Do you remember a couple of days ago when I said:
I hoped to be wrong…because I always hope to be wrong…because when I’m right, it’s never good.
As it turns out, I was proven right…again.
In the Alberta Update today, you have to search for information because Dr. Deena stopped posting her updates on Twitter, July 4th, 2022 and there are no available transcripts that I can find…
Instead, I tripped across an update from Jordan Sticker - Digital Producer, Calgary Herald - threaded out on Twitter with the CMOH’s update. At the very end of this update you will find this:
Where instead of Providing Data to showcase vaccine effectiveness…Alberta Health Services and Dr. Deena Hinshaw want you to look at “Peer Reviewed Publications”.
No…seriously…this is where we are at.
Now, this happens to come on the EXACT SAME DAY as the province is promoting a “2nd Booster” to everyone who is 18+.
Why would she do this, you may ask?
I’ll fucking tell you why!
Because the data doesn’t show effectiveness.
In removing the “Vaccine Outcomes” Tab…what they are actually doing is NOT SHOWING that
81% of those ‘Currently Hospitalized’ and
83.4% of those who DIED, were in the Vaccinated Community while only:
18.5% of the population is unvaccinated.
81.5% of the vaccinated make up 81% of the current hospitalizations and 83.4% of the Mortality.
Wait…it get’s worse.
You see…in the previous 2 weeks there was a minor reduction in Cases, Hospitalizations and ICU Admissions…
While also showing an increase in Percent Positivity - from 14.95%-18.31%.
If you believed that this means that all of these numbers were going to increase, you are 100% correct because from Last Week to This…that’s exactly what happened:
Now...the numbers don't look terribly alarming and I get that...but they don't fucking show how Vaccines are Effective nor do they demonstrate why you'd want to get a 4th Jab, if you are over the age of 18.
Because, here's what we are actually seeing across the country:
About 10x the amount of Cases as the previous 2 years when vaccines didn't exist and when about 53% of the population of the province was "Fully Jabbed".
With ZERO to 2 Jabs...we were doing a lot fucking better than we are now. With 3 and now coming into 4...shit is hitting the proverbial fan... And when I stated in my previous thread that AHS is hiring and hiring back unvaccinated staff because they're going to need it...
Like everything probably imagine this to be just another “Coincidence” caused by the #1 source of Coincidence over the last 18 months...
How much more of this shit are we going to tolerate from these people?
The more they try to hide this information, the more it is glaringly obvious that they are trying to hide it and even more glaringly, the reasons why.
Now…I’m sure you’ve tripped across other articles this week about how poor the performance around the vaccines are and a lot more about how much damage they are causing…but this?
From the Alberta Provincial Government and Provincial Health Care Provider?
It doesn’t even require speculation or questionable sources…this, my friends, is right from the Horses Mouth!
I admire your bulldog tenacity and exposing evil vaccinators of Canada. Way to go!!!
I think you maybe thought your job here would be done at some point. I don't think so, not for foreseeable future. Criminality too overwhelming. Grateful for your analysis and insights.