Quick drawing NDP’ers - Jagmeet Singh and Rachel Notley have some pretty Harsh Words for Premier Danielle Smith…and we can pretty much expect this to continue until the next election…when we SLAM the door on Notley again…but what you have to appreciate is the entirety of the situation that’s going on right now…and while I’m sure you already get it…I’m going to lay it out anyways.
Now…5 days ago, Rach - in a drunken stupor - Notley threatened to call her pal, Justin Trudeau over the Alberta Sovereignty Act…yeah, it’s got a longer name, but I can’t be bothered to print that out every time I write about it, so..since you get what I mean, I’m going to leave it as just this - Alberta Sovereignty Act - and am even going to shorten this to the ASA.
When Rach did this…it caused a huge shitstorm for the NDP in Alberta, everybody realizing that Rach was siding with Ottawa over Alberta and calling for her head to be served on a platter…and because of this, by way of frantic measures - Federal NDP Leader Jagmeet - look at my Rolex - Singh, flew in to Alberta to see if he could save Notley’s ass.
And what was Jag coming to talk about?
Healthcare in Alberta…Link
Now…what you must appreciate is that the Provincial NDP Party is a part of the Federal NDP Party and they were formed off of the backs of Union Employees…meaning that a Vote for Rachel, is a Vote for the same asshole who’s been propping up Trudeau on his wild spending, thuggish behavior surrounding COVID and the Jabs as well as calling out the ‘War Measures Act’ on Canadians, instead of having a conversation with the Trucker Convoy, over Vaccine Mandates where the Vaccine doses’t actually reduce the spread of COVID.
Yeah…it’s a lot to take in…but you already know where we’re at, so, I’m not going to take a lot of time talking about it.
With the Jagster coming to Alberta from BC, to talk about Healthcare, we’re left to assume that BC is in a much better place and that the Notley NDP Party of Alberta has a path of success that they can fall into, and save the province, right?
Why else would he bother?
But here’s the kicker…Link
While Jag was professing his love and undying support of the Union Employees at AHS…this was going on in his own province:
A hospital emergency code, typically reserved for natural disasters and mass causality events, was activated in BC.
Go ahead…read that again…
Now it states ‘briefly’, because, can you imagine how embarrassing this must have been for Jag to be chatting it up with the front-line staff in Alberta with all of the wonderful NDP ideas to save the province and our hospitals…while this was going on in his own?
From the story:
Emergency room wait times at BC Children's Hospital have been as high as 12 hours in recent weeks.
Based on this success…that this no-mind prick fueled up the NDP Jet and parachuted into Alberta…to save the children.
Do you see what I mean?
It’s actually fucking hilarious…but tragic all the same.
The other major bone to pick, with Premier Smith, by Rachel - punishing her liver and lighting her hair on fire - Notley, is the ASA (remember this from above).
So…on Sunday…Gil McGowan - who leads an organization of 170,000 Union Employees took to the streets, organizing a Massive Protest, against the ASA…
And this is what showed up:
Another embarrassing display of support, by a dude who leads 170,000 Union Members…and things go so bad for them, Gil with about a sum total of about 20 people, lost their collective shit and went completely off the fucking rails…verbally attacking actual ASA Supporters outside of the Alberta Legislature:

Now…if this doesn’t tell you how out-of-touch these motherfuckers are…I’m going to leave you with one last quote, from the Jag on Saturday…

Dude believes that he’s going to be the Prime Minister…I’m only guessing of Canada…but at this point, I can’t even really be sure.
They’re so far out of touch with reality he may believe that there’s an opportunity somewhere on this planet…maybe in the galaxy…where he’d be elected to run a lot more people than he can’t even control now.
Not sure if my tears are from laughing or crying anymore.
Is this seriously the best we can do on electing leaders in Canada?
Please share this tragic comedy with your NDP supporting family and friends…they’re entitled to know exactly how large of a mockery these people are making them.
Do it for your community.
We deserve better.
Speaking of BC, here is one serious tragedy
Let's see whether this will wake people up in my corner of the world:
"A community is in mourning after the sudden death of a little girl in Richmond, originally hospitalized for flu-like symptoms.
"(...)[T]he family took her to the hospital on Nov. 23. (...) [S]he ended up in the intensive care unit at BC Children’s Hospital in Vancouver, where she was diagnosed with myocarditis related to the flu.
"She then reportedly underwent two heart procedures and began to breathe on her own last Saturday, but then passed away after suffering what her father described as a “massive stroke.”
BC's government claims, in its web site, that "COVID-19 vaccines for children 6 months to 11 years old are safe and effective at preventing severe illness." Also, "B.C. encourages parents to register children under 5 for COVID-19 vaccine" (from July 14, 2022)
Bill c-36 effectively muzzles health care workers who dare to speak-up.
A real leader doesn't prop up another. Both Justin and Jagmeet are beta males. Not Alpha or Omega which this country is in desperate need of.
And the second-rate Canadian public health system is beyond vapid political promises. It's in dire need of a massive overhaul and reform. Our system is feeble and an embarrassment.