Thanks Sheldon for your thoughts on last nights events. From afar I see the big takeaways is of course the convid jabs for infants and that AHS has to go! We are living in lunacy land! And that Daniele is somewhat ok with tat is UNACCEPTABLE!

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no politician wants to question the safety of the sacred cow (vaccines). I think the idea of re-writing the informed consent form as per the Alberta Prosperity Project is a great idea. https://albertaprosperityproject.com/health/scientific-legal-and-political-rationale-recommended-for-modifying-the-ahs-consent-for-covid-19-immunization-form/ If I understand the APP, this proposal has already been run by the Health Minister in Alberta. The Bill of Rights suggestion is fine, to eliminate mandates, but in order for the average indoctrinated citizen to make an informed decision a form like this is essential. I wonder if this subject could be brought up at one of these town halls? Thanks for your continued coverage about what is happening in Alberta.

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Volunteer civilian deputy sheriffs (much like the volunteer fire depts) would solve to policing issue.

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Not if the volunteer civilian deputy sheriffs were screeching hair-on-fire communist NDPs!

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What’s the chance of a blue haired freak wanting to be a cop and what’s to hinder them from already being in the police force currently?

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