Jun 10Liked by Sheldon Yakiwchuk

See you the 15th & 17th!

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Re France. I'm old enough to remember Jean LePen. When I used to visit my cousins in France in the 90s there appeared to be widespread anger towards immigration as it was seen to be causing problems in France - remember this was 30 year ago. Same thing with visiting family in Italy. They would refer to migrants as 'vu cumpra?' (Wanna buy?). Again. Distrust. Granted depending who you spoke to. Obviously, the leftists and communists were fine with it.

Then, in 2018, I visited family this time in Northern Spain. Walking in Madrid with my daughter, we were walking behind a couple of black men (likely Africans) and from one of the outdoor cafe terraces two guys started hollering a word that basically is the equivalent of the N-word. Right out in the open. 'I'll take 'Shit that doesn't happen in North America for $600, Dead Alex.' Ironic really. We're supposed to be soooo racist.

My point is everyone thought and sometimes spoke like Le Pen but never elected him. It's taken a generation for people to sound the alarm and consider his daughter as an option. Now remember. She's a socialist. So it's not really a win for us libertarian-leaning folk.

Nonetheless, wonder if Bernier could ever make a go of it. The West tends to move in a civilizational direction.

That's the problem. We go from one extreme to the next.

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When you take a piss - it rains here - that's how far away from you I am. Re your pet project: Legal Precedent June 7, 2024 for U.S. Citizens to Deny Medical Treatment.

June 9, 2024: Health Freedom Defense Fund (HFDF) issued a press release regarding their recent win in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Judge R. Nelson and Judge Collins concurred that the LA County School District’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate violated individual human rights of employees because the COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ do not prevent against infection by providing immunity and therefore, are not ‘vaccines.’

Pfizer and the FDA have provided more incriminating evidence validating HFDF’s accurate claim that COVID-19 injections are not vaccines and in fact, cause SARS-CoV-2 infection in previously healthy children and adults.

Pfizer FDA Study Confirms: 75% of Boosted Children and 72% of Boosted Adults are COVID-19 Infected...

Pfizer FDA Study Confirms that 75% of Boosted Children are COVID-19 Infected

Healthy children were not at high risk for COVID-19 infection. This is more incriminating Pfizer data confirming that the COVID-19 mRNA injections cause infection and are NOT vaccines.

Karen Kingston

Now a forced medical treatment which BionTech/Pfizer said should have been licensed as a Gene Therapy Injection (2015) and which targets the Dentric Cells in the Lymph Nodes (2023) - but what for?

But here is a problem - future vaccines are now as per ”June 7, 2024: The 9th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals just ruled are "forced medical treatment" and the CDC’s claim that the vaccines are ‘safe and effective’, the court responded with the rhetorical question, “safe and effective for what?” which makes all "vaccines" illegal, by definition and purpose.

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As an add on to the above: Personally, I think that everyone who volunteered for the Covid vaccine signed up for their own Euthanasia program which they knew nothing about - under Trump and later Biden: ModRNA DNA Made in a laboratory and Patented by US Law 2013 (not "Natural mRNA DNA" which by US Law 2013 cannot be patented): ModRNA DNA Patented and injected humans are now genetically modified to produce "protein" toxins that their own body tries to destroy

Ever heard the term auto-immune disorder? If not, you will very soon, and quite often. It starts with even the healthiest people, who got brainwashed by the Pharma cartel into getting the toxic "forever" jab, where human cells are tricked into producing virus-mimicking "protein" prions, that are produced indefinitely (counter to medical narratives) and spread throughout the body. This signals the human immune system that every organ is under attack by foreign invaders, and the immune system is taxed, hyper-activated constantly, and the heart and CNS start breaking down too.

Just like GM corn and GM soy, the Covid-jab-injected human's DNA system is now a toxic protein creating factory, but instead of killing insects and worms, the human body is destroying itself. In other words, the "pest" is itself, and the immune system identifies it this way. Still wondering why the Covid-vaxxed masses keep dropping like flies, from unexplainable heart attacks, spontaneous abortions and stroke-inducing fibrous vascular clots?

These ModRNA DNA-injected humans are now walking bio-weapons factories, and their doctors are never allowed to discuss it. The medical industry has every employee parroting and regurgitating all the false-narratives (disinformation) about how the ModRNA DNA remains at the site of injection, and how it only produces spike proteins for a few months. Lies. Does the genetically modified corn and soy only produce worm-exterminating proteins for a few weeks? This deserves careful consideration.

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My Chinese Medicine Doctor’s practice is full of patients with new onset heart conditions, autoimmune disorders and cancers. Most are still naive to the cause.

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I read that the Cancers are ferocious, I can't remember the exact term though. I read elsewhere that if someone has Lyme Disease, the easiest way to get rid of it is to touch a live cattle restraining wire on a cattle fence, with both hands and the electricity forms a circuit through the body exterminating the Lyme disease in the blood and it is good for Cancer too and other blood borne diseases. I touched a live wire on a cattle fence about 25 years ago, unrelated, just wanted to see what it felt like, nothing serious a faint pulse through my hands which jerked my body away from the fence. My companion's husband caught Lyme Disease when they lived in England and he got rid of it by doing the above, successfully. I bought an electric fence mechanism (the thing which makes the shock) from eBay it cost me around $80 from China and I have it here. You might suggest to your Chinese Doctor he tried the shock treatment and see how it goes, nothing ventured, nothing gained if modern medicine fails

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You got that right Jack

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Save a few here, save a few there, it all adds up on balancing the swing of life, so when I die and go back where my spirit originated from, hopefully the good will be much better than the bad, of the things I did in this life, so I won't ever have to come back here, ever again.

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I will be there on the 17th.

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I have been sent to Texas for work for the month.

Let me know if there is anything I can do.

Besides dodge Russian rockets.

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"A candle that is used to light another, loses nothing."

I LOVE that idea.

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Hi Sheldon thanks for the info re CTF. I joined just now. I have another commitment for Saturday otherwise I'd be there in RD. Regards, K.

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None of these sad sacks in Europe want to be the leaders during a big war because they know their countries will pay the price. Putins not fooling around

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Your so busy Sheldon but heroes rarely take a day off

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Sheldon, may any one of your readers be looking for a ticket for Saturdays Veterans 4 Freedom? As I have one ticket available. At the special price of $55.00 as i scored it on the 2 for 1 code. Just dont want it to go to waste.

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Would love to go but it’s a far drive for me, I would have to stay in a hotel but your a kind person for offering it

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