Some people think we are in the last five minutes of the game. This is halftime. We have a few months to get organized, get a plan, and prepare. There are about 5 million un vaccinated people in Canada. Enough to make a difference. Time to get connected, in person, and prepare for how you’ll deal with the winter flue season and rules they will implement.

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Way More Than 5 Million Unjabbed Never Believe Their Numbers!

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I hope this is true.

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A couple of sources for jabbed and unjabbed:

Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (Pierre Korrie is a part of this group of doctors)

Prevention & Treatment Protocols for COVID-19


Zelenko Protocols against Covid-19


I’m sure there a few others, but these are the resources that I have on hand)

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I agree with you. My question is how can we verify the true number of unvaccinated Canadians? I recently read that England greatly inflated the percentage of the population that were vaccinated. It seems there are way more unvaccinated people in England than we were led to believe. I wish we had the true numbers. Am wondering if other countries fudged the numbers. It's an obvious strategy if you want to boost the populace to comply. People believe the hype and go along with the mainstream.

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Interesting question-- how many have resisted or had enough? Here in the maritimes compliance was high, at least for the first 2 shots. Official figures are over 90%, which could be true, from casual observation, but I suspect that is quite a bit lower with the unboosted factored in. Injection remorse is a thing, and the new plot for shots forever might be enough to encourage them to speak up.

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I identify as unvaxxed. Does that count?

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Interesting indeed. I’ve had this sinking feeling for the last couple months that we’re headed into something pretty serious in the fall. Dr Geert van den Bossche has predicted that vaccinated are going to start experiencing much more serious cases and death from Covid due to ADE and depleted immune systems. I’ve mentioned to a few friends “travel now while you can”. Who knows what crazy pressure they’ll ramp up on the unjabbed as they try to find people to blame.

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Hospitalizations and deaths in Portugal are up....mainly vaccinated ...if I had to make a crude prediction....this is coming over here soon

Covid-19: What’s driving Portugal’s high caseload, toll despite impressive vaccination rates?


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What a timely post. I have been a busy beaver on other substacks today pretty much in the same headspace. I think we are in the phase of a die off and millions of people who are constantly getting sick because of these shots. I keep saying. Where are all the people? Every industry seems to be collapsing right now due to a shortage of people. I live in British Columbia, Canada and our health care system is in chaos. Our BC Ferries are barely able to keep up and as of today they reported over 500 employees called in sick. I believe the number of sick vaccinated hospital employees are faring no better. I actually read on Canadian mainstream news the other day that getting covid once a month may be the norm. At this point it's not inconceivable to image companies looking for unvaccinated people to hire or hire back because they may actually make it to work every day and keep the place, entity running.

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My unvaxxed pilot friend was recently re-hired by Air-Transat. They wanted him right away, but he simply stated: nope. I will enjoy this summer vacation. See you in September.

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Glad to hear Air Transat is hiring back unvaxxed people. I hate flying but always choose Air Transat. Best airline there is particularly if you get the more expensive seats which are reasonably priced.

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If a health "authority" can't even use the word "immunization" correctly in a sentence, why would anyone entrust them with managing their health care needs?

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And even if we did just want to follow right along with this...how did so many fail the, "You need to take the vaccination so that mine works", test?

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When I explain to people the 'vaccines' are non-sterilizing and don't halt transmission or prevent against infection whenever they invoke such a nonsensical claim, I get blank non-blinking Homer stares back at me.

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ya but the msm told them it will prevent them from being hospitalized... which is of course not at all true - it's the opposite...

But they'll hang onto that delusion for as long as possible

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Jul 19, 2022
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First time I've been asked that. Not sure how to respond. Familiar with The Simpsons? One of Homer's many iconic faces is his dumbfounded, confused and lost look.

For example,


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Jul 20, 2022
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I don't want this to get into a Simpsons thread but the best years were c. 92-96. Anything past '98 is crap for the most part.

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I wonder what is more important to them, forcing the clot shot on the unjabbed, or keeping the Jabbed majority on their side?

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I have said for a while now that they have moved on from the non-vaxxed and BUT don't want to lose the vaxxed...this narrative is to keep them scared...we are a lost cause and they know it...yes, policies will greatly affect us but their target market is them AND their children....they have a new group of customers since they have been getting younger and younger to vax....

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Because people themselves don't realize the misuse of it or knew the CDC redefined what vaccinated means in the fall of 2020.

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Health care job fair in Ventura County in Southern California last month, but no relaxation of state vaccination requirements as far as I know. Blue state governors can't / won't admit that the vaccine mandates were unscientific, idiotic and cruel. LA County is planning to reimplement a mask mandate at the end of July, even though local doctors say the hospitalizations are low (See https://twitter.com/kerpen/status/1548805156808151040). The mandates were never about public health. Instead they were meant to distract us / make us fight amongst ourselves instead of blaming our governments for creating this GOF virus. An old friend of mine actually said that she would rather not be treated at all, than to be treated by someone unvaccinated. A completely insane position. And she used to be a nurse. People have lost their ability to process information critically and also they have lost their humanity towards one another. I have found that I have much more in common with strangers on the internet and Canadian truckers, than with people I have known for a lifetime. And what do we or rather what do the vaccinated have to look forward to in the winter? I don't know, maybe ADE. I sure hope our arrogant experts aren't creating a Marek's disease situation.

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I hope not Marek’s! In that case, it pays to be vaccinated, as the emerging, more virulent strain, decimates the UNvaccinated population, as is the case with chickens. Let’s hope for ADE.

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Excellent catch and points.

Should this not be a challenge by the Justice Center Canada to remove the "immunized" from AHS postings.

Prove current employees are immunized or remove the wording.

This needs to happen for the sake of the Unvaccinated who will be subjected to Government misinformation while trying to work in a Misinformation environment caused by the Alberta Government.

This may very well be a foot in the door to make a Government (Provincial), for a start , concede failure of the Emergency Use Jabs

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Rehiring unvaccinated HCW? Get Colin Funress on the phone! He'll put a stop to this right now I tell ya!

Also. I expect the clowns in power to blame the unvaccinated if the concerns come to pass.

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Great point.... as a fired BC nurse I am also suspicious about what is going on. In BC the health authorities doubled down last week saying that cvd vac is part of their "immunization schedule " from now on even if the mandate ID dropped by Bonnie Henry.

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I thought I'd cracked a rib skiing a few weeks ago here in Queenstown NZ - so popped by the ED at the small local hospital.

I'd heard that 20% of the staff had walked now that fully vaxxed = boosted ... and they were having no more of the shots after seeing all the vax injured...

Walked up to the entrance - which is barricaded by a table --- the bleary eyed nurse who popped out looking like she was on the end of a very very very long shift said - minimum 5 hours - you don't look so bad -- get something from the pharmacy - if it's worse tomorrow you can try to come back or get a GP appointment somewhere.

Turned out it was ok and is coming good so didn't get past the Voltaren counter.

These med staff are being fed through the meat grinder + the ones remaining are boosted due to the mandates... so more of them are gonna go down as this progresses...

No doubt they'll be begging the unvaxxed to return and rescinding the mandates -- and they'll be worked to exhaustion.

If it was me I'd tell them to get f789ed --- the vast majority of people coming through the doors will be the same folks who insulted the unvaxxed and said if we didnt play along the hospitals would be overwhelmed...

To hell with them ... this will be the price they pay. Why wreck your health caring for those who stood in judgment of anyone who was unvaxxed. I give a pass to people who end up in there who were forced but that's just their misfortune.

You owe nobody nuthin.

Or tell them you will come in - but on double pay. Maybe they can strip a few billion out of the ad budget for the next booster to compensate the unvaxxed med staff!!!

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Insane is too good a worse for what’s going on. We need a word for the feeling we get when we see masked people walking down the street by themselves.

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Or worse, driving alone with a 6$%## mask on...

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I was thinking that as I typed my response

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Really? Wow.

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Yes, bc is insanely pro vaccination for nearly any jobs in the private sector and all in the public sector

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The looming labour shortage....

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I had to fight dirty to get the union (spit!) that represents my category to back off from making jabbing mandatory. Although there was a majority of workers that supported the plan, I think I was able to inject (ha!) some doubt on the stewards heads... that was back in September 2021.

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Start reaching out to the vaccinated in your social circles by offering help in the form of something along these lines:

"If you are concerned about the vaccine side effects you may want to check out the "I-Recover: Post Vaccination" protocol at flccc.net"

I also like to inform people that they have spike proteins throughout their body. Liver, spleen, lungs, kidney, brain, reproductive as shown by Pfizer's own bio-distribution study that Dr Bridle got out of Japan and the recently released documents obtained by phmpt.org

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I would not be going back if I was previously fired or otherwise. It's an encampment of shedding.

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I'd still sue their asses off but yea if I had other options I'd take them. Problem is most businesses will be shedding like crazy. I've taken no shots but I'm still working on the flccc.net "I-Recover: Post Vaccination" protocol because we've all been exposed. It's just a matter of degree.

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I take a bunch of supplements daily and have done since the start of this. I also wear a nicotine patch now just in case because nicotine blocks the receptor site...so I hear. I know people who won't see their family members who have had the jab, and perhaps they're rich enough to chose to spend time only with unvaxxed friends and family.

I'd sue their asses off too if that were possible.

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Just found this on GETTR...hope it helps..... some important insight on the decision..... 💥BREAKING NEWS: Just 7 days before a major Court Hearing with me, Alberta Health Services (AHS) suddenly rescinds its COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate as "Condition of Employment" 💥https://gettr.com/post/p1ivdvjac8c

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You are right. They are just getting started.

"Tracking The Unvaccinated: Canada's Branch Of WHO is Hiring for the Centre for Immunization Surveillance. Worlds puppet governments are gearing up for the next phase of the End Game":


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Thanks for the link to the original announcements. Talk about doublespeak. One paragraph about dropping the vaccine requirement followed by several paragraphs of self congratulatory self justification and mindless repetition of propaganda about how effective the vaccines have been. Basically “We’re dropping the mandates for AHS workers but that doesn't mean that we don’t believe the vaccines were very effective. And necessary. And saved lives.” Blah blah blah.

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I hope you're wrong Yak on the coming fall and winter months (but I know you're right). Either way, here's to rescinding the vaccination requirement to earn a living, live your life and get on with it.

Covid will not be eradicated just because corrupt WEF infiltrated government narratives imply it to be. This is their man-made opportunity to Reset the World. "Crickets"...

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yes - 100% correct

Getting ready for the Deluge of the VAIDSies

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