Sep 20Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

AAAGHH!!! A trans woman is a transwoman, culturally. Or, a man imitating a woman. But a woman is a biological female. Imitate women all you want and call yourself whatever you want. BUT: No one has the right to coerce and extort anyone else, certainly not an elected member of the democratic government, to say on the record that they believe transwomen are biological women when they don't believe this and it is not physically, factually true. Respect has to be a two way street and this transwoman called Victoria sure does NOT have respect for the woman called Jennifer.

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Thankyou for an observation that should be obvious!!!!!!!

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Sep 20Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

On watching this video I would say the person with a bad attitude is not Jennifer. We still live in a country that allows for personal opinions as long as they are not violent. Jennifer is certainly not the one with a bad attitude.

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Sep 20Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

Ah, yes, weeding out the last remaining free-thinkers from the healthcare community.

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Sep 20Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

Oh I wonder how long Karl Marx there thought about how HE was going to try and intimidate Jennifer? Ever look at his profile on X? He's one sick joke! So fed up with this BS! Now let's see how nurses respond to their new ideological Code of Ethics, how many will be sent to "sensitivity training"?

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Karl quickly blocked me when I pointed out how masculine it was to lambaste a woman.

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This all falls on nacheal rotley and her absurd ideologies from ndp

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Higher up than that, I'm afraid. Or lower down actually. Look to Klaus Schwab and the WEFfers

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Danielle needs to grow a pair.

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It’s not Danielle it the RN union cult.

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Psych RN escaped from Ontario here and working in Edmonton...I didn't put up with covid bs and I'm not keeping quiet about this crap either 😤 great post Sheldon and LMFAO about the counselor and coconut

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Also remind trannies they already have rights, the only ones necessary.... human. And imo they're lucky at that. WE DO NOT FUND THEIR MUTILATION. That's up to them and their floaty boaty. Might Just make the weasels think twice.

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Jennifer is my MLA, I've had a chance to meet and talk with her, She seems like she has her head screwed on right and is very down to earth. Keep bringing this stuff to light for the masses Sheldon, many thanks

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Jennifer is correct and has every right to her own opinion.However,there is “ Nothing Right” about the Professional Association of Nursing dreaming up this biased and totally unnessasary agenda and rules.Leave the professionally trained nurses alone to do their job of nursing which with adequate staff and respect are excellent! I wonder when Covid was the “ main attraction” why thousands of RNs lost their jobs as refused Vaccine.,one we know was experimental,dangerous and cost the lives of millions.Political Propaganda and public health spread the false agenda but not once did the Professional Nursing Body or our Nurses Unions defend the RN’s .They were MUTE!

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There's resolutions to be addressed aboot this healthcare/ college debacle in the AGMs itinery. Fyi... if you're paying attention

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Yeah, Yaniv.

Thankfully, hadn't heard anything for many months now.

I thought she had gone away...

My mistake.

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Sep 21·edited Sep 21

Umm, no offense but that's a he not a she. Drea from Rebel news has been on him like fur on a coconut recently (thanks for that one Sheldon). The latest video has Yaniv coming out of a government building ranting the N word at Drea and telling her he has pictures of her kids... right in front of a couple cops. Not surprisingly, nothing was done by the cops

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