Great analysis of data and simplification for all the laymen around. CDC of BC removed donut charts after they realized that 90% if ICU and Deaths were among jabbed. That, itself, was more than enough proof of effectiveness!

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This fantastic interactive analysis of New South Wales Health Surveillance Data showing the very same outcomes...pandemic in the vaccinated.


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Interesting analysis - I am in the not vaccinated bunch and I use Richard Noakes's free salt water cure to keep me Covid free, hence no need for vaccines of any sort, ever!! Read somewhere that the yearly Flu shot was 8% effective, bearing in mind it was never about the Flu, but what the Flu could become, if left untreated = Covid - me personally, I've never had a Flu shot, I don't believe in the technology.

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I guess, when the vaccinated have agreed to have the "Experimental Test Vaccines" they can't shout too loudly at the ongoing results, as after all, they have agreed to replace the lab test animals, with themselves and we all know what happens to lab test animals, don't we. That is why there are lab test animals for that purpose and not "we" humans - the vaccinated are no longer human, but trans human and all human rights are lost, by US Supreme Court Law (2013) with World Wide application which is why the vaccine makers have blanket immunity from prosecution and because their mRNA vaccines are patented and can't be taken out, once put in, the bodies of those mRNA vaccinated are patented to the vaccine maker of their choice, just like any other GMO product, so their life's cancellation, probably is covered, in being, for want of a better explanation, Crash Test Dummies - is my take on things - I have the official blurb to support the above.

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I did get a reply from someone who says that the above Trans Human thingy cannot apply, but I guess that it would have to be tested in a Court of Law to determine if in fact that is so, or not, because who can tell what is the truth of the matter here?

All the world is bonkers, except you and me and I'm not sure about you!!

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What about those few who took the JnJ or Aztrazeneca DNA viral vectored shots? Does this apply to them as well?

Most of the news is related to Pfizer/Moderna, but how do the JnJ fare?

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Thanks Mike, unfortunately Australia & NZ fell very early in the global rouse to the Reset agenda. Who would have thought such a country would rival Canada as a socialist state where human & civit rights would be cremated and all supported by the corrupt media & judicial system too....Never forgotten in my lifetime at least..

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Sounds like you are in Aussie or Kiwi - Queensland perhaps - I get the Cairns News from time to time and they use the same language as you, any connection?

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Sheldon, you are the Sherlock Holmes of Canadian Covid statistics, exposing their bullshit for all to see. Thanks a lot for this article. So much lies directed at the Canadians from their own government.

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All these stats and yet jihadi justine is still pushing the poison darts . What has happened in BC and Alberta courts with Henry snd hinshaw?? Nothing said about any of it....

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I recognize that particular Health Canada tweet. It's been savagely ratioed. Something like 300+ replies, most telling HC in no uncertain terms where they can shove their so-called vaccines, and only 100-some likes.

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Its Official. Fab work Sheldon. Even with the corrupted, censored, fake data the 'machine' produces, you're still there to provide clarity.

Thank you!

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You know the same is probably happening in the US but it will never be revealed!

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Always appreciated.

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Concept: Before I can provide you with a concept, I have to understand the concept myself:

All tap water, no matter which home you draw it from, is the same and it comes from the same storage facility, irrespective of the name of the company which provides it, or the advertising they use to sell their brand to you, over their competitors.


The vaccines are the same, they all have the same ingredients. The boosters are the same, they all have the same ingredients and they all come from the same storage facility, irrespective of the name of the company which provides them, or the advertising they use to sell their brand to you, over their competitors - none of the vaccines have any mRNA particles in them.


The purpose of the vaccines is the same – they are intended to “chemically” kill each of you, as efficiently and as quickly as possible and that is a fact.


See this video by a scientist with credentials provided, who confirms the above: https://www.bitchute.com/video/BJqGWMB5uHzI/

The vaccines are like the injected kill shots, to terminate the lives of those who killed and were given a death sentence, after their trial - except you did not get a trial – your death is predetermined for you.

I have also "suggested a possible one second cure" for those mRNA vaccinated, that the way to kill the nanotechnology and parasites which were injected at the time of getting the vaccines, "might be" to touch a strand of an electric cattle fence with both hands and get the electric jolt (2 or 3 times?) - this "might" short out the nanotechnology and parasites which rely on the bodies electricity to function, restoring your body to it's original state, prior to the Covid pandemic and vaccination. – like with Lyme Disease – thankyou Rosalind McGill - who also suggested it might work for Cancer too!!

If you don't have a 10 digit number after the jolt or jolts, then theoretically you have shorted out the injected nanotechnology and parasites and a way to monitor that, is with your iPhone in Bluetooth - no number, no problem and you don’t die until your time is up from natural causes, not vaccine ones - right?

There is an element of risk in everything and you must understand that, however, don't try it if you have a Pacemaker and DO NOT short your body out on household electricity as THAT will kill you, bearing in mind the Police Taser is much more powerful than an electric cattle fence, as a possible final resort

Nothing ventured, nothing gained?

Richard Noakes

I picked this off one of Richard Noakes’s posting websites – just passing it along!!

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To "Truthseeker" Did you find the truth you were seeking?

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Covid vaccines are good but Tylenol #1 isn't?

Tylenol No. 1® is no longer being manufactured for sale in Canada.


I have been taking Tylenol #1 occasionally for years. Great for headaches and hangovers.

Of course, there are other generic versions as well. My guess is there is no money in it and a new, improved, expensive drug will be coming soon.

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Which leads me to conclude: On another note, it takes me some time to unravel the Science Speak, because what seems obvious to those who speak it, is not so obvious to those of us who don't get the suggestion, of what should have been clear, but was not - I will rectify that, however this is my take on things and you must decide ultimately what you choose to believe, because ultimately, it is your life you are "playing with, or it is being played with, by an outside source, over which there is no control, presently" :

Moderna & Pfizer and others, have deliberately made a 19 nucleotide sequence and 19 nucleotide Moderna specific chimeric (CGG for AGA) furin cleavage site highly contagious and transmissable virus (between 2010 and 2016) then made a supporting mRNA vaccine, afterwards, which modifies the human body with a 19 nucleotide Moderna specific chimeric (CGG for AGA) furin cleavage site, 99% mRNA Graphene Oxide injection, which instals nanobots and nanoprocessor(s), into the body of each person vaccinated, the nanoprocessor is driven by a 5G antenna (transmission), that goes directly to the workings of the brain (see below).

Occasionally the mRNA Graphene Oxide vaccine shot, is incompatible with kids and adults and they die, however, once installed, the compatible "user", now has a 10 digit number allocated specifically to them - this number can be seen by putting an iPhone on an arm and scanning via Bluetooth, to find the 10 digit vaccinated number.

Each number is added to "one database" however, where that computer is and how big the database is, is anyone's guess and that computer randomly picks numbers and calls them by 5G, that call to their specific 10 digit number effecting an immediate heart attack, at the other end of the 5G radio signal, by killing that brain and the person whose body it is, randomly.

Sometimes the genetic chemistry of the body stops the death from occurring, but the body of the person called, is injured and the next time their 10 digit number is randomly called by 5G radio signal, their body, already weakened, is finished off by heart attack and they die.

Deaths occur randomly, because the computerized "Lottery of Life". is designed that way and deaths here and there, are a lot less suspicious, than a whole "group" of people, all dying in the same place and at the same time.

When people exercise they put pressure on their heart, which already has blood clots and contamination, caused by the above mRNA vaccines and their hearts shut down and they die "unexpectedly" from a heart attack.

This is more noticeable when people are holidaying together because their lifestyle has changed and they are all "enjoying" the fruits of their labors and overexerting, in various unusual ways, but also when their number is picked and they die, by transmitted 5G radio signal, to the brain, causing a heart attack.

Overall, the amount of deaths by transmitted 5G signal to the brain is high, but because the deaths are random, they are not so noticeable and while non Covid deaths after vaccination are not unusual "these days", the cause of those deaths, escapes detection, or is not reported in the press.

This is a systematic extermination of the vaccinated, human race and it will proceed, because vaccination is an unstoppable force, with a life of its own now, until the majority of the human race is dead, as was probably intended from the outset.

An ideal number of humans on this planet is 500,000 and that number draws ever closer, assisted by the silly humans queuing up for their vaccine shots, to help with their own extermination, presumably.

I refer to this paragraph as scientific proof of the above: An alarming number of vaccine recipients suffered from severe and debilitating complications. Growing increasingly concerned, the physician decided to study messenger RNA (mRNA) and its effects on DNA. After speaking with colleagues and conducting numerous experiments, she made a startling discovery. When the Bluetooth setting was activated near immunized individuals, a "unique identification code" appeared on her smartphone’s screen. Each person seemingly contained an internal technological device. During an interview transcribed by Orwell City, Dr. Brandolino shared her startling findings: Mónica Calcedo: The chip. Is that real or a lie? Dr. Brandolino: It’s a nanoprocessor. I say again that it is in plain view for those who want to see the micrographs of the electron microscope study made by Dr. Kalcker. It’s clearly seen in the magnification: a small, perfect, quadrangular, precise-edged, metallic corpuscle which is the same as any nanoprocessor in nanotechnology-responsive devices. That nanoprocessor is driven from a 4G Plus or 5G antenna. That is, all G technology is the same. The difference lies in that the packet of information that an antenna can transmit, is much larger in 4G Plus and 5G, 6G, and 7G. All that compact information is handled by a nanoprocessor— in a device which will be just inside our cells. By having Morgellons in the polyethylene glycol, they’re self-reproducing, it’s self-replicating. But because it’s in graphene… Graphene is a catalyst and, as I explained to you, makes that cell resonate with the 5G antenna and the microwaves of human thought. Can you understand that? There’s a nanoprocessor driven (transmission/transmitted) by a 5G antenna that goes directly to the workings of our brain.

For an “intelligent” species, we sure are stupid.

You can follow my thinking in the posts I have previously made and how I have come to arrive at my final analysis, above. This analysis does not apply to you, if you have NOT been vaccinated, or wear a Pacemaker, which makes "any shock cure" dangerous.

Do not connect yourself to household electricity - that will kill you instantly!!

Is there any other solution, given the facts as they are presented - I don't think so, in my opinion, it all makes a structured sense with a start, middle and conclusion, confirmed with the extraordinary number of deaths, occurring, above the yearly average, in the cases of non Covid deaths - presumably all vaccinated, although that fact is not provided, by the press.

I have also provided my theoretical way of killing the nanobot and nanoprocessors in the body, using the Graphene Oxide to do that effectively (untried and untested) in a reversal of the 5G transmitted death signal method, bearing in mind the nanobots and nanoprocessor all use the body's own generated electricity to function - my theory being that the electric fence shock is greater than the body electricity and should short the nano's out, proven by the 10 digit number no longer appearing via your iPhone in Bluetooth - a way of monitoring your body health afterwards, to make sure that number does not reappear.

Ultimately, it is your life and ultimately your death - it is your choice to decide when and how that will be, not necessarily a computerized transmitted 5G signal, but perhaps taking a smaller chance, with the electric shock, than the inevitable one, by random 5G signal, in the vaccinated.

Whatever choice you make - Good Luck and don't forget to give feedback here afterwards: Did the electric fence shock, kill your digital number, (proof it worked) or has that digital number been ongoing, suggesting the shock cure I suggested, did not work, bearing in mind the Police Taser is much more powerful and delivers a much more powerful shock- a very final, last solution, perhaps?

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Having a chat with someone with radio engineering training to see if we can find a more suitable method than 5G to send a signal to the nanoprocessor, injected in the mRNA vaccines, to shut down the brain, causing fatal heart attacks - they must be injected, then, because otherwise, how could they get in the body - you don't get them from the virus, that is an impossibility, especially when not everyone gets Covid, or the Coronaviruses, yet they have the nanotechnology inside their blood - so how does it get there otherwise?

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Sheldon, PHAC's column don't add up to 100%. For example, on Aug 14 under "deaths", the three vaccinated columns add up to 41.8%. If the unvaccinated comprise 49.7%, who makes up the other 8.5%? What are they hiding/ fudging now?

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The other 8.5% are made up of the Cases not Protected and Partially Vaccinated - 1 dose.

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Gotcha, thanks. I re-read the substack and figured as much. As you say, not very 'protected' when over half of Covid deaths are now among the jabbed, and 100% of the vaccines injuries as well;)

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The image of the Clown-in-chief at the end of the post: what about clown-in-chief masks (not surgical face masks, you silly!) for Hallowe’en? The possibilities are endless: “Jab or job!”

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