I liked what I heard last night and it gives me hope for change! A more measured and structured approach is necessary to ensure the city grows while maintaining quality of life for residents.
Let’s get back to basics with fiscal responsibility, transparency, and support for our community—backing our police and families, ensuring our schools and kids have the necessary resources, and taking care of our roads and water systems. We must reconsider blanket rezoning! Our aging water infrastructure is strained, especially with increasing demand fueled by rapid urban growth. Just last December, we experienced a water outage in our area, which makes it tough to trust that we’ll always have reliable access to water.
Moreover, we lose precious green space and mature trees as buildings go up. And can we talk about the 0.5 parking spaces per unit? It hardly feels practical! The city mentions it's working towards low-cost housing, saying, "By permitting a wider array of housing types in more neighborhoods, the city sought to create greater opportunities for affordable housing while accommodating its growing population." When examining Calgary’s blanket rezoning bylaw, we should assess whether this policy can achieve its intended goal of providing affordable housing. If it cannot, then this policy's underlying rationale is flawed. Instead of doubling down on a bad policy, let's step back for a minute—just my thoughts.
The idea sounds good on paper; building low-cost housing isn’t actually low-cost. It’s true what they say: “What gets measured gets managed.” I’m a bit confused about what qualifies as affordable housing in our city. If the goal is to provide more affordable options, I’m not sure we’re seeing the results we’d hoped for. Let’s get information on both sides of the story and keep the conversation going!
Good Luck, Sheldon! Looking forward to seeing you more and more involved, and making an even bigger difference than you already have! Thanks for the incredible work, buddy.
Best of luck and cheering you on from BC!
Amazing. You'll win, for sure. Honesty and intelligence w/humour are much needed, and you're that!
Congrats Sheldon! Wishing you success :)
Good luck Sheldon. I'm rooting for you buddy.
Oh man do I hope u win!!!
all the best today Sheldon! ♥️☀️
I hope everything goes smoothly tonight and best of luck on your run. Bringing integrity back to politics
Best of luck, wish I could attend but work gets in the way. Wishing you all the best in your opener
I liked what I heard last night and it gives me hope for change! A more measured and structured approach is necessary to ensure the city grows while maintaining quality of life for residents.
Let’s get back to basics with fiscal responsibility, transparency, and support for our community—backing our police and families, ensuring our schools and kids have the necessary resources, and taking care of our roads and water systems. We must reconsider blanket rezoning! Our aging water infrastructure is strained, especially with increasing demand fueled by rapid urban growth. Just last December, we experienced a water outage in our area, which makes it tough to trust that we’ll always have reliable access to water.
Moreover, we lose precious green space and mature trees as buildings go up. And can we talk about the 0.5 parking spaces per unit? It hardly feels practical! The city mentions it's working towards low-cost housing, saying, "By permitting a wider array of housing types in more neighborhoods, the city sought to create greater opportunities for affordable housing while accommodating its growing population." When examining Calgary’s blanket rezoning bylaw, we should assess whether this policy can achieve its intended goal of providing affordable housing. If it cannot, then this policy's underlying rationale is flawed. Instead of doubling down on a bad policy, let's step back for a minute—just my thoughts.
The idea sounds good on paper; building low-cost housing isn’t actually low-cost. It’s true what they say: “What gets measured gets managed.” I’m a bit confused about what qualifies as affordable housing in our city. If the goal is to provide more affordable options, I’m not sure we’re seeing the results we’d hoped for. Let’s get information on both sides of the story and keep the conversation going!
Wishing you success with the election!
Good Luck, Sheldon! Looking forward to seeing you more and more involved, and making an even bigger difference than you already have! Thanks for the incredible work, buddy.
Congrats on the new arrival, whenever he/she gets here!