Well said , brother, but I’m pretty sure you meant “noted” , not “nutted” haha. That would be a whole different story, though I wouldn’t be at all surprised to find out that Health Canada was staffed by degenerates
What in the past 4 years would make you even question that they deliberately want us dead? These “Bills” are the real battle. Foreign collusion, rampant immigration, government scandals, etc are all distractions. They are closing the holes in the system that they believe led to so many who refused to go along last time. You know they’re ramping up for another scamdemic. Hospital mask mandates back in place just in time. It’s time to get your head around the fact that this is a premeditated push to depopulate us. The scamdemics, trying to start as many wars as possible, arrogant pilots flying circles in the air as they’re spraying us down, THIS push to control our diets. None of this is government incompetence, and all politicians are guilty. Throughout the scamdemic there were like 3 or 4 politicians who consistently bucked the system and spoke up. The rest either willingly went along, or were too cowardly to speak up. They were never “wrong”. They deliberately lied. Premeditated democide. I’m surprised you’re not here yet. I have been for awhile now, partially because of your information
Awesome Thanks Sheldon well said. Lets hope the indoctrained brains wake up, but quite frankly they will not wake up if they haven't already. It is sad and breaks my heart. A couple friends, just went to get their Covid and Flu Shots. I don't get it, there are none so blind than those who refuse to see. Whenever the government shoves anything down our throats, we have to know it is not good for us, otherwise they would not have to force it upon the people.
Have the CPC committed to repealing it if it comes law? The problem we face is there are so many bad laws that need repealing or at least reforming ASAP. If the CPC are the real deal, they're gonna have to decide which of the laws are the worst in order to repeal. Bill C-11 and 293 immediately spring to mind.
This is why I will continue to raise and process all of my own meats and grow my own foods. Fuxk the government and fuxk their silly little rules written on shit paper.
On the Government of Canada 🇨🇦 website, I found some information on Bill C-293. I found a very curious speech from one of the senators who implies that Canada does not have a clear emergency policy. The senators seem to think that this bill will benefit Canadians in the time of an emergency. The most unsettling aspects of the speech is that it quotes Noah Harari. In my strong opinion, the World Economic Forum has no place in Canadian policy.
Health Canada 🇨🇦 takes their orders from the United Nations and the World Health Organization. They are not for Canadians, plain and simple.
I agree. Many countries are under UN nonsense.
I meant Canada not only beats to the UN drum but FDA/CDC too.
But the overall point stands - they all seem to be swimming in the 'One Health' UN model.
The One Health model for un)healthcare) is very troubling. I am also finding the definition is vague.
Well said , brother, but I’m pretty sure you meant “noted” , not “nutted” haha. That would be a whole different story, though I wouldn’t be at all surprised to find out that Health Canada was staffed by degenerates
Nope. Nutted is on point.
Market talk...nutting a trade is buying at the best available price and selling at the highest peak.
Nutted= figured out
be aware the who are meeting november 4th onwards to try to finalise the pandemic treaty check out the most recent post oN the james roguski substack
What in the past 4 years would make you even question that they deliberately want us dead? These “Bills” are the real battle. Foreign collusion, rampant immigration, government scandals, etc are all distractions. They are closing the holes in the system that they believe led to so many who refused to go along last time. You know they’re ramping up for another scamdemic. Hospital mask mandates back in place just in time. It’s time to get your head around the fact that this is a premeditated push to depopulate us. The scamdemics, trying to start as many wars as possible, arrogant pilots flying circles in the air as they’re spraying us down, THIS push to control our diets. None of this is government incompetence, and all politicians are guilty. Throughout the scamdemic there were like 3 or 4 politicians who consistently bucked the system and spoke up. The rest either willingly went along, or were too cowardly to speak up. They were never “wrong”. They deliberately lied. Premeditated democide. I’m surprised you’re not here yet. I have been for awhile now, partially because of your information
"They shorted the country on Children’s Tylenol, during respiratory virus season, because what was available didn’t have instructions in French…"
Imagine letting the country suffer for Quebec. Insane.
The thing is C-293 was crafted before any real inquiry was conducted into the Covid response. Right there that tells you something's off.
The purpose of this Act is to prevent the risk of and prepare for future pandemics and
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
to promote transparency and accountability in relation to the Government of Canada’s efforts to do so.
Yeah ‘transparency’ :(
Government is your enemy.
James Roguski's latest article, w/video: https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/speak-up-now
check out the latest post on the james roguski substack
Bastards. Oh, I so much hope and pray that the PM BlackFace's regime falls this coming week.
Awesome Thanks Sheldon well said. Lets hope the indoctrained brains wake up, but quite frankly they will not wake up if they haven't already. It is sad and breaks my heart. A couple friends, just went to get their Covid and Flu Shots. I don't get it, there are none so blind than those who refuse to see. Whenever the government shoves anything down our throats, we have to know it is not good for us, otherwise they would not have to force it upon the people.
Have the CPC committed to repealing it if it comes law? The problem we face is there are so many bad laws that need repealing or at least reforming ASAP. If the CPC are the real deal, they're gonna have to decide which of the laws are the worst in order to repeal. Bill C-11 and 293 immediately spring to mind.
This is why I will continue to raise and process all of my own meats and grow my own foods. Fuxk the government and fuxk their silly little rules written on shit paper.
Whoop whoop
Yup....call for culling
Yuval Harari ... WEF
On the Government of Canada 🇨🇦 website, I found some information on Bill C-293. I found a very curious speech from one of the senators who implies that Canada does not have a clear emergency policy. The senators seem to think that this bill will benefit Canadians in the time of an emergency. The most unsettling aspects of the speech is that it quotes Noah Harari. In my strong opinion, the World Economic Forum has no place in Canadian policy.