I am not fully understanding what is the lie you were not aware of and I want to understand. Is it the immunity the vaccine would provide? That went the wayside very quickly but nobody seemed to care, so weird as that was what was advertised. Also November 2020, "they" said only one shot and then it was two.. also the first ones needed special refridgeration and then after a bit that wasn't happening. But so many didn't blink an eye. Why the second shots and boosters? If it was a serious question... I would guess that the 2 shots and follow up boosters... were to get more people with the poison as not all of the shots could have the poison for obvious reasons? I think they are telling the truth about vaxxed people producing spike protein, apparently forever... this is what the freaks wanted, and also the shedding of the spike protein which transfers to unvaxxed. Scary shit has happened. Sort of the same in which "they" have us believing how vaccines help us.. but yet higher rates of everything...autism, adhd, shingles, flu etc. We have been played.

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Honestly, the best comment I've ever read to one of my substacks.

Thank you!

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Wow, thanks.

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Played yes....And how! I cannot believe people just sucked this all up. No research, no temperance, no trials! Just hopped right on the monkey see, monkey do, coercion train.

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It's so hard to believe the reaction of following and not questioning.. that's more disturbing now than the evil actions of governments.

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The complicated cooling issue just fizzled away. Why? Why didn't the vaxxed people question that?? And you have to wonder why it fizzled. Was it just too complicated and would've resulted in less jabs bc the time to get this in place wasn't plausible without years of lockdown? So they decided to just go ahead and hope they'd work? Was this issue ever addressed by the msm? I have a feeling its why some people were unharmed by the jabs. They were useless bc viles weren't stored properly? Or did the jabs cause more damage because they weren't stored properly? It's just so bizarre that people still took it knowing the temperature issue wasn't addressed.

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The cooling issue was so strange. I wondered if it was just another distraction or manipultaion tactic (so many lies, why would this be different), everyone was talking about that particular feature, the refridgeration at -80 or whatever it was, it seemed special with a new drug, put the attention here? And fizzled out? .... it wasn't necessary in the first place, but too complicated to actually pull off? Bizzare is right.

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Why weren't pharmacies questioning this? They're complicate in it.

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Right? Wonder if we'll ever know the truth behind that one.

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I highly doubt we will.

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When they first started the jab they said one would have great immunity then it was 2 and you wouldn’t need anymore, then it was fully vaccinated which changed too up to date which means getting a booster and then the pharma companies suggested that you should have one every 6 months which was all BS

They never once told us the truth now people are paying for it with sickness that they would probably never have, just an opinion that seems to be happening

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UK stats indicate the number of post covid diseases amongst the vaccinated continues to climb. Now the worst is a 61 sigma event-off the charts and never seen before!!!


This is a global public health disaster underway. In highly vaccinated advanced economies, when critical infrastructure workers succumb, we could be facing economic and social collapse. In the interim, as ever more vaccinated become aware of what was done to them and their families, their wrath will be directed towards politicians, senior public health bureaucrats, and big pharma executives and they will all have no place to hide.

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I can only hope that once the jabbed wake up to the consequences of THEIR own actions, they will gain the common sense reasoning they didn't use prior.

Innocent victims have the 'right' to be angry. It's part of the grieving process.

Those who walked in for their jab with their eyes open must realize a simple fact: wake-up!

This is what life is all about. Before you make a decision, do your due diligence.

When the government; the health care system; MSM; your neighbour; your wife/husband/mother/father/children/aunt/uncle/EVERYONE in your world coerces you to do something, give a good think first.

The one's who refused to be coerced did that. They were awake!

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Don't forget that many who were jabbed were coerced against their will. With mortgages to pay and families to raise, the "jab or job-it's your choice" was no choice. In my opinion, this was pure malevolence and evil.

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That's the problem. You have left out the factor of choice.

Every adult on earth has the intrinsic right to choose which path they follow. (I won't bring in religion into the discussion because that will muddy it up. I know its based on Christian principle. We mostly all have heard the story about Adam and Eve and the tree of knowledge, I hope!)

I know the quandary this issue created. I chose to do something that went against my principles. After weighing the pros and cons, I BRIBED my grandson's into refusing to be jabbed. I'm not proud of that.

I used what the monsters were using to get acquiescence and threw them the middle finger salute.

Why I'm stating this opinion is people must learn they have a choice for what to do. To blame someone because you made the wrong choice doesn't create protection for the future.

This last 3 years is ONLY the opening round. There's worse to come. We must make ourselves ready for it or our species will extirpate itself.

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Don't feel bad about bribing your grandsons, I would have done the same.

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Seems to rarely be mentioned, but the only reason any of the egregious bullshit of the last few yrs happened was because so many just shrugged and went along with it.

Tnats the part that terrifies me, all those who went along the first time are almost guaranteed to go along with whatever comes next also.

As long as the stupefied masses can continue to have their skip the dishes and Netflix, they'll continue to offer not only zero resistance but self righteous support for whatever narrative they're told to follow.

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Jul 24, 2023
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Wow, its no wonder I've said nothing till now, Turtle. You obviously missed the message. Your skepticism is blinding your view of reality. I pity you!

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Does insulting my 11 and 13 year old (2021) grandson's fulfill some rage driven phobia you have to accepting the fact that people have choice? Your toxicity is a perfect example of what's wrong with our world. How fucking dare you!

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Jul 25, 2023
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I've calmed down and noticed you didn't apologize for calling my young grandson's stupid.

I think my best advice to you would to dig deeper before you insult people.

In other word's, wake-up! You've got a long road to travel on the road to enlightenment.

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Multiple shots of poison is guaranteed to depopulate......

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I forgot as well when JT and friends said get whatever shot they had as you could mix the shots without any science behind it,

JT and friends (all governments at every level) didn’t have a clue how different vaccines would work together but let’s push it anyway

Then it was all kids 5 and up should get it and teachers unions pushed for that and masks,

What did that accomplish nothing good only more cases of young people dying or getting sick that much easier

These so called experts had zero scientific evidence and wanted no debate on the vaccine just do as you’re told

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Yeah that was mind blowing too. Was bad enough there wasn't proper trials for any of the vaxxes but to claim mixing and matching was perfectly safe was truly unreal! And for kids! And pregnant women! Mind blowing.

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Never been a proper (vs placebo) trial of any vax... Ever.

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The process for producing the mRNA strands for the jab was to insert a DNA ring into a bacterial cell. It then churned out the mRNA which in theory was gathered up and put into the lipid nanoparticles which was the basis of the jab. The DNA was not supposed to be in the jab, however as you say and was proven it formed a third of the jab contents of the samples looked at. This found DNA was reinserted back into the bacterial cell and started churning out spike proteins again. It is plausible that it could do the same in your cells, especially those of your gut biome. So a continous production of spike until or if your immune system recognizes the fault in the cell (spike production) and offs it.

One of the early criticisms of the jab is that it was not consistent, there was no way to predict where the jab contents would go at what concentration for a given jab event, and what the contents would do when they got there. Following this observation, the amount of spike produced by the direct action of the jab and this newer more horrifying DNA offshoot will vary wildly between people. Some poor bastards will create low or moderate levels of spike for their term of life, which may be curtailed significantly given all the mechanisms by which spike damages your immune and organ systems. Others may produce a surge after vaccination and then taper to essentially nothing. Others may get a batch relatively inert and sort of sticks in the injection site and get off more or less scott free.

A lottery. A horrible malignant lottery. Folks who keep taking shots are just spinning the cylinder of that russian roulette revolver over and over.

EDIT I realized my post sounds very definite, as if anyone really knows for sure exactly what is going on. Certainly not me! The above is plausible though, or even likely. I have been following mortality data and info as it surfaces on how the spikes damage quite closely though. A strong argument for DNA reverse transcribing into your cells is that it would be an ideal way to get deniable long term damage, couple this with the malignant and genocidal intent behind the jabs, suggesting the DNA loop is a feature not a bug.

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Literally Russian roullete with a needle.

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Recommed looking up Karen Kingston and dr Ana Michala (?) on rumble. Nanotechnology is being used in toiletries, on Apeel food coating, it’s at every turn, without our consent.

Have a good night & thanks for your writing.

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Oooo yes, everyone needs to know this, Sheldon. Glad you're exposing it. I started following this in April when former researcher at the Human Genome Project, Kevin McKernan, found DNA plasmids in vaccine vials, the concern being integration into the nucleus ( DNA) of our cells and potentially cancer. (Monkey-derived simian virus 40 (SV40) promoter was found in the vials-an infectious virus known to cause cancers.) https://twitter.com/Kevin_McKernan/status/1646341062749814790

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I had a lot more written...3x, on this exact stack but couldn't get a proper flow to it.

Think about this for a second, Camilla. The Vaccine can't even necessarily provide the body, with immunity to the vaccine.

I'll be drilling this out...but thought it'd be fun to toss that one over to ya.


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Yep. The only immunity arising from the vaccines is to their manufacturers from legal liability.

This whole SV 40 promoter/ plasmid topic is complicated so I don’t envy you having to unpack it in an easy to follow way. Bless you for even giving your followers the Readers Digest version. It’s such an important story with frightening long term worldwide implications for potentially, generations if nuclear integration in fact does occur.

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That post was from February 2021!!

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My nephew had 2 shots in 2021. He started having symptoms December 2022 and still having them. After the following diagnosis by doctors they still don't know what's going on.


Blood clots


Bone cancer

Now seeing an internal specialist.

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Look into fenbendazole as a cancer cure https://fenbendazole.substack.com

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Thank you. I have been reading on that stack.

I should have been more clear, the doctors diagnosed all of these diseases one at a time and each time later, after more testing said it was none of these.

Doctors certainly are not looking at vaccine as the cause to his various symptoms.

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Intended to pump Big Pharma with cash and keep us all sick. So very sorry he has to go through all this. Please look up protocols developed by Zelenko and others to help cleanse our systems after getting the jab. 🙏🏼

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Sadly, they likely knew this, I mean they have playing with the technology for 20 years. Why so many shots? Only time will tell is my guess but it will definitely be known… somewhere around the 12 - 15 year mark..the normal timing of testing for a vaccine. We have been lied to since day 1 and a small portion of society knew it and were demonized for it. “Waning” was never an issue because there was never any immunity to start with.. less that 1% can not be considered immunity.

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There are so many objectives which could be in play, with the push to have (especially) mRNA vax products injected into every last one of us, and much depends on the assumptions we make, as we learn more about them. The most recent, about the DNA plasmids and graphene, the damage to P53 cancer-suppressing protein, and the spike's other abilities to disrupt both male and female fertility, all beg the question of whether these defects are bugs or features. The weight of evidence which has come out, everything from the history of "COVID-19" products extending well back before 2019, through the relentless pressure for ever more shots in all age groups, and authorities doing everything in their power to censor anything resembling signals of risk, all make it easy to suspect the latter. Such consistent effort, once one recognizes the influence of players who have been explicitly interested for decades in eugenics and global depopulation, rather suggests a profound and murderous malice in play, over incompetence or blind stupidity. And if you really want to get dark about it, check out a few of the reports at https://horizons.gc.ca/en/category/reports/ which talk about the use of mRNA 'vaccines' as instruments for facilitating biodigital convergence.

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I followed everyone except Kevin. I also follow Shadoe Davis and Dr shoemaker. I hear what he's saying and that's something I've heard in the early part of this whole thing. The question was how or will it stay in the body? This answers it. I've shared the info to my groups and to friends. However some, like my mother-in-law have 5 and still have no issues. Is it the application with the shot? Could you try to do an analysis of those who got it but weren't affected? My friend and her family only took one. I know many who only did one. Thanks Sheldon.

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As per calculations by Jean-Michel Claverie (full professor of Genomics and Bioinformatics at the School of Medicine of Aix-Marseille University)

Vaccination puts 13 trillion mRNA spikes in 35 trillion body cells


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Thank you!

I have talked to him and his wife. He just started taking a protocol from a group of doctors ( Makis, McCullough etc.)

I'll see how he does with those.

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Almost every vaccinated I know has had or has something medically wrong with them, oblivious to what's causing it.

My cousin just told me they aren't going to the US this winter. A mass formed on her upper arm ( injection site) that requires surgery.

Anyone else see this?

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My explanation is that the gross inflammation response from each shot causes a peak in non-specific markers of an exaggerated immune response for at least two weeks, called 'proof' of protection from Covid, that totally masks any case of Covid that happens, which isn't even reported as Covid infection during that two-week period anyway, even with a blazing high PCR count (oh, that means the shot worked!); so of course it looks like a booster 'improves' the protection. But it does not, really. Even if they DID count Covid cases in the two weeks following a shot, they'd still find a way to propagandize this as a benefit. (Hybrid immunity is even better!) But they never needed any science to do what they did to us. They just had to write and pass bad law, zippidy-do-dah. There was already a clause in our Charter giving them the authority to abuse our human rights as long as they (the abusers) agreed it was necessary and reasonable. We've seen SO many examples of what they think is 'reasonable', from sentencing kidney transplant patients to death to killing airline pilots, nurses and doctors with mandated shots.

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