As if the insanity couldn't get any worse...this definitely takes the cake! What country had the opening ceremony of hospital beds, dancing nurses and the big death guy?? That one blew my mind!! Honestly, I couldn't give a shit about the Olympics, waste of money, waste of resources and big waste of time! But hey, if the opening ceremonies are going to be a good indicator of what's coming...

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Yup that would have been the London one …pre-plandemic programming?!? Officially of course they said it was celebrating the UK National Health Service.

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That’s exactly what it was! No, it was pre-plandemic programming!!! So what was this…proof alll the majority of leaders in the world are satanic, deranged and perverted monsters!!! I feel sorry for the young Olympians and not the trannys!!!

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None of this happens by accident and I’m not convinced it’s just a case of being misguided. Is money even a factor for the people running this show wrt going woke/broke?

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They are still happy they did it. They may be scrubbing now and pretending they are sorry but they are not and they absolutely did this on purpose of course.

These are not naïve people.

They are literally the rulers of the Earth

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Of course it isn't a case of it "just being misguided"! But it is almost impossible to make the average person comprehend the nature of the degenerates controlling all our fates on Planet Earth... If the 4 years of the Covid Fraudemic wouldn't make them see it, these disgraceful "opening ceremonies" certainly won't!

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This display of mockery is disturbing… not only having a child participating during this “show” many families and children will have taken this in live…

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Ya know, I had the TV on for the opening ceremonies.

Watched 5 minutes of it, SMH, and turned the TV off..

Better to read about the fallout Saturday morning.

Sorry for anyone actually watching the whole thing, only to get digusted, and then have to write about it.

I couldn't do it.

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Think it was 2012 / 2013 Shaw Cable cut me off during a spell of unemployment. Haven't watched TV since. Talk about a blessing in disguise.

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Shock Value$$ and everyone posting the degeneracy give it power. No one put this crap out there thinking it would be accepted. Something else going on here. Sorry about the athletes who've trained for fame.

Keep paying those taxes folks it supports this filth.

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I stopped paying taxes 2018.

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This is absolutely disgusting on so many levels. I will never support the Olympics again!!

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As the Regime scrambles to remove evidence of what they've done. Curious to see that it still fears mass awareness of their motives.

View of a French family watching the Olympic degen show.


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This is precisely what I said last night: imagine all the ‘normal’ French people watching this travesty. It’s surely some kind of mass humiliation ritual.

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Sheldon your positive take on getting back to normalcy is appreciated. Unfortunately the Olympics has been corrupt for decades. "The Olympics Long History of Bid Corruption" Canadian Taxpayers Federation April 16/2018. The mortifying display intended to disparage Christianity, can only hope it's a wakeup call for a world that no longer has a moral compass.

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They want to destroy the Olympics because nation states compete.

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Very true

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Let us sent Trudeau back to France. It seems that is where he belongs. Exactly!

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What makes you think the French would want him? He's so keen on Marxism, how about sending him to Cuba instead? Castro was his real dad after all... 🤔

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He would fit right in with the opening of the games. I assume his ancestors came from France. But Cuba is fine with me too. You can even lock him in a hooker house, the son of a bitch, as long it is not in Canada.

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I proposed the Marianas Trench for the evil Lincoln head at Rushmore. Might also work for the evil "Canadian." After he has passed, of course ;-)

~~ j ~~

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Olympians endure years of training and sacrifice to reach peak human excellence in both mind and body. As a result,inspiring young people around the world to be the best they can be. This spirit of excellence is clearly embodied by a smurf with his balls hanging out, an overweight trans techno DJ and a bearded lady that escaped from the circus.

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The spirit of doping is something not talked about often... This is reality of Olympics...

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this family will NOT watch any of the Olympics ....done....not interested in the games or the advertisers ....done....total embarrassment. France is done. We will never ever travel there again.

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Don't just boycott the Olympic Games. Boycott the SPONSORS. Most importantly let them know with an email why you are doing it. Let them get "Bud-Lited" and see if they don't reign in this nonsense.

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We have a lot more power than people think

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As Bud Lite and Disney are finding out the hard way.

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Do you think those are Zee Bugz embedded in that food item on the plate in front of the blue thing?

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“Sodom & Gomorrah meets the Olympics”

Mockery of The Last Supper can mean the “last supper” for the olympics soon … as 270K of unsold tickets can only mean one thing…nobody cares…

I blame organized religion for this (most of it). Over 35 years ago I noticed most churches in the West were already empty attended only by the very old or by the very young…

Sexual abuse of minors by the clergy without accountability drove the nail into the coffin of organized religion. They do mockery of Christianity because they can and nobody is rushing to defend the Christendom because they deserve it.

Apostle Paul wrote: “Whatever the man is sowing that he will also reap.”

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I used to enjoy the Olympics. Not anymore. Haven't watched any games since at least 2016. And not watching a lick of this sickening display of propaganda. What's funny is St. Onge and van Koeverden probably enjoyed it and finger snapped through it all.

Imagine mocking and desecrating one of the West's great masterpieces in Da Vinci's 'The Last Supper' with such ideological crud.

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