I’m not going to say that the current Liberal Coalition Government of Canada wants you dead, but if they did, what would they be doing differently?
I dare you to try and respond…
These, the people who believe that men can become women by simply identifying as one, who loaded men’s bathrooms up with tampons and encourage men to compete in women’s sports…call Conservatives, ‘Anti-Science’.
Which is complete insanity…
But it’s not like any government has really nutted what Health should actually look like.
However, you have to remember that during the CONVID lockdowns…essential employees were considered those who worked in liquor stores, pot shops and fast-food chains…while they closed down gyms - despite all information around CONVID indicated that the super majority of risk from CONVID associated mortality was in those who’d suffered from Consumption Related Comorbidities…as they closed gyms.
And how’d that all work out?
It took people who were on the verge of type 2 diabetes and pushed them over the edge…obese into morbidly obese…
Took people with an otherwise healthy blood pressure and thrust them into hypertension - the number 1 associated Comorbidity associated with CONVID Associated Mortality, as reported by the Alberta Provincial CONVID Dashboard:
They told you that your immune system was a conspiracy theory while allowing body positive messages stating that being Fat is Fabulous!
They’ve banned nicotine pouches, but allow for Nicotine Gum, Nicotine containing Vapes and Cigarettes to still be allowed on the market.
They told you that health comes from being stabbed in the arm, with an experimental gene therapy, when CONVID wasn’t much of a particular threat to anybody who wasn’t already on fist-fulls of pharmaceuticals.
They had hospitals restrict patients, testing and treatments…
Doctors to only see patients by phone - teledoc…
They shorted the country on Children’s Tylenol, during respiratory virus season, because what was available didn’t have instructions in French…
They’ve increased the costs and regulations on dietary supplements…
All while still carrying on with and allowing the same uninformed opinions on dietary health to state the absolute inverse of what they actually are…as in:
Eggs are bad - They’re Not.
Salt is bad - It Isn’t.
Sugar is good - Absolutely Incorrect.
Margarine is Heart Healthy - Nope.
Butter is Bad - And, it’s Not.
Red Meat Causes Cancer - Does Not.
Fiber is Essential - Nuh Uh.
Seed Oils are good - Only for use as vehicular lubricants, not for consumption.
While they continue to recommend a diet is completely upside down…
Amino Acids - the make up of Animal Based Proteins - are essential to maintaining healthy weight, building muscle and for the storage of energy for your immune systems. Carnivore and Ketogenic Diets have been proven to prevent, treat and even reverse multiples of health conditions from epilepsy, to type 2 diabetes, reduced belly fat, depression, anxiety, arthritis, obesity, cardiovascular health, dietary deficiencies, metabolic syndrome, skin conditions, liver health, gout, eating disorders…
However…through Bill C-293, by some called the Vegan Bill…it would allow for governments to control animal markets and ranchers, under the guise of “reducing risk”…from the Bill:
Regulate or Phase out???
How’s bout No!
There is some widespread panic regarding this phasing out of meat and even governments regulating meat…for very good reason.
It’s pure insanity and potentially will wipe out not just ranchers, butchers and meat producers…but could potentially wipe out the human race as well, if not just turn us into fat slobs with metabolic syndrome and T2D.
Even the thought of vaccinating herds en masse, is a terrible idea…remember when the Calgary Zoo went ahead and started Vaccinating Zoo Animals...and then had to issue a statement that they don’t believe that the Vaccines were responsible for otherwise healthy zoo animals dying following their jabs…
Remember how, All of the Ferrets DIED!
Climate alarmism, which sought to cut meat production and scare the population into believing that cow farts are an existential threat, has been an abysmal failure…but now they’ve taken to dropping these decisions into the hands of the least credible people on science and nutritional health, in the history of the planet and forcing it through legislation.
How do we know this?
The same people who prescribe health through pills, need to give out a list of side-effects and adverse reactions for their concoctions - which are plenty.
What’s the worst side effect you’ve suffered from, Eating a Steak?
You got full?
You wanted MORE STEAK?
Yet, this is where we are…and make no mistake here…it’s not only the herds of animals that they’ll cull through enacting this bill…at the earliest signs of a pandemic.
It’s you too!
Health Canada 🇨🇦 takes their orders from the United Nations and the World Health Organization. They are not for Canadians, plain and simple.
Well said , brother, but I’m pretty sure you meant “noted” , not “nutted” haha. That would be a whole different story, though I wouldn’t be at all surprised to find out that Health Canada was staffed by degenerates