Thanks for clarifying...I am more worried about what they are hiding more than anything else....the corruption is what worries me......did I say how happy and grateful I am that you are back and fighting the good fight? Well, I am.....

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"and you’ve survived 28 months of this" - OMFG. Has it really been that long? I'm reminded of a line from a Devo song "How long can this go on?". LOL.

Thanks Sheldon and to borrow Lee Camp's line "Keep Fighting".


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Welcome back!!

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I may be thinking of someone else but: weren't you saying a week or three ago that you'd have to stop posting this stuff because of threats to you and/or your family? Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful that you're still bucking the evil system, but if I'm *not* confused, what changed in the threat assessment?

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The threat of, Not Doing Something, seems a lot greater.

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I USED to trust the government (although I always distrusted the current PM impersonator); this whole mess destroyed any trust, confidence, admiration, respect, ... I had for governments, administrations, upper management etc. Today, I see my home and this little plot of land where it lies as a Nation. We govern ourselves here.

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I just watched a video in regards to the CDC. They happened to do an upgrade and all of the sudden 50k deaths disappeared. AHS isn't the only one trying to hide the data. Yikes is right!

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The last 28 months have just confirmed my lifelong distrust of both the government and media..... but most of them are one HELL of a lot worse than I thought. I knew that there was corruption and that most of the press was slanted, but the extent is now mind blowing.......

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Good to see you back Sheldon!! 👊

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Yikes is right. Its more frightening than the last 28 mths. Don't trust the govt.!!! Their hiding a lot of info.

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Thanks Sheldon. I was listening to Dr. Peter McCullough's latest podcast yesterday, and he postulated (his theory) that adverse events may be occurring where the vaccine payload was "efficiently" delivered to the person's body. In other words, the vaxxed who are not experiencing AEs may have received "dud" vaccines, where the batch was defective. If the nano lipid envelop was crap for example, the body would destroy them and their contents before they could deliver. He started thinking this because folks suffering from AEs tend to have multiple symptoms so he is assuming their payload successfully invaded different areas of the body. If true, my God.

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Sheldon, what is your opinion on the pre-vaccine risk levels? In Saskatchewan only 98 people had died "with" COVID-19 before Vaccinations started (on Dec 15, 2020).

A couple other quick notes about Sask:

- Since the very beginning of their Severe Outcomes Reporting (May 2021), 46% of the people who died with COVID-19 were Vaccinated (by their definition).

- In June 2021, they reported that 9 Vaccinated died vs. 6 Unvaccinated.

- Highest Monthly death total was 153 in October 2021 (with 76% of the population fully vaccinated)

- 2nd Highest Monthly death total was 145 in February 2022 (with over 86% of the population fully vaccinated). This is also the month they relieved restrictions and ended their "dashboard reporting".

- Why did approximately 60,000 people only get 1 dose?

At this point (in my mind), their is only one conclusion. The majority of the "Unvaccinated" Severe Outcomes are actually Vaccinated<14 days. This is the only way their numbers can make sense; this also aligns with my personal experience. Additionally, do you know of any FOI requests that have been successful at accessing the raw data (the data used to create these reports) for any of the provinces in Canada?

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Stats are skewed right out of the gate. They count unvaxxed deaths from the beginning of 2020, and all through the time when the vax came out(it took several months before everyone who wanted it could get it). They also count anyone who died within 14 days of the vax as unvaxxed. It would have been easy to create a separate group for this, but they obviously knew that would look bad. Liars figure, and figures Lie.

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Here are Canadian. Stats.. 9 of 10 infections, hospitalizations and deaths are in the vaccinated. https://t.me/c/1757876263/4783

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As the dam keeps leaking more and more, and the truth gets out. What are they prepared to do to cover their tracks and save their arses?

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