While I realize my previous couple of posts seem alarming on increases in cases, hospitalizations and deaths from COVID following Vaccinations…and how the Province of Alberta - much like all others - would rather you pay attention to peer reviewed bullshit than to the actual data…
In 28 months of pandemic…risk levels for the majority of the population, “From COVID”, aren’t actually a lot different.
You see…
In the last week of Alberta Data - from July 11th to July 18th, 2022 - there were only 20 Deaths.
Those deaths happened to be in the 60+ Age group. 4 in the 60-69, 4 in the 70-79 and 12 in the 80+.
It’s not like droves of additional people are dying - from COVID…
But it’s also not like anybody is being saved from COVID either.
Now…if you weren’t vaxxed…you’re in no more risk than you were 28 months ago and you’ve survived 28 months of this.
If you have been vaxxed, with each subsequent jab your chances of getting COVID are now actually greater and the side effects with each poke actually increases.

So…as long as you’ve never trusted the government, you’re fine.
Maybe I am undecided on what this truly means…
Thanks for clarifying...I am more worried about what they are hiding more than anything else....the corruption is what worries me......did I say how happy and grateful I am that you are back and fighting the good fight? Well, I am.....
"and you’ve survived 28 months of this" - OMFG. Has it really been that long? I'm reminded of a line from a Devo song "How long can this go on?". LOL.
Thanks Sheldon and to borrow Lee Camp's line "Keep Fighting".