 3+ years…
There is a lot of other disinformation out there, to be sure…but given that a lot of this information isn’t actually steeped in facts…it’s all opinion. Yes, there are right and wrong opinions on the internet, same as in real life.
But…if we take the last few years and combine the disinformation that has been spread, it makes up the actual supermajority of the disinformation both on and off of the internet:
Climate Hoax.
Vaccine Sham.
Budget will Balance Itself!
In effect…the people telling you that Online Information Sources are the Largest Source of Disinformation…are the same people feeding you the Disinformation!
WHEREAS those who produce misinformation seek to undermine trust in people and institutions, including mainstream media and governments.
This is a good time to distinguish between Disinformation and Misinformation…
Just like the pronouns (They/Them). You are one fucking person…and even if you have a frog in your pocket that helps you make decisions, nobody else will take you seriously because you have a mental deficiency that allows you to think you are more than one being.
Misinformation and Disinformation are terms put out by people who believe in fluidity of likewise terms…for the sake of feeling smarter than you are. They aren’t…don’t let them.
So when they say that '“those who produce misinformation seek to undermine trust in the media and governments”, it’s because THEY have decided what is true and not true…anything they say from here out is deemed fact (by them), where any contrary point is deemed FALSE (by them).
They are giving themselves cart blanche power to decide on the spur of the moment to decide if they want something to be true, negating anything counter to be wrong…because…
WHEREAS one recent poll found 44% Canadians believe much of the information from news organizations is false and 71% believe official government accounts of events are untrustworthy.
It wasn’t one poll that found this out…they can run as many fucking polls as they’d like and will get similar or worse results and it’s not because of guys like me that have created information to not trust the government…I’ve used their data to show that it doesn’t align with the words they use to describe their data…as in FACTS supported by THEIR INFORMATION.
And they don’t like that I do this…which is why a lot of the statistical data on both provincial websites and through Health Canada have Disappeared. While they can put in a summary that says, being vaccinated is “Safe and Effective”, I can and have and will continue to use their data to show that it is NOT.
And because we have been Masking for 3+ years and Vaccinating for 2+ Years, have added in additional pharmaceuticals and watched as MORE PEOPLE DIED from COVID, with each successive year…people tend to believe me when I say this shit isn’t working…than do when they say it is.
WHEREAS the demand for information 24/7 has increased the need for programming contemporaneously with the loss of advertising revenue to on-line platforms.
And because you believe me more than you believe them…and because I stay awake with you, writing this shit as it happens and you are more willing to paysub me than are to even read through their free versions, looking at the pay ads…they are losing revenue.
Now…when I say ME, it’s not me specifically.
I know you read through a lot of other subs and social media platforms.
I know you are looped into video streaming services and other forms of email information…
I know it’s not just me…it’s others, like me, that they accuse of stealing money from the industry that they pay for, with taxpayer money, to promote messages that we all know are FALSE.
WHEREAS to reduce costs, mainstream media no longer employs as many reporters with extensive knowledge of particular subject areas, and fills content with opinion programming rather than news, and
WHEREAS the result has devalued mainstream media as a source of news and information.
We are not the reason that these people are getting fired and legacy media has been devalued.
They are.
If they didn’t want to have to throw as much taxpayer money onto this dumpster fire of Media…they could let them report the actual news that would keep readers engaged…like all of the rest of us do, that don’t get government handouts.
Like others, this isn’t a full-time gig for me.
I have to work a full-time job to cover my nut…do this more out of passion than ever did it for generating an income…and if was for an actual honest media…wouldn’t even be here doing what I do.
Their solution?
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Liberal Party of Canada:
Request the Government provide additional public funds to support advertisement-free news and information reporting by Canadian media through an arm’s-length non-partisan mechanism.
Request the Government explore options to hold on-line information services accountable for the veracity of material published on their platforms and to limit publication only to material whose sources can be traced.
Give these lying motherfuckers more Taxpayer Money and keep anonymous sources from reporting.
CSIS is the latest of these whistleblowers and those who have come forward with information regarding the corruption in our Elections have provided Legitimate Evidence of which has started an investigation into the Liberal Party of Canada…and they don’t want people ratting them out…plain and simple.
They don’t give a shit about the information…they want those who would otherwise not be able to provide it, if had to identify themselves through true identity, to not be able to speak out AT ALL.
There is a lot to unpack with all of this…but the bottom line basically works out to be that Point #10 on the Socialist Manifesto by the Liberal Party of Canada…is propaganda.
They want to decide the facts.
They want to decide who disseminates the facts.
They want to limit the reach of others who can refute their facts, if not censor them completely.
They want to eliminate those anonymously whistleblowers…because, transparency is the last thing they want when they are turning our once beautiful nation into a socialist shithole!
Stay Tuned…this is only #10 of 24 points to cover…there’s more…A LOT MORE!
propaganda put forward by ‘trusted media’ worked for Hitler too.
Send this to every Albertan - If Rachel wins the economy will be destroyed!
- Shame on you Rachel
Rachel, your toxic Covid-19 “vaccines have killed ~10,000 Albertans to 1May2023 and vaxx-injured hundreds of thousands more. My calculations have been independently verified by Rancourt et al (Feb2023). I warned you and you ignored my warning. You knew because I told you in writing before the toxic injections were released.
Your partner in these killings, Jason Kenney, is gone - why are you still here?
ADDENDUM – An important point about the uber-corrupt NDP:
The NDP provincially and federally are the same party. This is clearly stated and in their constitution, so a vote for the Alberta NDP is a vote Justin and Jagmeet’s Liberal/NDP coalition, the very people who locked us down, destroyed our human rights, poisoned our families with their mandatory, toxic, ineffective Covid-19 “vaccines” and vaxx-killed ~115,000 Canadians to 1May2023 - more than the 105,000 Canadians we lost in World War 1 and World War 2!
Rachel reports to Jagmeet who reports to Justin who reports to Fascist Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum – Traitors!