From what I understand they used to do prescribed burns often and that's what used to keep the big ones at bay . Now they're hardly doing it. All by design I fear

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Like in California.

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There's prime mining in them thar hills.

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We also had a forestry industry that cleaned up as it went; but oh the poor nurse trees for bioms they screetch.

AND once again, just another Contemptuous liberal abysmal failure. But doing such a great job they would like is to believe.

And our horse shit parl parliamentary system is in the ' oh welp' mode it's time of summer time. The whole gay season of it.

Earth school is fuct.

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I took forestry in University, forests need to be thinned, spaced, selective logging, or clearcut in order to maximize the value and minimize fire risk. The Feds failed in Jasper, was it by design, or incompetence?

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I think by design. Tptb are killing everything on the planet. Plant, tree, fish, bird, mammal... It's terrifying how fast it's going now.

Why? They know something. They're insane and they're grabbing every last drop before... What?

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Depopulation is on the menu?

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It's already been ordered and is being eaten, my friend. 😔

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And this is going on for 9 years now. Disgusting!

By now there should be not 1 dollar left, you would think.

Well, that is right, there are only debts left.

But that doesn't stop them spending.

Ottawa Has Given Ukrainian Refugees More Than $750M in Supports.

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Trudeau has given about $12billion + for the Ukraine money laundering cause. That would buy alot of Canadian made deHavilland Water Bombers!!!

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Yes, about 165 Water Bombers. The $750M was just that week for refugees. They keep finding ways to waste our money everywhere except for good causes in Canada.

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Today, the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, with the Honourable Todd Loewen, Minister of Forestry and Parks, announced a joint investment of over $57 million over five years under the Government of Canada's Fighting and Managing Wildfires in a Changing Climate Program


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The Liberals operate exactly like the Mafia.

"We're entrepreneurs." No, you're not. You're crony grifter hacks stealing tax dollars.


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If your shtick is that Extreme weather requires Marxism, then there is no incentive to avoid an Extreme weather. Rather you would grease it.

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Spot on. Not the last

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I have a release on that topic coming out on my substack.

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Why would we expect anything else? They've shown who they are.

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Wow! The CPC passed a motion to require all documentation gets handed over to the RCMP! One more event the Libs will say no to, or will hand over redacted documents and the farce will continue. And the CPC is unable / ineffective in once again doing anything about it. Anyone else sick of the BS yet?

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Canada needs new Federal Management!

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The Trudeau Left are not sustaInable.

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Disgusting is the word; as is irresponsible!

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The same phenomenon was witnessed in Jasper, Alberta, as seen before in Lahaina, Hawaii: a forest fire without a burning forest.


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