I admire your bulldog tenacity and exposing evil vaccinators of Canada. Way to go!!!

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I think you maybe thought your job here would be done at some point. I don't think so, not for foreseeable future. Criminality too overwhelming. Grateful for your analysis and insights.

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I really did think this exact thing.

I was hesitant about starting a substack thinking that it would be very short lived. A year later...and shit is getting crazier.

When the lid finally blows off of all of this...I'm going to need to quit my job to keep up.

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None of these grifters, much like mob dons, will surrender until they wake up with a horse's head in their bed. And then, MAYBE. More likely, they'd just eat the head for breakfast before running over some orphans.

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Between Duclos and this kind of thing, it’s well into criminal behaviour. Do we not have any lawyers with balls and and judiciary that haven’t been bought??

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They might have already cued up to have them chopped off.

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So the questions becomes why are they do bent on hiding data and pushing something they know doesn't work?

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And why have they been pushing so hard all along? That was a signal to me that something was wrong ......

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Ok Deanna, I've got some peer reviewed science for you:


Recently, The Lancet published a study on the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines and the waning of immunity with time. The study showed that immune function among vaccinated individuals 8 months after the administration of two doses of COVID-19 vaccine was lower than that among the unvaccinated individuals. According to European Medicines Agency recommendations, frequent COVID-19 booster shots could adversely affect the immune response and may not be feasible. "


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Anyone else notice that her BC counterpart, Bonnie Bullshit has also disappeared?

I think it's finally dawning on them that there's been a colossal screwup and they're the ones who are going to be in the line of fire when the public at large starts waking up.

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I noticed the same thing. Where is Bonnie? Oh. I forgot she's probably getting ready for her upcoming court case scheduled for April 2023, assuming it doesn't get delayed or canceled. Or maybe now that the shots are approved for babies she's feeling a bit guilty that it's gone this far and the blow back could be worse than before.

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I’m so glad she’s disappeared. Let her appear again when and only when she’s being held accountable.

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The depth and breadth of the fear mongering is staggering.

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An experimental gain of function “vaccine” for a gain of function virus

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Good lord you live among some serious bullshitters. There’s a ton in the US too. We might need a helluva a present Australian winter later this year to wake these idiots up. So much BS and so much damage - oddly no western leaders even care how the disease started…

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Chicken shit politicians, they are all the same. It’s like a fraternity or like George Carlin said, “it’s a club and you ain’t in it”

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That is the latest about the courtcase against this monster that enjoyed so much to tell you everyday how many cases and how many deaths. We will miss her, when she hangs in a noose!

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Don't tease me.... I can't wait.....Henry, too....right next door.....

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Yes, they are both in trouble. But justice is way too slow.


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THANK YOU so much for this link...I went there and wanted to sign up for newsletter but can't seem to find where...is that an option....

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That link was a repost from here https://tnc.news/2022/05/08/judges-rule-against-provincial-health-officers-in-b-c-and-alberta/

They do have a newsletter you can sign up for.

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Thank you...I am already signed up there..... :)

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What a catastrophy. And the "they" knew it would be. We are the "One's" to bring the "them" down.

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Does he cut his hair when IT is in a panic?

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I feel most sorry for those who believe that elections, laws and all the other chidish fairy tales where someone saves you.


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The NEVER ending pathetic cover ups. This shit show has to end, and with amazing people like you I have a glimmer of hope ..

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“…will provide access to peer reviewed publication that showcase the effectiveness of vaccines” is the epitome of cherry pickings! Isn’t this what we are accused of? How about providing access to a variety of peer reviewed publications which discuss vaccine effectiveness regardless of whether it showcases it or not…. A little something we like to call science.

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Here is a list of 1,000 plus peer reviewed studies on adverse reactions to share with everyone. https://community.covidvaccineinjuries.com/compilation-peer-reviewed-medical-papers-of-covid-vaccine-injuries/

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