Speaking of BC, here is one serious tragedy

Let's see whether this will wake people up in my corner of the world:

"A community is in mourning after the sudden death of a little girl in Richmond, originally hospitalized for flu-like symptoms.

"(...)[T]he family took her to the hospital on Nov. 23. (...) [S]he ended up in the intensive care unit at BC Children’s Hospital in Vancouver, where she was diagnosed with myocarditis related to the flu.

"She then reportedly underwent two heart procedures and began to breathe on her own last Saturday, but then passed away after suffering what her father described as a “massive stroke.”


BC's government claims, in its web site, that "COVID-19 vaccines for children 6 months to 11 years old are safe and effective at preventing severe illness." Also, "B.C. encourages parents to register children under 5 for COVID-19 vaccine" (from July 14, 2022)



Bill c-36 effectively muzzles health care workers who dare to speak-up.

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Page 19 of the Pfizer COMIRNATY product insert clearly states, “The safety and effectiveness of COMIRNATY in individuals younger than 12 years of age have not been established.” So how can any health authority assert that this product is safe and effective for this age group!? Can someone please ask Bonnie Henry this question on camera?! P.S. Anyone can confirm this first hand; the insert is accessible online here: https://www.fda.gov/media/151707/download

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Bonnie Henry will be in court, in Vancouver, from December 12 to December 16.

The class action case will be live streamed.

I hope Rebel News is in the courtroom and follows her out the side door....


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Yep. We can hope. But the fact that Bill C-36 passed, says a lot about the state of mind of "the system". I just have to look at the "emergency act hearings" to plot a finale for this law suit. But, let's hope.

(I'm sorry for the negativity, but might as well let it out)

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Don't apologize to me bro (?)... sis (?) ❤

You should read some of my rants. 😉😂

Some of us really need to write it out, DISCUSS, otherwise our bodies will create internal dis-ease (Kirstie Alley, RIP).

Or our brains might explode.

And that won't be courtesy of the jabs, in my particular case.

"Why CAN'T we talk about it"?


(No one around here wants to talk about The Elephant In The Room...)

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We Need To Talk & Yell Even, This Is Madness!

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John, someone elsewhere posted a request for any example of a PRINTED insert from a box. I will have to dig that one out, but it seems that the lots either have blank inserts (that has been documented) or are received as batches of vials with no box. Apparently, there are no inserts but the pdf ones...

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My understanding is that the blank paper inserts actually have the web address for the web PDF printed on them somewhere. Supposedly the justification has been that this ensures that people reference the most up to date product insert information.

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Obfuscation Of Evidence & Medical Information! Treason! Crimes Against Humanity!

Tribunals! Executions!

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On principle I support the legal challenges to Bill C-36. It is just legalizing war crimes. The College of Physicians & Surgeons can now mandate ANY injections and the doctors have to take it or they lose their license. Every 3 months.


But I don't feel sorry for the doctors. They let their patients suffer and die for 2 years withholding early treatments and now they won't speak out to stop the vaccination of children. They have, and will continue to, let kids & adults suffer and die needlessly just to collect a paycheck. Their immoral, unethical, spineless obedience is being rewarded with an unending series of experimental injections. GOOD.

If any try to flee to Alberta I want only the ones who stood up like Dr Hoffe & Dr Nagase. The rest can take the shots or "learn to code".

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There are already shortages of family doctors and various other categories of health care workers, and it can get worse if those who got jabbed to remain employed simply move on to greener pastures (if they exist).

Dr Hoffe is above reproach; he was betrayed by his profession and by the province. I hold him as an example of what self-sacrifice is all about. I wish I had half the inner strength he demonstrably has.

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I wonder how many of the doctors who are getting screwed over by their boards in BC & Ontario for early treatment would move to Alberta if premier Smith disbands the college here and puts in a new one?

Like I said, I only want the doctors who have morals, ethics and a spine. Dr Hoffe & Dr Nagase are 2 great examples of what I want.

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No Amnesty!

1 Timothy 6:10

King James Version

10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.


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Luke 17:2

King James Version

2 It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.


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Spreading this tragic story far and wide.

"This article was just posted to Yakk Stack:


Because? It's totally normal these days for little girls to be "diagnosed with myocarditis due to the flu", undergo 2 heart procedures, and then die from a "massive stroke".


I dug a little. Danielle was 6 years old.


Read these comments, before they're disappeared.


RIP Danielle. 💉💔👼

#NoAmnesty 😭

#TheMothersAreComing'Justin 🎯 "

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I can't believe some of those people posting on twitter are demanding the return of masks. WTF? Like what exactly is that going to help? Others blaming "letting kids get covid is causing RSV now". Wow. Some of my species really are dumb as dog poop.

I didn't see anyone openly asking about if she was vaccinated. The twitteratti are still to scared even under Elon? Glad I don't bother with it.

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So Worried About Using Masks That Got littered Because There Were No Bio-Hazard Containers! Absurd!

WTF? No Real Bio Emergency, But Wear Masks!

This Is The New Canadian "Dominion"! Under The Red Dragon "The New King" However The Only Real King Is Jesus Christ. Amen

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When I heard that on the radio this morning, I was on disbelief, for exactly the two reasons you point out: "myocarditis due to the flu" and "massive stroke". And the talking heads wrapped it up with inane talk about the importance of flu vaccines this season.

As long as media remains utterly compliant and docile, the awakening of the masses will remain a dream.

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The People Are Wise To The Media, Doing Their Own Research & Creating!

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They Killed Him Too?

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I hope the parents understand it's murder. Myocarditis related to the...

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A real leader doesn't prop up another. Both Justin and Jagmeet are beta males. Not Alpha or Omega which this country is in desperate need of.

And the second-rate Canadian public health system is beyond vapid political promises. It's in dire need of a massive overhaul and reform. Our system is feeble and an embarrassment.

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Here Here!

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Excellent summary of the NDP disaster and #NuttyNotley's drunken antics. You had me laughing so hard I had to go into another room and take a breather because my stomach muscles just couldn't take any more.

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I've worked at writing fiction...and their is literally nothing that I can write that would top this complete fucking lunacy...nobody would buy it if I could.

This is what leaves me stumped.

I just need a break from it all...if only there were a pause button on reality.

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And That Gil McGowan Buffoon From Alberta Federated Labor! Acting The Fool!

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Sheldon, isn’t this why they want to call another election? That Smith got in “fell through the cracks”. Dominion is a chinada company and the premeditated engineering is palpable, as evidenced by US midterms, 2020, etc. . Likely fatal to assume future selection results?

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They want another election because they believe that most Albertans still support the Vaccines, Masks and Mandates.

While a slim margin are still lining up for boosters and an even slimmer margin are wearing masks.

They want to capitalize off of the hospital crowding that was literally caused by the same people who support this shit.

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Wouldn't Be The First Time They Had "DOMINION" Over Us!

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wow, that union boss seems like a real creep

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He's a total prick.

This is the guy who needs to have his friends force fed through union mandates and still can't gain support...think about him as a child...parents tying a pork-chop to a string on his neck so that the family dog would pay attention to him...and this is his level of succession from there.

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i've never been a union member on principle, but my BF is and so are many friends. i was stunned at how they behaved. the only function of a union is to protect the labor of it's members, of ALL it's members, not just the vaccinated ones or the democratic voting ones. they immediately caved and denied work to those who did not comply.

recently a close friend filed with the EEOC and the NLRB over how she had been denied work during the pandemic due to her non-vaccination status. the union head from the big city said "hey, that's illegal; she could sue us" and instructed them to hire her.

the lawyers at the EEOC told her they would go after, not only the union, but all the individual shows that played the theater and that she should get back pay.

i'm hopeful for her.

would still like to sue the Spoleto Arts Festival

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In BC we are suing our union under Section 12.....our lawyer has won many lawsuits against unions so we are hopeful......

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Good. Force them to do their job.

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I agree...they have been captured.....

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In A Way We Have Been Also Captured & Under The Captured Control!

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Good! Well Done! :)

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Almost 100% of the political and media, 99% of the medical professionals, 95% of the unions and 90% of the religions went along to get along even though they knew it was wrong.

Of the 5% of the unions who fought some had to be sued by their members to make them do their job. If you need to be sued to get you to do your job, you need to be fired and replaced with a union that has a spine and knows their job.

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Oh yes, I think it’s over for unions after how they behaved

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I Think His Career In Politics Will End Soon!

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Great post tonight. Loved the British Columbia connection. Our health care is on fire in BC and Jagmeet Singh runs to Alberta to start more fires.

I agree, if it wasn't so tragic I would be laughing.

I have to confess I am giggling.

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Further Evidence They Have Been Selected Not Elected Believing They Have "DOMINION" Over Us!

In More Ways Than The Machines!

Build The Gallows Or Get Some Of Those BO FEMA Bought Chanel Guillotines Because When All Is Said & Done We The People Will Need Them! After Tribunals Of Course!

Gil McGowan What A Disgrace! He Just Fucked His Union Leader Career!

He Went There To Provoke A Fight & He And His Boyfriend Were Sorely Disappointed But In The Process Destroyed Their Union's Reputation!

I Was Impressed With The Calm Of The Others Because Some Gordie Howe Elbows Were Getting Warmed Up.

Good Thing For Gil & His Boyfriend The Cops Were Handy!


Gagmeat Singh World Economic Forum Traitor To Canada!


Rach Nutley World Economic Forum Traitor To Canada!


Justine Turdeau Sinclair Castreau World Economic Forum Traitor To Canada!

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so... Sing says that he just spent time hearing from hospital workers... and that he’ll listen to them... when he’s Prime Minister...

do people not see they’re being boldly slapped in the face?

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He Doesn't Sing But He Can Hum A Few Bars, Ask Justin?

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I say we extradite Jagoff Singh to India where he is wanted on terrorism charges. I mean we extradite people to white countries all the time so this refusing India's legitimate extradition request is just racist. Are they saying that India can't provide a fair trial? Racist. Tsk.

And just to prove I'm not anti-brown here is a fellow I'd grant citizenship to in a heartbeat. Maybe we could work a trade for Singh? Yogi Adityanath, Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh got results and that matters. He and his administration kicked our ass and it wasn't at cricket. That I could understand. They're very good at that. It was at healthcare. With 230 million people packed in an area 1/3rd the size of Alberta they got great results. Why? The dude won't tolerate corruption. My kind of mofo!!!!


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Jagoff :)


Danielle Smith Accidentally Called Him Jugmeet. :) Jughead! Eraser Head :)

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I think the correct pronunciation is actually “Jug-meet”

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Jagmeet, you will never be my leader....... https://gettr.com/post/p20sl1p70c0

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Well that made me laugh. And it’s a whole lot better than crying!

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Here is what I am seeing.

On Twitter: Kirk Lubimov - commenting on Rachel and I quote ‘ Watch sNotley’s Clone Malfunction’.

On the Telegram app- ‘Agent A1 Group Chat- ‘ Entire Government of Canada going down’.

On The Telegram app- Sarah Connor Canadian Patriot ‘ The US Military ( White Hats) waiting for a go to go in. ( I believe they are coordinating with some of the members of our ‘good’ Canadian Military).

I also saved the attached link.


I also know that our Government was involved in the fraudulent US 2020 Election. Also JT tried to assassinate President Trump in June 2018.

( The above two paragraphs of information seen in the Telegram apps I stated above.

Also, I have seen that the entire Privy Council was arrested.

Check that information out.

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Don't ever trust "Help is on the way" messages. Do something yourself to resist. Anything. If it happens great but I'm not waiting. There are no "white hats". They can't even save their own country and they're going to help us? Most if not all of the "Help is on the way" is to get people to do nothing but wait. Don't fall for it.

A very simple thing that people can do is USE CASH. I can't emphasize enough how much that one matters. The whole vax passport was just one attempt to control your money and life. The digital ID will be next. We need to keep cash in use to prevent that.

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I was not implying that you or anyone else is stupid. It's just I've seen this for 2+ decades and it's always the same. If it happens it'd be great as we can use all the allies we can get, but don't count on it is all I'm saying. There are very practical and simple things people can do to "throw a spanner in the works".

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I understand. Merry Christmas.

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You too and a happy new year.

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When HE'S Prime Minister?


"When you elect a clown, expect a circus". Canada already did that a couple times, thanks.


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Dominion Did!

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Nice article.

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I have posted this public on facebook.

Today at 12pm EST Sen. Ron Johnson Roundtable will be LIVE & discussing the COVID-19 Vaccines


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