Dump sites that censor valid content like a hot potato. I haven't been on facebook for years and manage to survive.

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Consider it a badge of honor, your big enough for them to take notice, you say enough truth to piss them off, haha, the more folks get banned , the more people seek them out to see what all the fuss is about

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They are trying to control the message. I have never been on FB, TickTock, Twitter, Instagram or X what ever it's called.

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it's amazing the things i've been censored for on facebook, sometimes for as much as a month. then recently, something i posted was "removed." i post so much stuff that i didn't even know what it was! they said i could appeal, but that amounts to clicking a button, which was denied. i need to start transferring all the posts i wrote about my late father, my videos and photographs so i can leave zuck forever

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Exactly! You are directly over the target Sheldon. That's why you're getting flak. But They reveal Their position :)

Good news out of NZ today 'Can-I-Mark-My-Own-Homework-Blakley' is being ousted and a more impartial vxx committee set up. This will break Jacinta.

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Let's hope to stay alive until November 5th for the US general election. And in my beloved Chinada, for the ousting of the incompetent Liberal-NDP coalition. Let's take a moment to pray God.

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It would be interesting to see what they have to say about the Flat Earthers' posts. For some it's clear mis (or dis) information, for others it's as plain as the nose on your face.

It would be fantastic to see a mass exodus from some of these platforms, even if only for a week or 2. Maybe they'd change their opinion on what to allow and disallow? Nah I doubt it, but it would be great to see

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They’re really ramping up the censorship train now that the election is coming up. I’ve had the same message come up literally seconds after sharing posts from substack. It’s not always what you’re posting, but where you’re posting from. Keep it real my friend.

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Maybe you are doing something right Sheldon . And I see your concern about the person who is representing his "people". Some interesting and scary people who want to control our every thought .

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