Yet ivermectin still can’t be prescribed by doctors… and you still have doctors that are brainwashed. Challenge your doctors and write to your MPs and health ministries. This has to end.

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This Government’s policies are blatantly obvious to most conscious Canadians ! I preferred when the street gangs did the distributing of narcotics! How simple life seemed to be then, lol! And if that last sentence resinates with you, you know how f***d our situation is! It’s the same practice Big Pharma uses, create the problem with one drug so you can create another to fix the latter! The Gov creates the depression then offers the narcotic to suppress your depression! The ends of both stories have the same punch line!

Wear a smile and say hi to your neighbour today ! May just be the spark someone needs

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Well, as former cannabis growers during prohibition, hubs and I are sure out of pocket now 😜🤣

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I have stopped expecting any branch of our existing government to do anything to save us.

They lied about virus, they lied about the pandemic, they fudged stats, they removed ICU beds, they closed businesses, they lied about the vax, they forced people to take it or lose their jobs, they banned 1/2 million Canadians from leaving the country by using political science , they censored, silenced , gaslight, fired and debanked. All of our systems are corrupted, Gov, judicial and Executive. It is the same in all the WEST. "Covid" showed us who is the boss , you can clearly see the globalist hand at the control and the total lack of authority our leaders actually have. Remember when not a single MP or minister showed up in Ottawa in Feb 2022- 2 years after the beginning of the covid scam, to address our concerns NOT ONE? None are willing to lose their own status or power to truly step out and call out the lies of the whole sham. They are all willing to step over a massive fraud that threatens our whole way of life, that decimated our families, economy, social systems and killed people.

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Research who graduated from the young global leadership program from the WEF. You may be surprised.

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I know what your saying Pierre and Michelle… I was very disappointed by that information, although lots of nice regular people were misguided about those organizations for many years so I can hope that they were just flattered previously to be invited to attend some wef stuff but I can hope they are not secretly involved w them. I mean Pierre is on record in more recent times as saying he wants no part of wef and would forbid his people from being involved… so he has said the right things and taken the right first steps as action BUT ya it’s so scary. I want to believe he is legit trying his best for Canadians- a lot of people think he is and he seems like a good option right now. I guess time will tell.

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His wife profited from the PCR test kits.

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On another note...Oh, Canada..... This just in..... Residential School Mass Graves Lack Proof | Dr. Tom Flanagan

Dr. Tom Flanagan, author, analyst, and professor, questions the controversy of mass graves in Canadian residential schools. Where's the proof? He challenges the narrative of widespread abuse in residential schools while emphasizing the importance of truth and evidence in understanding Canada's history.


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Book “Grave Error” by CP Champion and Tom Flanagan.

Also goes into that.

It was shown to be a hoax right from the start by the person who did the actual ground radar testing. Even they said there was no evidence of mass graves, jist that there was an anomaly.

The whole thing is a farce that led right into the ridiculous situation now of “acknowledging we are on xxx land” and overboard indigenous spotlighting.

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May 23·edited May 23

Yes.....well, the land acknowledgments were pre-hoax but yes, now they are REALLY amped up.... it came from the Truth and Reconciliation Calls To Action...... https://honouringindigenouspeoples.com/reconciliaction-land-acknowledgements/

...BUT, it seems it's not enough...... Indigenous land acknowledgments alone won't advance reconciliation, say critics

'If we only have scripted statements at events, it becomes just another part of the agenda' https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/land-acknowledgments-reconciliation-1.5061778

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You’re right, they were.

Enough of this reconciliation crap! Or I wanna start suing the Muslims for all my Christian ancestors they enslaved and massacred. And the British for their hostile takeover of my ancestral scottish lands, and the Romans for their invasion of Britain. And the Africans for their kidnapping and enslavement of my european ancestors.

That’s pretty much how farcical this whole thing has gotten.

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This legalized drug thing is intended to depopulate. They want all the druggie to over dose ..my opinion

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What happened to the 'War on Drugs"?

Send the military out and set up tent hospitals and pens to round up the contagion.

Then apply best (successful) practices.

Do not let them out.

Contain this disease.

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However, at a CHD TV roundtable, Senator Ron Johnson mentioned that a new US president might be able to repeal this problematic treaty.

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The NGO affiliation that is circumventing our municipal jurisdiction, giving us our new Global Mayors club; is having their convention in Calgary June 6-9th. They are FCM- ICLEI.

You want your council to sign off of this partnership asap. Do that via this....


There are plans to hand out flyers as our bureaucrats, lobbyists and polistitutes enter their sovereignty destruction tion club.

A friendly info session. Maybe show up? Details in events tab. Providing I'm not on jobs I'll be there.

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Decriminalized, not legalized. Idk if that would change how those people voted though, they must be making a killing being the drug dealer of choice. Poor 18yo just died at UVIC; one of 3 who OD'd. Clearly another education campaign is needed. I guess booze must be too expensive these days for college kids.

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The prohibition of sale of goods or services from one person of another is a fundamental breach of human rights: right to contract.

The prohibition of possession of drugs is likewise a violation of a fundamental human right: right to property.

Neither of these can be considered 'laws' in Bastiat's sense. They are tyranny.

The homeless you see are the result of OTHER tyrannies piled upon each other.

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I truly believe there won’t be another election. The UK is currently on the verge of lobbing bonds into Russia and Putin has warned that he will wipe them out. They are desperately trying to start war with NATO, I believe, so they can enact war time measures, ie: marshal law, no more elections. Not to mention watching Tam, Bonnie Henry and a bunch of others planning how they are going to roll out the bird flu propaganda, giggling the whole time. It was disgusting!!!

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We all knew "safe supply" was not going to end well. Have had numerous debates with do-gooders and the stats don't matter to them unfortunately. I'd like to know who is benefiting financially, 'cause you've got to follow the money. When the government sponsored rehab facilities are fully funded and drug use is allowed and private rehab facilities, where drug use is prohibited, receives less than a third pp/day - you have to wonder how committed the Ministry of Mental Health & Addictions really is.

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How much more damage and destruction...?

Dunno, but it will be a lot.

Drama teacher and Jag will see to it...

I should of course include Bloc...

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It looks like the WHO's Pandemic Treaty, set to be signed by member nations on May 27th, is unavoidable, so we need a backup plan. Out of the 3,000 Einsatzgruppen members sent to the Eastern Front and captured after World War II, only 200 were put on trial and punished. Many Nazis with high IQs (between 138-142) who were tried at Nuremberg often avoided execution.

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