What do you mean by. "NEW AND APPROVED " vaccines?? Are peopke really that stupid to go back for more new and improved poison darts ??? Really???? A poison dart is a poison dart

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I'm currently reading, Covid 19 and the Global Preditors.

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be aware the pandemic treaty has NOT been stopped check outthe james roguski substack for the details

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This is terrifying!!!

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INDEED theres an online petition to stop it go to citizengo.org and scroll down till you find a petition..stop the who,s accelerated push toPP finalise the pandemic treaty..read it carefully to understand just how serious things really are..be sure to first sign it also rshare it widely with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can and be sure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same..but be warned its being heavily censored and suppressed by the usual suspects gestapo book/you tube/twitter theres also,the matter of widespread apathy concerning it..it curently has over 272000 sgnatures it urgently nEeds many more ASAP

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Who will see those petition and will it make one iota of difference?

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ALBERTA.....check this out......

BREAKING NEWS: My Twitter followers have surpassed Alberta Premier Danielle Smith - Truth always wins over "playing dirty politics"

"My fear is that Albertans have been betrayed, and in the worst way possible.

From where I stand, Albertans have been betrayed on every single front and when this is finally confirmed, the anger that Albertans will feel will be unlike anything we’ve seen before.

This is nothing like Jason Kenney 2.0. This situation is potentially far worse.

And Albertans are going to be furious."


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Has anyone heard anything about BILL 293, that is currently before the Canadian Senate? Apparently it is about PANDEMIC PREPAREDNESS with enough ambiguity to keep Canadians in a constant state of EMERGENCY and THE RULING CLASS in a constant state of dictatorship over OUR lives. Contact your Senators and JUST SAY NO!!!!!

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It's in the third reading? Very very scary bill!!!!

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