Official Launch Day is here, campaign launch this evening…and in other exciting YakkStack News…my 4th grandchild may be delivered today.
Or something.
I get it that things can be complicated and when they start talking about ‘sweeps’ and how fast things can progress and put timelines of 24-48 hours up as an expected time of arrival…but now, we are rapidly approaching the end of this timeline…meaning, I could get the call at any time.
And just how exciting is this?
I’m all giddy school girl excited!
Hopefully have some more deets to share this evening…
Hope to see you out!
Dalhousie Community Association - 5432 Dalhart Road NW - Doors open at 7!
Best of luck and cheering you on from BC!
Amazing. You'll win, for sure. Honesty and intelligence w/humour are much needed, and you're that!