Heartbeat Episode #7 - Regina Watteel, PhD Stastics


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This is an episode you’re absolutely going to want to pop some popcorn and pour yourself a stiff beverage to watch - start to finish.

Regina is one of my favorite Canadians and not just because we could absolutely dork out on the Fraud that was committed on Canadians during the last 4 years, but we just seemingly get along amazingly well…and can and do, rap for hours at a time on the phone.

We’ve half inspired each other into another book each, just over conversations between yesterday and this episode of HeartBeat.

The post wrap up, where video wasn’t recording, literally went on as long as the episode - just how well we get along.

For this time, we did cover her book, Fisman’s Fraud but also go over the data provided by Health Canada - combined from all of the provinces, their omissions and lies about mortality, vaccine safety and the efficacy of the jabs.

Great time, with this one.

Find Regina Watteel:

Twitter/X - @ReginaWatteel

And of course, if you haven’t already picked up a copy of her book, it’s available on Amazon → Link

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