Truly don't like saying these words. But it's necessary.....parents need to be mote active and informed / self educated on what the " system" is / has/ and will be doing to your kids. Parents have the responsibility of being PARENTS .parents out their trust into the teacher without even learning about students teacher, they effect schooling yo be a day care while they work to support the family, but they are not being involved in what actually happens behind those closed,locked doors. They don't even try!! .I know I had kids in the system too, I also scrinitized what the teachers were going to teach my children.i can guarantee you. That the teachers were not allowed to teach my kids SEX,ANATOMY OR OTHERWISE. I had made them sign my paper work restricting my kids from such classes. It was library time.AND I SHOWED UP AT THE SCHOOL TO ENDSURE THAT THEY WERE EXEMPT. I THREATENRD LEGAL ACTION IF I CAUGHT ONE OF MY KIDS IN SAID CLASS.

I aldo had a principal FIRED for inappropriate touching of behinds as the students walked into school each morning.

Yes parents need to be more active when it comes to their kids attending school. Its not a paid day care. Its a school SYSTEM


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And, unbelievably, the BC NDP still won the seats in the large populated areas of Vancouver and Greater Victoria. Hopefully when the votes are all counted , John Rustad and the Conservstives will pull ahead and form the government. He specifically wants to end SOGI. Sad that my riding is so blind to the consequences of SOGI. The parents are still believing it's an anti bullying program. Good for Surrey for turning Conservaitive.

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This is my community, I teach many of these children. Not in the public system, God no, I wouldn’t go near that mess with a ten foot pole. I privately tutor Math, Chemistry and Physics. There are many lies and confusion surrounding this event, some due to the inescapable fact that kids are terrible at telling you what happened, but also because CTV made several false statements. I don’t claim to have a full and accurate accounting of all of the details but one obvious lie is that this event was limited to Grade 9. It wasn’t. Grades 7-9 were REQUIRED to attend. I know this because this is how I found out about the event from a grade 8 student. They didn’t have math that day because they were at an assembly with a guest speaker, some guy named Teo Ferguson. I’ll include a pic from his instagram account below. And Yes, students were being told they couldn’t leave. One student reports that when they requested to leave because they were uncomfortable, a teacher told them, “You have to get used to being uncomfortable.”

This isn’t over. This is a fairly conservative rural community, but it also has an active arts community, so the opinions on the appropriateness of a drag queen giving an LGBTQ presentation to a group of early teens as compulsory education runs the full gamut. The conversation/argument continues on the heavily censored, by said arts community, on the Musquodoboit Harbour Facebook page as well as on the Musquodoboit Harbour V2 uncensored Facebook page.

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King_cookiecunningham is Teo’s instagram if you want a better understanding of who was invited into the classroom to act as a representative of the LGBTQ community.

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I wonder how the teachers will feel about being unemployed when everyone pulls their children from the school system and they start homeschooling their children to keep them from being indoctrinated by this disgusting ideology.

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I'm a teacher in B.C. I've only had one parent in the last 3 years ask a question about SOGI. It seems like parents are uninformed or uninterested. Teachers have no say.

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Laurie. Thank-you for such a brutally honest observation. Perhaps most parents trust the school system ,somewhat in the way that my parents generation trusted all the so called professionals in their chosen fields such as doctors, religious representatives, lawyers, teachers etc. My parents were born in the 1920's and were baby boom parents. I find it shocking that parents are uninterested in their child's curriculum but am not surprised. Most of them are on a treadmill running just to keep up with the stress of raising a family in these very challenging times. When they drop their kids off at school in the morning they have approximately 6 hours of free time to earn a living and most likely need after school care.

At the end of their working day the next few hours seem to be devoted to extracurricular activities for their kids. Legions of well meaning parents spend hours driving back and forth for hockey, swimming, dance lessons,soccer practice; etc. Dinner has become an unwelcome and time consuming intrusion,hence the " Door Dash" revolution.

By the time the parents collapse in bed at the end of the day it's no wonder they seem oblivious about SOGI. It's a sad reflection on parenting in the so called progressive world we appear to live in today.

I'm 74 and am a mother to 2 daughters in their 50's and a grandmother of 4 grandchildren that range in age from 15 to 29. I wouldn't want to be parenting today, given the current climate of progressive policies we are currently being subjected to.

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When it gets posted pls watch day three of the Vancouver NCI hearings on "are our children safe " and hear parents' and teachers' testimonials from BC.

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Funny...........this came at an opportune time. Recently had a bit of a debate about rainbow crosswalks, where I informed my opponent that it's not JUST A CROSSWALK. The defence was more about defending the LG community. Absolutely no clue about what that has become. I will confirm my argument with this stack. Thank you. (not that I didn't have plenty of evidence, but this is CTV lol)

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Innate Capable. God forbid anyone defaces a rainbow crosswalk! It's a hate crime. If the hateful perpetrator is caught bail could be a contentious issue. Meanwhile the person next to the said individual in the holding jail cell, due to a violent physical attack or another robbery, will be out in no time.

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Welcome to my world! This is where I spend my time researching, enlightening and battling this evil being perpetrated against our children. So much data-based information but you won’t find it on local mainstream news (and too many people are still hypnotised by mainstream media). Check out a couple of resources:



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My best friend, ( whom has 6 children ) pulled her Youngest daughter out of school and is now home schooling her after this type of " bullying" happened at her school in Abbotsford BC. Last year the kids were calling her daughter the " pronouns" and the teacher even got on board. So my friend pulled her completely out of the schools.

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Take your children out of these schools that will fix it for your child!

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Last year in the school district in BC I work at they tried this garbage....told parents they shouldn't opt-out but when pressed they said that if they chose to they needed to provide the school district what the parents will teach in regards to the sex/health curriculum, instead!!!!!!! SO, moving forward a year later and many complaints, now the kids can opt-out no problem..... what a debacle......

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"These people work for us…are paid by us…and when they decide that they can just go ahead and do whatever the fuck they want"

All levels seem to be taking their cue from the feds who are doing exactly that! And there's no way to just stop paying taxes as a revolt, the penalties are enough to choke an elephant

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You're lucky to be in Alberta. But Timothy Caulfield won't be happy about this.

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Who was the social media influencer?

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