I think Mr. Askari suffers from denial symptoms (maybe more so than the average Canadian), having grown up in a moderate Islamic household that had its basis established in westernized Iran. One would have to study the history of Iran catapulted into the modern age by discovery if oil, the efforts of Prime Minister Mohammad Mosadeggh to modernize his country for the benefit of his people, the subsequent finagling of the Anglo-American Oil Company to usurp control with the transfer of power to the crown Prince Reza Pahvlani (at least until the fall of the Shah in 1979. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohammad_Mosaddegh.

For an accurate glimpse as seen through the eyes of a young girl throughout this tumultuous time, ultimately finding herself displaced without Country, the award winning and poignant film “Persepolis” is a recommended synopsis. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persepolis_(film). (Don’t be fooled by the cartoon medium.)

Be that all as it may, and people’s desire to simplify things, some important aspects may have been overlooked with Mr. Askari’s distillation of events. For one, the WEF has been operating for over 30 years, indoctrinating Pols, Business Leaders and Bankers into its maw through their Young Global Program. Keep in mind the people sucked into meeting at Davos and fed steak and lobsters were young and impressionable, imbued with the spirit that entitled them to think “we will build a new society”. Remind yourself their projections were for people to “own nothing and be happy” with their “Great Reset” program in which the economy and dependency on 1980’s energy levels would be destroyed and subsequently rebuilt via their “Build Back Better” slogan - which was more than just words.

Along the way, others got in on the act. The Zionist NeoCons wanting perpetual war as standing out being a key GDP contributor to the US economy to Eugenicists wanting to cull the 8 billion current population. Now, no one will expressly tell the populations this either in Legacy or Independent Media, you just have to observe what is currently happening with objective eyes. To keep on track, view the systematic sales job done on promoting a bio-warfare “Vaxx” for populace acceptance, and the now apparent adverse effects being witnessed by friends and family rather than admitted by Mainstream Everybody.

Current controversial films where art imitates life are the Obamas produced “Leave the World Behind” and the post apocalyptic break-up of the US “Civil War”.

PS. My experience with the CPP indicated they had no desire to effect any significant change in the Canadian Political system. This was stated to me in explicit terms. Voting for anyone representing that Party will not accomplish desired effects, and will only dilute the Vote. Poilievre and Bernier are both graduates of the WEF programs. At least in Bernier’s case, he stood with the Trucker’s Freedom Rally. Pierre Poilievre? A no-show.

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Bernier is career opposition ..... paid handsomely to lose. WEFFER

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Unfortunately, you’re right. Besides, numb nuts doesn’t know to keep confidential Government papers from his biker girlfriend - who was likely a plant to transfer information to and from. Who knows.

Keep thinking of that Marlon Brando movie “Zapata” where, tiring of the peasants calling for help, told them something like “A strong people need no leeeeders”.

Doesn’t it get tiring of playing the Hegelian Dialectic political game of good-guy-turned-bad-guy being voted out by the good-guy rinse and repeat cycle? (All the while maintaining what’s best for Corporate interests.)

And now, the Parties demand the public chip in donations for them to do their jobs they get paid for by Taxpayers anyway?

“. . . tell me where is sanity”

- from “I’d Love to Change the World”, Alvin Lee, Ten Years After

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:)) Well done.

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Tried editing my profile and now am “Anonymous”. Oh, welll.

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14

Watching now... this is an interesting discussion.

Re immigration: From my perspective as a contact IT person, one impact has been that as more IT people come in, pay rates drop. Economics 101: add supply to a fixed demand, and prices drop.

As an example, I'm seeing rates now back to where they were in 1995. Employers love this. Me not so much :(

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Hey Calgary the municipal Opposition "politically Speaking" is run By Craig Chandler..Who ran Harper, Harris and Kenney's election Campaigns;


It's a WEF agenda Calgary

she Dismissed the Recall Petition

She was Selected by Dominion not Elected...

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Voted conservative my whole life, our whole family did, but this may be the first time, I don’t vote at all, or vote PPC, only independent party Canada has

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Nothing Independent about PPC / WEF owned.

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