To start off with, they say it takes a big man to admit when he’s wrong…
I am merely average in most appreciable ways…so, this probably won’t really apply.
However, when I said that you’d be disappointed with the Liberals releasing a GST Holiday, clearly I was wrong.
You should be absolutely DISGUSTED!
Not Disappointed.
And I’ll tell you why…it’s an absolute slap in the face to ALL CANADIANS!
You see…it’s not a full-winter vacation, recognizing when actual Winter Is…it’s 2 months that starts on December 14th, 2024 and ends on February 15th, 2025…meaning, we’re shafted by over a whole month on this “GST VACATION”, to begin with.
But let’s add to this, it’s Not on All Items…it’s only on select purchases…
Like, if you wait to buy a Christmas Tree until December 14th, you’ll be able to save $5-$6 bucks…how many Canadians are going to do this?
I’d be willing to bet that there are more Canadians that go Treeless, if they don’t already own an artificial tree, than will be waiting until December 14th.
Add to this, the rest of the Holiday is only applied to:
How is this a savings for families that are struggling through Christmas this year?
And do you notice the 2 most important things, that ALL CANADIANS would actually appreciate a GST Break on, that are missing?
If you guessed GAS and Home Heating Fuels - you’d picked up immediately.
Because somehow, these assholes believe that you saving a few bucks on eating out or gaming consoles makes up for the fact that GST is still being applied to the Carbon Tax as well…as in, a tax that is taxed.
And how…you may ask…when Parliament is shut down to new business, were they able to pull off this new business?
Because their Coalition Partner, under Jagmeet Singh, allowed them to temporarily suspend the Filibuster that restrains Liberals from ANY NEW BUSINESS, in Parliament - which was shut down by Liberal Speaker of the House, due to the $400 Million Green Slush Fund that the Liberals Stole from Taxpayers…where they refuse to hand over the unredacted documents…
As in…the NDP is still supporting the crimes against Canadians, for a bullshit tax relief, instead of holding the Liberals accountable for their corruptions and crimes…when the hottest news item over the last 2 weeks is blatant FRAUD committed by Cocaine Randy Boissonnault…where he suffered less consequences for his crime than did:
Jody Wilson-Raybould - forced to step down and away from the party because of her investigation into the SNC Lavalin Scam;
Anthony Rota - who was punted as Speaker of the House, for his involvement in letting a Nazi stand in Parliament - even though documents revealed that the invitation for the Nazi was sent from the PMO;
Kevin Vyuong - removed from the party prior to the last election for an Ethics Violation, by the party plagued with Ethics Violations!
Meaning that this whole dog and pony show about New Business Being Suspended because of Liberal Corruption, is complete Bullshit…
But…with all of this being said.
Average I am.
I’m big enough to admit that I was wrong in you being disappointed in a Liberal Vote Buying Grift.
You should be disgusted!
Who can afford a gaming console? My son would love one but it’s not in the cards for this year. We won’t be eating out. We are getting our tree before December 14. No alcohol will be purchased this year. I’m not excited about any of this. How about all of those crooks return our hard earned tax dollars.
They are playing 3-Card Monte with an empty deck.