Who can afford a gaming console? My son would love one but it’s not in the cards for this year. We won’t be eating out. We are getting our tree before December 14. No alcohol will be purchased this year. I’m not excited about any of this. How about all of those crooks return our hard earned tax dollars.

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They are playing 3-Card Monte with an empty deck.

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Christmas trees, video games and pizza, …. for two months?

Trudeau must really hate Canadians.

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So I’m going to save basically nothing...because I don’t buy anything on that list. Thanks Justin.

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Same here!

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Their lies pushing unicorn fallacies continues :( #FJT #FJS

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Like everything else this lying liberal government does, it might look good initially but when the dust settles, there is nothing in it for most Canadians. This GST holiday is no different. Also, jug head that sings is strutting around like these two parties have just invented the wheel. 🖕🫵 JT and your bum buddy Singh. The most corrupt two people in Canadian history.

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The NDP is the same as the liberals…. Corporate/China puppets !!!! They have the same policies!

People need to stop supporting provincial NDP too! It’s ridiculous how people are not analyzing what is going on.

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I knew this the headline/subject was a trick. I knew it. Lol

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I would buy exactly ZERO things on that list. Slap in the face is an understatement. I hate these people soooooo fucking much 😒😖😡🤬

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Who leaves their Christmas shopping until December 14?

And who has money to spend after Christmas?

If he wanted to help he could have dropped the GST for two months before Christmas.

And the poor stores who all need to reprogram their POS systems to remove the GST for two months and then program it back in again. And keeping track in their books.

Well, maybe I’ll just give gift cards this year so family can take advantage of this after Christmas.

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A Trudeau has ruled "Canada"--democratically elected--for 25 of the past 56 years. Somehow Western "Canadians" have convinced themselves the Trudeaus are the problem.

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Correct. The entire lot sellout citizens and purchase nons on our dimes and outright sell our industries to nons vs making business. Laurentia is a shithole that looks nostalgic. Lipstick on a pig. The ENTIRE region and its uppity class of thieving polistitutes. REGARDLESS of their party colors

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This appears to me to be Election BAIT and SWITCH just the same as former BC premier Gordon Campbell did in 2009 when he declared "the HST is NOT on our radar" then 2 weeks later after being re-elected he announced the introduction of the HST.

However, what he didn't plan for is that the people of BC had at their disposal a mechanism of Direct Democracy in the form of the peoples Initiative and Recall act. 750,000 voters signed the petition to extinguish the HST the people won the referendum and the HST was repealed in BC, with the added bonus that Campbell resigned his office as a result. BC is the ONLY province in Canada to have this Direct Democracy mechanism.

What the majority of Canadians fail to know because it is a part of history that never gets mentioned in our school system. Is that Ottawa, was NEVER given authority to Direct Tax (Income tax GST) the citizens of the provinces. That was the Exclusive prerogative of the PROVINCIAL LEGISLATURES.

There are so many LIES Canadians have been forced to swallow since 1867 which if they took the time to research the facts, our lives would be so much more bountiful!

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Everything on that list except the kids istuff is luxury items.

Maybe we should do a buy as little as possible boycott.

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Ummm...I might buy some ice cream?

Is he just trolling us?

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