This is a great idea Sheldon just this week I met two people who asked me if I thought it was safe, that they know so many people with cancer and you wait forever to see an oncologist, a friend of theres died waiting to see the oncologist. Some people are waking up, but I doubt this government will admit to anything. They know what lawsuits would be ahead and it’s Kenney who left this mess

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Keep in mind that provincial governments rely on Health Canada to test drugs for safety- this is not provincial jurisdiction. HC did no independent investigation/ studies on the 'vaccines' - they were just a rubber stamp, accepting as true whatever the Moderna and Pfizer told them. For example Pfizer didn't disclose to HC the presence of the SV 40 nuclear targeting sequence in its C 19 vax, and HC didn't even bother running the plasmid through a mapping tool that would have shown them, bright and bold, that SV 40 was there the whole time. Ergo, if the Province of AB finds integration events in Albertans, it should sue HC/ the feds.

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They also made zero effort after info came out to stop using them. There hands are just as dirty. Yes they should sue but dont count on it.

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The first polio vaccine in 1955 had SV 40. The manufacturer was sued and heads rolled and people fired because the judge ruled that they were criminally negligent for calling the vaccine safe. Exactly what has happened with tgese covid experimental gene therapy vaccines. We need a judge thats honorable who follows rule of law and this precedent of the 1955 polio vaccine that killed and injured.

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On the other note, a couple of weeks ago I sent a letter to Danielle Smith about COVID-19 vaccine added to children's Immunization Schedule and received a response from Health Miniter. Do you want a copy? I can forward you a full letter....

Here are some abstracts... "As you may know, COVID 19 vaccines are available for all Albertans six months and older and have been recommended by Alberta Health and the National Advisory Committee on Immunization since they were authorized for use by Health Canada. Canada introduced regulatory tools in September 2020 to allow the authorization and licensing of COVID 19 vaccines without compromising standards for patient safety. These vaccines have undergone rigorous testing for quality, safety, and effectiveness, and are now fully authorized and approved in Canada. Health Canada also publishes technical information about each authorized vaccine, which includes a summary of the scientific rationale for the decisions, the data supporting the vaccine’s approval, clinical trial results, and any new information that affects the assessment of the vaccine."

"....That said, please know that including a vaccine on the routine childhood immunization schedule does not make it mandatory. We have chosen an approach that is collaborative while respecting Albertans’ rights to make informed decisions about their own health. While immunization is one of the most effective ways to protect and promote the health of Albertans, we believe that individuals should be supported in the personal choice they make related to immunization. Nevertheless, choosing not to be immunized does carry risks, and I encourage you to discuss these with public health experts or your primary care provider."

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So she’s a sell out, not surprised

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Health Canada was going to bribe parents to get their infants and kids vaccinated. Yup bribery. The Ontario Ministry of Health in Jan 2022 sent letters to doctors to try and get unvaccinated to take it. Money incentives of course.

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Well that is a disappointing response. Man, if the Alberta government cannot step against these, is there any hope for Canada??

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No, there is no hope for Canada right now. We know that more than half of federal cabinet is controlled by WEF. AHS was controlled by WEF. It still is! They will absolutely nothing change in providing vaccines. That is why they changed or withhold statistics.

Health Canada is in the cartel too. The cartel of UN, WHO, WEF, all funded by Bill Gates foundation. What they want is killing 95% of the world population. Starting with the older people, which they call the useless eaters. The rest of the population will be killed with several diseases, like hearth diseases and cancer. Or blood clots. On top of that is an attack on the fertility, which already is encountered in many countries. This provincial government is going along with everything. They don't listen to people. They hide the truth. They lie.

They are murderers, they are monsters. The people in the know never took one vaccine. They know exactly what happens. They know there was no rigorous testing for safety, quality and effectiveness. They know that every animal tested with mRNA died. The fake testing of Pfizer, they tried to hide for 75 years. I can keep on going, but there is only one thing you can do! NEVER TAKE ANY VACCINE! I mean any vaccine, because they will make any vaccine a mRNA vaccine. RSV and FLU too.

Sheldon, much success with the petition, you will need it.

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Canada has also signed on with GAVIS in Davos.

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Yes, GAVI is part of the Gates cabal.

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At times I am shock to what is happing to Canada. Does our national anthem still reflect the really of Canada presently.

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Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey are connected to Nathan Wolfe of Eco Health Alliance involved in gain of function of the covid virus anc the vaccines therefore a convicted felon sex trafficking underage girls is associated with those involved in foreign biolabs getting money from the Pentagon and CIA. Nsthan Wood wrote the book The Viral Storm ..The Dawn of a new Pandemic Age and he acknowledges Madam Ghislaine Maxwell. Disgusting eh.

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Childhood vaccines were not mandatory. Parents could have them exempted. The fuss made on covid vaccines and the fact that they said they were mandatory was an outright lie. They said this to justify the vaccine mandates/passports to kids over 12. A simple notarized exemption sufficed. When you look at all the lies told and the cruel unjust punixhment to our children over 12 and to all unvaccinated evil is among us making policy. Blackmail no doubt is used in many situations. NACI our national immunization said parents could choose to get children under 12 vaccinated. Children over 12 had the same risk factor.. Remember when doing risk they had the 0 to 19 age group. Of course and only 2 very sick children died in 2020. So why the 12 to 19 vaccine mandates then?

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Great work Sheldon!!!

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

Dalian /Coradix were given the contract for arrive can app in Aug 2019. Months before the pandemic known. The arrive can app was to go further to include biometrics facial recognition and be tied to pcr testing and quarantine sites,. Please call the Privacy Commissioner and ask what they think of the fact they wanted to use facial recognition on the arrive can app. Clearview which is facial recognition is invasion of privacy according to them. Police used clearview in Canada.

The next pandemic is to come using avian flu. H5 N1 and a mrna vaccine for it. Arrive can app 2.0

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More people are beginning to feel gaslighted and are now in disbelief. Propaganda is ramping up on these individuals. Common sense will fight propaganda. Some will survive others will lose their minds. Heads up everyone.

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Collect signatures

Even 1 page worth

Then mail when YakkityYak gets the address to us.

It's the only way gov polistitutes will accept the petition


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Tried to sign the petition, it won’t let me says there is something wrong with the file

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Hackers paid to interfere in many situations. Trols everywhere being hackers.

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Hi Sheldon. Please keep on reposting your gift send go page put. No room for modest. You are doing a great service for us all.


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As always .... Sheldon is on fire ! Keep doing your great work Sheldon !

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Thankyou Sheldon. You have my support.

And on that note, we have to put some effort in calling our the doctors making a small fortune promoting useless supplements.

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Trump's Secret, US Army Vaccine Delivery, Pfizer Contract


Why would the US Army purchase and supply Covid vaccines for a "WHO Medical emergency", if it were not a "WHO US Army, Military Operation," instead,for $1,950,097,500.00

What was the sum paid, translated into words, as my educational ability does not stretch that far - but the US Army apparently, supplied the World, as well as "just America".

You will find Operation Warp Speed mentioned in that contract, in the 3rd paragraph down

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The Pentagobn and CIA funded tge foreign biolabs and gain of function that brought you covid and the vaccine and low and behold Madam Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein are connected with Nathan Wolfe of Eco Health Alliance .Child sex trafficking and the covid vaccines.

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Whittney Webb tells it all, she’s a great one to follow for this info

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Thankyou so much Sheldon!!

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Is there a digital form for the petition for those of us that are out of country?

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Thank you for doing this Sheldon!

I am not sure why, but link does not work for me?

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