I don't think that this is the sign of good things to come.
AHS will no longer require COVID-19 immunization as condition of employment
We all want to believe this is the beginning of the end of the COVID bullshit and while I am typically an optimistic person, I still have this whole shooting match carrying on for a couple more years…but when a Provincial Health Care provider throws in the towel on Vaccine Mandates, what does it actually mean?
You can read the whole release from Alberta Health Services →Here
But even with this, you have to take it with a grain of salt and just from the Headline, “AHS will no longer require COVID-19 immunization as condition of employment”.
When the fuck did this happen?
Nobody was “Immunized” from COVID and even AHS changed their terminology on this to the ‘Newly Accepted’ Term, ‘Vaccinated’, somewhere between the End of April and May of 2021.
On April 28, 2021…they used to call the jabbers “Immunized”, implying immune to infection, however…by the end of May 2021…they’d already changed this to “Vaccinated”, meaning that they knew full well that there was no Immunity gained:
Somewhere between 1.2 Million additional doses and 3.8% additional people “Fully Vaccinated”, AHS realized this and instead of letting on that the “Vaccines” didn’t work…they doubled down and pushed this shit massively throughout the province with guild, shame, bribes and lotteries…and when that didn’t work - Passports!
Now…the passports were inevitable given the global situation…but this whole thing could have been put to bed long before this and we could have maybe oh…I don’t know…found something that FUCKING WORKED?
I’ve gone through and threaded out how batshit crazy this idea actually is, right now and the reasons that you may want to start worrying:

Because after all of the slogans, lockdowns and jab pushing…for some reason, AHS decided that they need more staff than they do popularity.
Which is scary…for a lot of reasons and ones that a lot of us are aware of. There is absolutely a Health Care Crisis going on right now in Canada…a lot of this is the product of the mandates and jabs…but whatever we may fear for in the fall…AHS is starting to RAMP UP NOW!
Think about that.
In summer months, where COVID has typically followed the Colder Months - like influenza - and after 28 months of pandemic…they are, for the very first time during this pandemic, RAMPING UP ON STAFF!
Hiring and rehiring people who have specifically not been vaccinated.
Now, I know that’s the pool of candidates that they can select from, but is there any other possible reason for this effort?
Read the above thread as to how crazy shit has been during this last couple years and what we’ve seen with vaccinations…and while I try steer very clear of tinfoil hatted talk…I’m going to ask you to seriously think about what we are facing in the fall…and then apply that to what we are seeing right now with the staffing.
And while we may not agree on everything, I think the one thing we will agree on is that this isn’t the beginning of the end. This is the beginning of a new beginning that could be a whole lot more frightening.
Some people think we are in the last five minutes of the game. This is halftime. We have a few months to get organized, get a plan, and prepare. There are about 5 million un vaccinated people in Canada. Enough to make a difference. Time to get connected, in person, and prepare for how you’ll deal with the winter flue season and rules they will implement.
Interesting indeed. I’ve had this sinking feeling for the last couple months that we’re headed into something pretty serious in the fall. Dr Geert van den Bossche has predicted that vaccinated are going to start experiencing much more serious cases and death from Covid due to ADE and depleted immune systems. I’ve mentioned to a few friends “travel now while you can”. Who knows what crazy pressure they’ll ramp up on the unjabbed as they try to find people to blame.